Analisis Prioritas Strategi Bauran Pemasaran Minuman Sari Apel (Studi Kasus pada KSU Brosem, Kota Batu)

Situngkir, Stephanie Cynthia Kristi (2020) Analisis Prioritas Strategi Bauran Pemasaran Minuman Sari Apel (Studi Kasus pada KSU Brosem, Kota Batu). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Apel (Malus sylvestris Mill.) merupakan komoditas hortikultura yang berasal dari daerah Asia Tenggara dengan iklim subtropis. Daerah utama penghasil buah apel di Indonesia yaitu di Kota Batu, Jawa Timur. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, masyarakat mulai berinovasi terhadap buah apel, salah satunya dengan melalui olahan produk buah apel. Buah apel yang awalnya hanya dikonsumsi secara buah utuh, namun saat ini masyarakat bisa menikmati dengan bentuk yang berbeda, salah satunya produk sari apel. Salah satu perusahaan yang berhasil mengolah buah apel utuh menjadi minuman sari buah apel yang berada di Kota Batu adalah KSU Brosem dengan minuman sari buah apel merek “BroseM”. Pengembangan agroindustri sari buah apel BroseM ini sudah berjalan dari tahun 2004 hingga saat ini. Namun pada kenyataannya, KSU Brosem belum mampu menjalankan usahanya secara maksimal. Hal ini dikarenakan KSU Brosem dihadapkan dengan beberapa kendala seperti tingkat permintaan pasar yang selalu berfluktuasi mengikuti pergantian musim, cara promosi yang masih kurang efektif dan juga adanya ancaman dari munculnya agroindustri-agroindustri lainnya yang menimbulkan situasi pasar yang kompetitif. Seiring dengan persaingan yang semakin kompetitif, KSU Brosem harus memperhatikan konsep bauran pemasaran yang sesuai dengan keinginan konsumen sehingga konsumen bersedia membeli produk yang ditawarkan. Hal ini juga dapat membantu perusahaan dalam menetapkan strategi yang tepat dalam melakukan pemasaran sari apel BroseM. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk : 1) mengidentifikasi pelaksanaan strategi pemasaran yang telah dijalankan oleh KSU Brosem, dan 2) menganalisis dan merumuskan prioritas strategi bauran pemasaran yang tepat untuk dijalankan oleh KSU Brosem dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Teknik penentuan sampel menggunakan metode non probability sampling yaitu dengan teknik purposive, dimana responden yang dijadikan sampel adalah pihak yang benar-benar expert (ahli) yakni pihak-pihak yang menguasai, memahami dan mempengaruhi pengambilan kebijakan perusahaan terutama dalam penetapan strategi pemasaran yang dijalankan KSU Brosem. Responden tersebut terdiri dari 2 orang, yakni manajer utama dan manajer logistik KSU Brosem. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi : 1) metode analisis deskriptif untuk menentukan dan mengevaluasi kegiatan pemasaran produk sari apel BroseM yang selama ini diterapkan oleh perusahaan, dan 2) metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) yang digunakan untuk menentukan prioritas strategi bauran pemasaran KSU Brosem. Metode AHP akan diolah dengan menggunakan bantuan program komputer Microsoft Excel 2010. Kegiatan strategi bauran pemasaran yang telah dilakukan KSU Brosem sampai saat ini adalah menggunakan strategi bauran pemasaran (marketing mix)

English Abstract

Apple (Malus sylvestris Mill.) is horticultural commodities originating from the Southeast Asian region with a subtropical climate. The main area that produces apples in Indonesia is Batu City, East Java. Along with times, people have begun to innovate with apple, one of which is through processed apple products. Apples were initially only consumed as whole fruit, but now people can enjoy them in different forms, one of which is apple cinder products. One of the companies that succeeded in processing whole apples into apple cider drinks in Batu City is KSU Brosem with "BroseM" brand apple cider drinks. The development of the BroseM apple cider agro-industry has been running from 2004 to the present. But in reality, KSU Brosem has not been able to run its business to the fullest. This is because KSU Brosem is faced with several constraints such as the level of market demand that always fluctuates with the change of seasons, ways of promotion that are still less effective and also the threat of the emergence of other agro-industries that creates a competitive market situation. Along with increasingly competitive competition, KSU Brosem must pay attention to the concept of marketing mix that is in accordance with the wishes of consumers so that consumers are willing to buy the products offered. This can also help the company determine the right strategy for marketing BroseM cider. The objectives of this study were : 1) identifying the implementation of marketing strategies that have been run by KSU Brosem, 2) analyzing and formulating priorities of the right marketing mix strategy to be run by KSU Brosem using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The sampling technique using non probability sampling method was by purposive technique, where the respondent who made as sample is a party that is trully an expert, those who control, understand and influence the company’s policy making, especially in the determination of marketing strategies carried out by KSU Brosem. The respondent consisted of two people, the main manager and logistics manager of KSU Brosem. Data analysis methods used in this study include : 1) descriptive analysisis method to determine and evaluate marketing activities of BroseM apple cinder products that have been implemented by the company, and 2) Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method used to determine the priority of marketing mix strategy KSU Brosem. The AHP method will be processed by using the help of computer program Microsoft Excel 2010. The activity of marketing mix strategy that has been was KSU Brosem until now is using 4P marketing mix strategy, namely product, price, place and promotion. The product strategy applied by KSU Brosem includes quality, brand, packaging, design, labeling, complementary services, and guarantees. The product strategy became main marketing mix for KSU Brosem because the products iv produced are products that can be felt directly by consumers, so company is very focused on products. The price strategy applied by KSU Brosem consist of price list and price discounts. The unfluctuating price is excessive to apply KSU Brosem to facilitate the company in managing the financial business. The place strategy implemented by KSU Brosem includes location, marketing coverage, marketing channels, inventory and transportation. The place strategy applied by KSU Brosem itself with the aim of making it easier for consumers to get BroseM apple cinder. While the promotion strategy conducted by KSU Brosem includes sales promotion, personal sales, advertising and public relations. KSU Brosem conducts promotion activities in order to attract consumers to find out and buy BroseM apple cinder products. Based on the results of all factors in the formulation of marketing strategy BroseM apple cinder using AHP method, the results obtained that product strategy became first priority with a weight of 0.346, namely by making quality attributes as first priority in preparation of BroseM marketing strategy. Then followed by place strategy with a weight of 0.264, namely by making the market coverage attributes as first priority so that all consumers, especially those outside the island can also enjoy BroseM apple cinder products/ Furthermore, promotion strategy as third priority with a weight of 0.240, namely by making public relation attributes as first priority because with this attribute the company can relate to a number of interested parties and influence the running business so that it can build a good corporate image to a wide audience. And the price strategy as a last priority with a weight of 0.150 is by considering the discount attributes as first priority for the company to consider other types of product discounts that can be more attractive to consumers. The advice that can be given in this study were : 1) KSU Brosem should review the promotion strategy policy that has been implemented by the company with considering adding to use of social media as one form of BroseM promotion. This is done to keep abreast of technological development in an increasingly advanced era so that BroseM products can be widely known by the whole community, 2) KSU Brosem is expected to continue to pay attention to the quality of apple’s current BroseM cinder products with the aim that existing quality can be characteristic of KSU Brosem, and 3) on the place strategy, KSU Brosem is expected to make consideration to expand market share so that all consumers can enjoy BroseM apple cinder products.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2020/68/052003722
Uncontrolled Keywords: -
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 634 Orchards, fruits, forestry > 634.1 Pomaceous fruits > 634.11 Apples
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 06:46
Last Modified: 01 Oct 2024 01:54
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