Suryaatmaja, Bagas Heri (2019) Aplikasi Pupuk Urea Dan Pupuk Kandang Ayam Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung Manis(Zea Mays Saccharata Strurt.L). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Tanaman jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.L) merupakan salah satu komoditas sayuran yang memiliki peranan penting dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat. Jagung manis dapat dikonsumsi segar dalam bentuk jagung rebus atau jagung bakar, selain itu jagung manis sering menjadi bahan baku berbagai masakan dan produk olahan, misalnya kue, roti, sayur sop dan sayur asam. Jagung manis juga memiliki kadar gula yang lebih tinggi yaitu 8-15% dibandingkan dengan jagung biasa yang kadar gulanya 1-3% (Surtinah, 2008). Produktivitas jagung manis di Indonesia masih tergolong rendah yaitu sebesar 8,31 ton/ha sedangkan potensi hasil jagung manis di indonesia dapat mencapai 14-18 ton/ha (Muhsanti et al., 2006). Hasil tanaman jagung manis di dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan unsur hara yang harus terpenuhi dengan baik, terutama unsur N. Berger (1962) menyatakan bahwa produksi jagung manis sering dibatasi oleh difisiensi unsur nitrogen dari pada unsur lainnya. Pupuk N merupakan kunci utama dalam usaha meningkatkan produksi tanaman jagung manis. Namun pemupukan dengan penggunaan bahan anorganik secara terus menerus akan berdampak buruk bagi mikroorganisme tanah, sehingga menyebabkan ketersediaan unsur hara dalam tanah menurun. Maka perlu penggunaan pupuk kandang ayam untuk mencegah hal tersebut. Berdsarakan hasil penelitian (Widowati et al., 2005) menyatakan bahwa pemberian pupuk kandang ayam selalu memberikan respon tanaman yang terbaik pada musim pertama. Hal ini terjadi karena pupuk kandang ayam lebih cepat terdekomposisi. Menurut Maryam et al., (1998) Pupuk organik dapat meningkatkan efektifitas pemupukan N, dimana unsur N yang lepas dari pupuk diikat oleh bahan organik, sehingga tidak mudah tercuci tetapi mudah tersedia bagi tanaman. Percobaan dilaksanakan Desa Tawangargo, Kecamatan Karang Ploso, Kabupaten Malang, Provinsi Jawa Timur mulai bulan april hingga juli 2019. Alat yang digunakan adalah cangkul, sabit, kamera, penggaris, gunting, timbangan analitik, jangka sorong, hand refraktrometer, gunting, bolpoin, pensil, dan kertas hvs. Bahan yang akan digunakan adalah Pupuk kandang kotoran ayam, pupuk urea, KCL, SP 36, insektisida dan benih jagung manis varietas Talenta. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang disusun secara faktorial, yang terdiri dari dua faktor. Terdapat 12 perlakuan yang diulang sebanyak 3 kali, sehingga diperoleh 36 petak percobaan. Perlakuan-perlakuan tersebut terdiri dari : Faktor I yaitu dosis pupuk kandang ayam (P) terdiri dari 3 dosis, P1 : pupuk kandang ayam 5 ton/ha, P2 : pupuk kandang ayam 10 ton/ha dan P3 : pupuk kandang ayam 15 ton/ha Faktor II yaitu pupuk urea (N) terdiri dari 4 dosis: N0 : tanpa pupukurea, N1 : pupuk urea 125 kg /ha, N2 : pupuk urea 250 kg/ha dan N3 : pupuk urea 375 kg/ha. Pelaksanaan penelitian terdiri dari persiapan media tanam, Pengambilan Sampel Tanah, Penanaman, Pemupukan, Pemeliharaan ,Panen. Parameter pengamatan pertumbuhan menggunakan cara non destruktif. Tinggi tanaman (cm), Jumlah daun (helai), Luas daun tanaman (cm2). Pengamatan panen terdiri dari (diameter tongkol tanpa kelobot (cm), panjang tongkol tanpa kelobot (cm), bobot segar tongkol berkelobot (g), bobot segar tongkol tanpa kelobot (g), hasil panen jagung manis (t/ha), dan kadar gula (brix). Pengamatan komponen penunjang (analisis tanah dan bahan organik). