Keanekaragaman Jamur Serangga Pada Rizosfer Padi Berbasis Pht Dan Konvensional Di Kecamatan Sekaran Lamongan

Pertiwi, Elyka Putri (2019) Keanekaragaman Jamur Serangga Pada Rizosfer Padi Berbasis Pht Dan Konvensional Di Kecamatan Sekaran Lamongan. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Beras merupakan komoditas politik dan pada tahun 2020 diproyeksikan mengalami defisit. Kendala utama dalam produksi beras adalah serangan hama akibat dari ekosistem tidak stabil. Serangan hama lebih tinggi pada ekosistem konvensional daripada berbasis PHT. Desa Besur (PHT Biointenisf 1) dan Kendal (PHT Biointensif 2) di Kecamatan Sekaran Lamongan merupakan ekosistem padi berbasis PHT yang telah dikenal secara nasional. Desa Ngarum yang bersebelahan dengan Desa Besur dan Kendal belum bebrabasis PHT. Data stabilitas ekosistem padi berbasis PHT Desa Besur dan Kendal belum dilaporkan. Jamur serangga terdiri dari kelompok fungsional patogen, oprtunis dan koloniser sekunder. Namun saat ini penelitian hanya pada kelompok fungsional entomopatogen, padahal ketiganya dibutuhkan dalam pemahaman agroekosistem. Hipotesis dari penelitian ini adalah keanekaragaman jamur serangga pada rizosfer padi berbasis PHT lebih tinggi dari konvensional. Studi dilakukan dengan penelusuran budidaya kemudian dilanjutkan mengambil sampel tanah dari rizosfer padi untuk dianalisis keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan jamur. Isolasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pengenceran dan pencawanan ( dllution plate amd palting methods). Pengenceran berseri dilakukan mulai pengenceran 10-1 hingga 10-5 dan pencawanan dilakukan mulai tingkat pengenceran 10-1 hingga 10-5. Pencawanan dilakukan pada media sabauraud dextrose agar yeast (SDAY) yang telah diberi antibiotik (Clhoramphenicol). Keanekaragaman dilihat berdasarkan jumlah dan jenis jamur yang diisolasi pada setiap ekosistem. Identifikasi jamur dilakukan dengan pengamatan morfologi dan kunci identifikasi watanabe dan Barnet & Hunter. Pengelompokkan fungsional jamur yang didasarkan pada hasil penelitian Sun & Liu (2008). Kelompok fungsional jamur meliputi patogen serangga, oprtunis dan koloniser sekunder. Keanekaragaman jamur serangga pada rizosfer padi berbasis PHT Biointensif 1, berbasis PHT Biointensif 2 dan konvensional berbeda. Keanekaragaman pada rizosfer padi berbasis PHT Biointensif 1 (6 jenis ) berbasis PHT Biointensif 2 (5 jenis) lebih tinggi daripada rizosfer padi konvensional (3 jenis ). Jamur yang ditemukan pada ketiga ekosistem tergolong pada kelompok fungsional oportunis dan koloniser sekunder. Hal ini berarti keanekaragaman jamur serangga berdasarkan fungsi tergolong rendah.

English Abstract

Rice is a political cocmodities and is predicted to be in deficit by 2020. The main obstacle to rice production is pest infestation due to unstable ecosystems. Pest infestation is higher in conventional ecosystems than in IPM ones. Besur Village (Biointensive-IPM 1) and Kendal (Biointensive-IPM 2) in Sekaran Lamongan District have nationally recognized IPM rice ecosystems. Ngarum Village, adjacent to Besur and Kendal, IPM was not apllied in the area. Data on the stability of IPM rice ecosystems in the villages of Besur and Kendal have not been reported. Insect fungi consists of a functional group of pathogens, opportunists and secondary colonizers. However, at present, research is only conducted in the entomopathogenic functional group, although all three are needed to understand the agroecosystem. This study hypothesis is insect fungi in the IPM is higher than conventional. The study was conducted by tracing the cultivation then continued to collecting rice rhizosphere soil samples to analyze the diversity and abundance of fungi. Isolation is carried out by dilution and plating methods (dilution plate and plating methods). Serial dilutions are made from 10-1 to 10-5 dilutions, and rinsing is performed from 10-1 to 10-5 dilutions. Trapping was performed on Sabauraud Dextrose Agar Yeast (SDAY), with addition of antibiotics (Chloramphenicol). Observations were made by calculating the diversity and frequency after 7 days of inoculation (HSP).. Diversity were seen based on the number and types of fungi that are isolated in each ecosystem. Fungi identified by morphological observation and identification keys for watanabe and Barnet & Hunter. Functional grouping of fungi based on the results of Sun & Liu's research (2008).Fuctional group of fungi include pathogenic insects, opportunists and secondary colonyizers. The variety of insect fungi in the rice rhizosphere based on Biointensive - IPM 1, Biointensive-IPM 2 and conventional is different. The diversity of the rice rhizosphere Biointensive-IPM 1 (6 species) based on Biointensive-IPM 2 (5 species) were higher than that of the conventional rice rhizosphere (3 species). Fungi that are found in all three ecosystems belong to the opportunistic functional groups and secondary colonizers. This means that the variety of functions of insect fungi were relatively small

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2019/935/052000983
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.1 Cereals > 633.18 Rice
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 08:06
Last Modified: 28 Oct 2021 01:57
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