Perangkingan Marketplace Terfavorit Menggunakan Metode Hybrid Ahp Dan Fuzzy Topsis (Studi Kasus : Mahasiswa Jurusan Matematika Universitas Brawijaya, Malang)

Syah, Moch. Irvan (2019) Perangkingan Marketplace Terfavorit Menggunakan Metode Hybrid Ahp Dan Fuzzy Topsis (Studi Kasus : Mahasiswa Jurusan Matematika Universitas Brawijaya, Malang). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Revolusi teknologi berdampak luar biasa terhadap kehidupan manusia saat ini, salah satunya yaitu smartphone. Adanya fitur-fitur sosial media yang mudah diakses dan ditawarkan dalam sistem komunikasi smartphone sehingga semakin mempermudah dalam segala hal, salah satunya yaitu berbelanja online di marketplace. Terdapat banyak marketplace di Indonesia antara lain Lazada, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, dan lain-lain. Setiap marketplace menawarkan barang-barang yang digunakan dalam kehidupan seharihari, sehingga diperlukan sistem pendukung keputusan untuk perangkingan marketplace. Pada skripsi ini akan dilakukan perangkingan marketplace pada mahasiswa menggunakan metode Hybrid AHP dengan Fuzzy TOPSIS. Telah ditentukan 4 kriteria yang memengaruhi dalam perangkingan marketplace. Metode AHP digunakan untuk menghitung bobot kriteria, selanjutnya digunakan metode Fuzzy TOPSIS untuk perangkingan alternatif dan mendapatkan nilai preferensi marketplace. Hasil dari perangkingan marketplace, diperoleh marketplace bagi mahasiswa Jurusan Matematika Universitas Brawijaya, yaitu Bukalapak dengan nilai preferensi 0.513.

English Abstract

The technology revolution effects extraordinary to human life nowadays, one of the example is smartphone. Smartphone provides some social media features accessed and offered easily by the consumers so that the consumers make it easier to do everything. One of some features is online shop on marketplace. There are many marketplace in Indonesia. They are Lazada, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, and others. Each Marketplace offers goods used in everyday life so that it is needed a Decision Support System (DSS) to choose the ranking marketplace. In this research, it will be conducted the ranking marketplace election by college student using Hybrid AHP with fuzzy TOPSIS method. The writer has determined 4 criteria which affect in the ranking marketplace election. The AHP method is used to count the criteria weights then, continued by using fuzzy TOPSIS. Fuzzy TOPSIS is used to make the alternative ranking and obtain to the preference value at once the ranking marketplace. The result of the rangking marketplace election in Mathematics student of Universitas Brawijaya show that Bukalapak is the most with the preference value of 0.513.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/MIPA/2019/288/051910959
Uncontrolled Keywords: Marketplace, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, AHP, Fuzzy TOPSIS-Marketplace, Decision Support System, AHP, Fuzzy TOPSIS
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 511 General principles of mathematics > 511.3 Mathematical logic (Symbolic logic) > 511.31 Nonclassical logic > 511.313 Fuzzy logic
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Matematika
Depositing User: Agus Wicaksono
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 08:09
Last Modified: 10 Aug 2020 08:09
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