Keabsahan Perjanjian Kredit Antara Pihak Nasabah Dan Bank Melalui Agen Elektronik Artificial Intelligence Dengan Sistem Chatbot

Muhammad Hafidz S (2019) Keabsahan Perjanjian Kredit Antara Pihak Nasabah Dan Bank Melalui Agen Elektronik Artificial Intelligence Dengan Sistem Chatbot. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pada penelitian ini, Penulis mengangkat permasalahan mengenai Keabsahan Perjanjian Kredit Antara Pihak Nasabah dan Bank Melalui Agen Elektronik Artificial Intelligence dengan Sistem Chatbot. Pilihan tema tersebut dilatar belakangi karena semakin berkembangnya teknologi elektronik di Indonesia pada khususnya di bidang Perbankan. Teknologi elektronik di bidang Perbankan yang diterapkan yaitu chatbot, chatbot ini menjadi sarana dan juga sebagai perwakilan bank untuk melakukan perjanjian kredit dengan nasabahnya dan membuat banyak sudut pandang tentang keabsahan perjanjian kredit yang dilakukan melalui chatbot tersebut. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut muncul masalah keabsahan perjanjian kredit melalui chatbot. Maka penelitian ini dirumuskan masalah yaitu “Bagaimana Keabsahan Perjanjian Kredit Antara Pihak Nasabah dan Bank Melalui Agen Elektronik Artificial Intelligence dengan Sistem Chatbot ?” Penelitian hukum ini merupakan jenis penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan analitis, dan pendekatan perbandingan. Jenis bahan hukum yang digunakan terbagi menjadi tiga yaitu bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Bahan-bahan hukum yang diperoleh ditelusuri dengan cara studi kepustakaan dan mengakses internet. Kemudian bahan hukum tersebut dianalisa menggunakan teknik interprestasi gramtikal dan interprestasi sistematis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, Penulis menyimpulkn atas permasalahan yang ada bahwa Keabsahan perjanjian kredit antara pihak nasabah dan bank melalui agen elektronik Artificial Intelligence dengan sistem chatbot dapat dikatakan sah apabila sudah memenuhi syarat subjektif dan syarat objektif dari pasal 1320 KUHPer yang disini berupa dana pinjaman bank dan data pribadi nasabah yang terjamin. Begitu pula jika dalam perjanjian kredit antara pihak nasabah dan bank melalui agen elektronik Artificial Intelligence dengan sistem chatbot ini tidak memenuhi semua atau salah satu syarat sahnya perjanjian, maka keabsahan perjanjian kredit dapat dikatakan tidak sah.

English Abstract

In this study, the author discusses the issue of the Legality of the Credit Agreement between the Customer and the Bank through an Artificial Intelligence Electronic Agent with the Chatbot System. The choice of the theme is motivated because of the growing development of electronic technology in Indonesia in particular in the field of Banking. The electronic technology in banking that is applied namely chatbot, chatbot is a means and also as a bank representative to enter into credit agreements with customers and make many perspectives on the legality of credit agreements made through the chatbot. Based on this background, the issue of the validity of credit agreements through chatbot arises. Then this research formulated the problem namely "How is the Legality of the Credit Agreement Between the Customer and the Bank Through an Artificial Intelligence Electronic Agent with the Chatbot System?" To answer the formulation of the questions above, this normative juridical research uses the method according to the constitution, uses analytical, and accesses it. The types of law used are divided into three namely primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The legal materials obtained were traced through literature study and internet access. Then the legal material will be analyzed using gramtical interpretation techniques and systematic interpretation. Based on the results of the study, the author concludes that the validity of the credit agreement between the customer and the bank through an Artificial Intelligence electronic agent with the chatbot system can be said to be valid if it meets the subjective and objective conditions of article 1320 of the Criminal Code which is here in the form of bank loan funds and data guaranteed personal customers. Similarly, if the credit agreement between the customer and the bank through an Artificial Intelligence electronic agent with the chatbot system does not meet all or one of the conditions for the legality of the agreement, then the validity of the credit agreement can be said to be invalid.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FH/2019/470/052001129
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 332 Financial economics > 332.7 Credit
Divisions: Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Agus Wicaksono
Date Deposited: 11 Jul 2020 06:32
Last Modified: 08 Jun 2022 07:29
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