Istianah, Siti (2019) Hubungan Ketepatan Pelaksanaan SPO (Standar Prosedur Operasional) Pemasangan Infus Terhadap Kejadian Phlebitis Pada Pasien Kemoterapi di Instalasi Pelayanan Utama RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Peran perawat dalam praktik pemberian kemoterapi yang aman dan efektif sangat penting untuk mencegah terjadinya phlebitis akibat komplikasi kemoterapi. Tingginya kejadian phlebitis kemungkinan disebabkan oleh ketidaktepatan perawat dalam melaksanakan SPO (Standar Prosedur Operasional). Tujuan penelitan untuk mengetahui hubungan ketepatan pelaksanaan SPO pemasangan infus terhadap kejadian phlebitis pada pasien kemoterapi di Instalasi Pelayanan Utama RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang. Penelitian prospektif cohort melibatkan seluruh pasien yang menjalani rawat inap melalui kamar terima indikasi pemasangan infus untuk kemoterapi berjumlah 56 responden ditentukan dengan purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan lembar observasi ketepatan pemasangan Visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP Score). Analisa data menggunakan uji korelasi pearson. Hasil penelitian didapatkan ketepatan pemasangan infus diperoleh titik tengah (median) 73,0. Hari kejadian phlebitis diperoleh rata-rata (mean) 2,61. Uji statistik pearson p = 0,352 atau p > 0,05 yang artinya tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara ketepatan petugas kesehatan dalam melakukan SPO pemasangan infus dengan kejadian phlebitis di Instalasi Pelayanan Utama RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang. Kesimpulan tidak ada hubungan antara ketepatan SPO pemasangan infus dengan kejadian phlebitis. Kejadian phlebitis dimungkinkan karena faktor lain seperti usia responden, seri kemoterapi, dan diagnosa medis. Saran: kejadian phlebitis dapat diturunkan dengan melakukan optimalisasi pemasangan infus secara tepat sesuai SPO (Standar Prosedur Operasional).
English Abstract
The role of nurses in the practice of providing safe and effective chemotherapy is very important to prevent the occurrence of phlebitis due to complications of chemotherapy. The high incidence of phlebitis is caused by the inaccuracy of nurses in implementing SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) correctly. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between the accuracy of infusion installation on the incidence of phlebitis in chemotherapy patients at Instalasi Pelayanan Utama Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang Hospital. Prospective cohort design. Respondents were all patients who hospitalized with indication placed for IV chemotherapy. Data was collected using an observation accuracy of infusion insertion and Visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP Score). Data analysis uses pearson correlation test. Results of study were median of infusion insertion accuracy 73,0. Day of phlebitis mean 2,61. Statistical pearson test results p = 0.352 or p> 0.05 which means there is no significant relationship between the accuracy of infusion insertion with phlebitis in Instalasi Pelayanan Utama Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang Hospital. Conclusion there is no relationship between the accuracy of SPO infusion installation with phlebitis. The occurrence of phlebitis is possible due to other factors such as respondent's age, chemotherapy series, and medical diagnosis. Suggestion: the incidence of phlebitis can be reduced by optimizing the installation of infusion appropriately according to the SPO (Standard Operating Procedure).
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FK/2019/560/052001398 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Ketepatan Pemasangan Infus, Kejadian Phlebitis, Kemoterapi-Accuracy of Infusion Installation, Phlebitis Occurrence, Chemotherapy |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 610 Medicine and health > 610.7 Education, research, nursing, services of allied health personnel > 610.73 Nursing and services of allied health personnel > 610.737 Services of allied health personnel |
Divisions: | Fakultas Kedokteran > Ilmu Keperawatan |
Depositing User: | soegeng sugeng |
Date Deposited: | 10 Aug 2020 07:08 |
Last Modified: | 22 Oct 2021 05:16 |
URI: | |
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