Wardana, Patriot Kusuma (2019) Evaluasi Kinerja Daerah Irigasi Berdasarkan Teknik Pemberian Air Di Daerah Irigasi Jatimlerek Kecamatan Plandaan Kabupaten Jombang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Air adalah unsur yang sangat vital dalam pertumbuhan tanaman. Sumberdaya yang sangat utama bagi tanaman adalah air karena hampir semua proses kimia, fisika, dan biologis tanaman tidak akan dapat berlangsung optimal tanpa tersedianya air yang cukup. Sistem Irigasi merupakan usaha penambahan kekurangan air tanah secara buatan, yaitu dengan menyalurkan air yang diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan tanaman ketanah yang diolah dan didistribusikan secara sistematis, pemberian air irigasi harus dilakukan dengan tepat agar seluruh tanaman mendapat air yang cukup. Masalah distribusi air yang sering terjadi pada daerah irigasi yaitu apabila debit air yang tersedia lebih kecil dari kebutuhan air lapangan terutama untuk musim kemarau. Sehingga efisiensi penggunaan air sangat diperlukan. Hasil produksi atau panen bukan saja dipengaruhi oleh banyaknya tingkat pemenuhan kebutuhan air, tetapi juga oleh teknik pemberian air. Daerah Irigasi Jatimlerek memiliki baku sawah seluas 1812 Ha dan meliputi 3 (Tiga) Kecamatan. Perhitungan teknik pemberian air irigasi mencakup penilaian kecukupan pemberian air irigasi, penilaian keseragaman pemberian air irigasi, serta penilaian efisiensi pemberian air irigasi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan penilaian kinerja berdasarkan teknik pemberian air yang mencakup kecukupan, keseragaman, dan efisiensi pemberian air irigasi. Segi kecukupan pemberian air didapatkan hasil perhitungan sebesar 72,2%. Segi keseragaman pemberian air didapatkan hasil perhitungan sebesar 59,51%. Segi efisiensi pemberian air didapatkan hasil sebesar 73,45%. Ketiganya dilakukan Perhitungan Kinerja Teknik Pemberian Air sebesar 68,38% yang berarti masuk dalam kategori CUKUP.
English Abstract
Water is a very vital element in plant growth. The very important resource for plants is water because almost all chemical, physical, and biological processes of plants will not be able to take place optimally without the availability of sufficient water. The Irrigation System is an attempt to artificially increase the shortage of ground water, namely by channeling the water needed for the growth of soil plants which are processed and distributed systematically. Provision of irrigation water must be done properly so that all plants get enough water. The problem of water distribution that often occurs in irrigation areas is if the available water discharge is smaller than the field water needs, especially for the dry season. So that the efficiency of water use is very necessary. The yield or harvest is not only influenced by the high level of fulfillment of water needs, but also by the water giving technique. The Jatimlerek Irrigation Area has 1812 ha of fields and covers 3 (Three) Subdistricts. The calculation of irrigation water delivery techniques includes the assessment of the adequacy of irrigation water provision, the assessment of uniformity in the provision of irrigation water, and the assessment of the efficiency of irrigation water supply. Based on the research that has been done, it is found that the performance assessment is based on the water giving technique which includes adequacy, uniformity, and efficiency in the provision of irrigation water. The aspect of adequacy of water supply is calculated by 72.2%. In terms of uniformity in the provision of water, the calculation results were 31.98%. The efficiency aspect of giving water is 73.45%. All three of them are calculated by the Technical Performance of Water Supply of 59.21% which means it is included in the DECENT category
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FTP/2019/343/052002417 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Daerah Irigasi Jatimlerek, sistem irigasi, teknik pemberian air, Jatimlerek Irrigation Area, irrigation system, water giving technique |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.5 Cultivation and harvesting > 631.58 Special methods of cultivation > 631.587 Irrigation / Sprinkler irrigation |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 13 Aug 2020 06:13 |
Last Modified: | 22 Oct 2021 00:34 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/181439 |
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