Formulasi Permen Cokelat Dengan Penambahan Bawang Hitam

Muzdhalifah, Eva (2019) Formulasi Permen Cokelat Dengan Penambahan Bawang Hitam. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Cokelatmerupakansalahsatuprodukolahankakao yang banyakdisukaiolehmasyarakat. Salah satuprodukolahancokelat yang umumdikalanganmasyarakatyaitupermencokelat.Dark chocolatemengandunglebihbanyakantioksidandaripadabahanpa ngan lain sehinggakandungantersebutberpotensidikombinasikandenganb ahan yang memilikimanfaatsama. Salah satu yang dapatmenjadipilihanadalahbawanghitam. Bawanghitammemilikiantioksidan yang lebihtinggidaripadabawangputihbiasa. Bawanghitam yang digunakanmemiliki IC50sebesar 79,35 ppm atautergolongkuat.Tujuanpadapenelitianiniadalahuntukmengeta huipengaruhpenambahanbawanghitamdalamterhadapsifatfisikd anorganoleptikpermencokelatdenganpenambahanbawanghitam sertamengatahuiaktivitasantioksidanpermencokelatdenganpena mbahanbawanghitamsebagaiisian. PenelitiandirancangdenganRancanganAcakKelompok 1 faktoryaitujumlahpenambahanbawanghitam. Jumlahpenambahanbawanghitamdibuatdalam 6 level perlakuanyaitu7,5%, 10%, 12,5%, 15%, 17,5%, 20% Bawanghitam yang digunakanadalahvarietaslokal. Dilakukanpengujianfisikdanorganoleptik. Ujifisikdilakukanpadatekstur (kekerasan) danwarnaproduk.Ujiorganoleptikdilakukanmenggunakanujiskorin gdan ranking kepada 5 panelisterlatih. Data ujiorganoleptikdiolahmenggunakanmetodeFriedmandandilanjutk andenganujiperbandinganbergandaapabilaterdapatbedanyata.P enentuanperlakuanterbaikmenggunakanmetode de Garmo. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwaperlakuanterbaikpada penambahanbawanghitamsebanyak 12,5% memilikikarakteristiktekstur 1,29 kg/cm2 danwarna L* 31,152, kadar air sebesar 1,950%, gulareduksisebesar 7,69%, aktivitasantioksidansebesar 64,59 ppm.Aktivitasantioksidanlebihrendahdibandingkanpadasaatbawangd anpermencokelatbelumdiolahmenjadiproduk. Olehkarenaituprodukpermencokelatdenganisianbawanghitamini sangatcocokuntukdikonsumsiolehsemua orang termasukpenderitagangguankesehatan.

English Abstract

Chocolate is one of the cocoa products that liked by everyone. One of the most popular chocolate processed products among the people is chocolate candy. Dark chocolate contains more antioxidants than other food ingredients so the content potentially to be combined with ingredients that have the same benefits. One that can be an option is black garlic. Black garlics have higher antioxidants than regular garlic. The black garlic has 79.35 ppm of IC50or relatively strong. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding black garlics to the physical and organoleptic properties of chocolate candy with black garlic filling and to know the antioxidant activity of chocolate candy with the addition of black garlic as a filling. The study used a Randomized Block Design method with 1 factor, the amount of black garlic addition. The amount of black garlic made in 6 levels, 7,5%, 10%, 12,5%, 15%, 17,5%, 20% of the black garlics used are local varieties. Physical and organoleptic testing is carried out. Physical tests are carried out on the texture (hardness) and color of the product. Organoleptic test was performed using a scoring and ranking test for 5 trained panelists. Organoleptic test data were processed using the Friedman method and continued with multiple comparison tests if there were significant differences. Determination of the best treatment using the de Garmo method. The results prove that the best factor is 12,5% addition of black garlics to chocolate candywith a texture of 1,29 kg / cm2 and color L * 31,152, a moisture content of 1,950%, sugar content 7,69%, antioxidant activity 64,59 ppm. Antioxidant activity of product lower than the materials. So the chocolate candy can be a good product to consume by everyone which include the unhealthy people too.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2019/306/052002267
Uncontrolled Keywords: aktivitasantioksidan, bawanghitam, dark chocolate, antioksidant activity, black garlics, dark chocolate
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 635 Garden crops (Horticulture) > 635.2 Edible tubers and bulbs > 635.25 Onions
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 06:40
Last Modified: 10 Mar 2022 03:23
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