Penapisan Bakteri Indigenus Ub Forest Agai Bakteri Kitinolitik Penghambat Patogen Cercosporasp.Pada Daun Cabai

Fitriana, Cindy Diah Ayu (2019) Penapisan Bakteri Indigenus Ub Forest Agai Bakteri Kitinolitik Penghambat Patogen Cercosporasp.Pada Daun Cabai. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Cabairawitsebagaikomoditashortikulturamenyumbangterjadinyainflasisebe sar 0,12 %. Salah satufaktorpembataspadaproduksicabairawityaituseranganjamurCercospora sp. yang menyebabkanpenyakitbercakdauncabaidanmenyebabkankehilanganhasilsebesar 50%. Pengendalianpenyakitbercakdaunmenggunakanfungisidakimiamemilikidampakne gatifbagilingkungandankesehatanmanusia. Penerapanstrategi PHT melaluipenggunaanbakterikitinolitikuntukmengendalikanjamurpatogenberpotensi untukdikembangkan. Bakteri kitinolitik ialah bakteri penghasil enzim kitinase yang dapat melisis dinding sel jamur patogen. Isolatbakterikitinolitikdapatdiperolehdariberbagaiekosistem yang menyediakansumberkitin yang melimpah, salahsatunya UB Forest. Penelitianbertujuanuntukmengetahuipotensibakterikitinolitik di UB ForestdankemampuanyadalammenghambatpertumbuhanjamurCercospora sp. sertamelakukanidentifikasisecaramolekulerdengan gen 16S rRNA. PenelitiandilaksanakanpadabulanOktober 2018-Juni 2019 di LaboratoriumPenyakitTumbuhanjurusanhamadanPenyakitTumbuhanFakultasPert anianUniversitasBrawijaya. Tahapanpenelitianmeliputi: ujipatogenesitasjamurCercospora sp. padadauncabai, penapisanbakterikitinolitik UB Forest, seleksibakterikitinolitik yang bersifatantagonis, ujiin vitrokemampuanekstrakkasarkitinase, pengamatanabnormalitashifaCercospora sp. danidentifikasimolekulerdengan gen 16S rRNA. Hasilpenelitiandari 78 isolatbakteriindigenus UB Foresttelahditemukan 76 bakterikitinolitikdan 39 diantaranyamemilikiaktivitaskitinase yang tinggidengannilaiindekskitinolitik (IK) 2-3,3. Hasilseleksiantagonisbakterikitinolitiktelahditemukan 44 bakteri yang memilikikemampuanantagonismeterhadapCercosporasp. Lima bakterikitinolitikunggulyaitu UB5, UB10, UB12, UB14 dan UB24 dengankemampuanmenghambat 90% dipilihuntukmengetahuikemampuanekstrakkasarkitinasenyadalammenghambatCe rcospora sp. Hasilpengujianmenunjukanbahwakelimaekstrakkitinasebakterikitinolitik UB5, UB10, UB12, UB14 dan UB24 mampumenghambatpatogenCercospora sp. dibandingkanperlakuankontrol. Efektivitaspenghambatantertinggiyaitupadaperlakuanekstrakkasarkitinase UB12 isebesar 61,54%. Selainitu, 5 ekstrakkasarkitinasebakterimenyebabkanhifaCercospora sp. mengalamiabnormalitas. Hasilidentifikasisecaramolekuler gen 16S rRNApadabakterikitinolitik UB12 menunjukanhomologi 100% denganBacillus cereus.

English Abstract

Cayenne pepper as a horticultural commodity contributes to 0.12% inflation. One limiting factor of cayenne pepper production is the fungus attack Cercospora sp. which chili leaf spot disease and causes yield loss until 50%. Control of leaf spot diseases using chemical fungicides hurts the environment and human health. The application of IPM strategies through the use of chitinolytic bacteria to control pathogenic fungi has the potential to be developed. Chitinolytic bacteria are chitinase-producing bacteria that can lyse fungal pathogenic cell walls. Chitinolytic bacterial isolates can be obtained from various ecosystems that provide an abundant source of chitin, one of which is UB Forest. The study aims to determine the potential of chitinolytic bacteria in UB Forest and their ability to inhibit the growth of the fungus Cercosporasp. and molecular identification with the 16S rRNA gene. The research was conducted in October 2018-June 2019 in the Plant Disease Laboratory majoring in pests and Plant Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, UniversitasBrawijaya. Stages of research include: the pathogenicity test of Cercosporasp. on chili leaves, Screening of UB Forest chitinolytic bacteria, selection of antagonistic chitinolytic bacteria, in vitro test the ability of chitinase crude extract, observation abnormality hypha of Cercosporasp. and molecular identification with the 16S rRNA gene. The results of 78 indigenous bacterial isolates from UB Forest have been found 76 chitinolytic bacteria and 39 of them have high chitinase activity with chitinolytic index values (IK) 2-3.3. The result of chitinolytic bacterial antagonist selection has been found 44 bacteria that have the ability of antagonism to Cercospora sp. Five superior chitinolytic bacteria namely UB5, UB10, UB12, UB14, and UB24 with the ability to inhibit 90% were chosen to determine the ability of chitinase crude extracts to inhibit Cercospora sp. The test results showed that the five chitinolytic bacteria chitinase extracts UB5, UB10, UB12, UB14, and UB24 were able to inhibit the pathogen Cercospora sp. be compared control treatment. The highest inhibitory effectiveness in the treatment of crude extract chitinaseUB12 was 61.54%. Besides, 5 crude bacterial chitinase extracts caused abnormalitieshyphae of Cercospora sp. The molecular identification results of 16S rRNA gene in UB12 chitinolytic bacteria showed 100% homology with Bacillus cereus.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2019/897/052000908
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.8 Other crops grown for industrial processing > 633.84 Hot spices
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 07:53
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2021 06:48
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