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam (uji F) dengan taraf nyata 5 %, selanjutnya untuk mengetahui perbedaan diantara perlakuan dilakukan uji lanjut dengan menggunakan uji BNT pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan pupuk kandang ayam dan pupuk urea tidak terdapat interaksi pada pertumbuhan tanaman jagung manis. Perlakuan pupuk kandang ayam dan urea berpengaruh nyata pada parameter tinggi tanamana dan luas daun, namun tidak berpengaruh nyata pada parameter jumlah daun, Perlakuan pupuk kandang ayam 10 ton/ha dan pupuk urea 250 kg/ha memberikan hasil lebih tinggi pada parameter pertumbuhan tanaman dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya. Pada parameter hasil panen terjadi interaksi antara kedua perlakuan, hasil tertinggi terdapat pada kombinasi perlakuan pupuk kandang ayam 15 ton/ha dengan pupuk urea 375 kg/ha di umur 75 dan mengalami peningkatan di umur 85 hst pada parameter bobot segar tongkol tanpa kelobot dan hasil panen total jagung manis. Pada kadar gula jagung manis, perlakuan pupuk kandang ayam berpengaruh nyata pada umur panen 75 hst dan pupuk urea tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata pada kadar gula jagung 75 hst, sedangkan pada umur panen 85 hst perlakuan pupuk kandang ayam dan urea tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata. Hasil terbaik pada kadar gula jagung manis terdapat pada umur panen 75 hst dibandingkan dengan umur panen 85 hst.
English Abstract
Sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.L) Is a vegetable commodity that has an important role in meeting the needs of the community. Sweet corn can be consumed fresh in the form of boiled corn or roasted corn, besides sweet corn is often the raw material for various dishes and processed products, for example cakes, breads, vegetable soups and sour vegetables. Sweet corn also has a higher sugar content that is 8-15% compared to ordinary corn which has 1-3% sugar content (Surtinah, 2008). The productivity of sweet corn in Indonesia is still relatively low at 8.31 tons ha-1 while the potential yield of sweet corn in Indonesia can reach 14- 18 tons ha-1 (Muhsanti et al., 2006). The yield of sweet corn plant is influenced by the availability of nutrients that must be fulfilled properly, especially the element N. Berger (1962) states that the production of sweet corn is often limited by the nitrogen deficiency of other elements. Fertilizer N is the main key in efforts to increase production of sweet corn plants. However, fertilization with the use of inorganic materials continuously will have a negative impact on soil microorganisms, causing nutrient availability in the soil to decrease. Then it is necessary to use chicken manure to prevent this. Based on the results of the study (Widowati et al., 2005) states that the provision of chicken manure always provides the best plant response in the first season. This happens because chicken manure decomposes more quickly. According to Maryam et al., (1998) Organic fertilizers can increase the effectiveness of N fertilizer, where the element N released from fertilizer is bound by organic matter, so it is not easily washed but is easily available to plants. The experiment was carried out in Tawangargo Village, Karang Ploso District, Malang Regency, East Java Province from April to July 2019. Tools used were hoes, sickles, cameras, rulers, scissors, analytical scales, calipers, calipers, hand refraktrometers, scissors, ballpoints, pencils, and HVS paper. The materials to be used are manure chicken manure, urea fertilizer, KCL, SP 36, insecticide and sweet corn seed varieties of Talenta. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) factorially composed, consisting of two factors. There were 12 treatments that were repeated 3 times, so that 36 trial plots were obtained. The treatments consisted of: Factor I namely the dose of chicken manure (P) consisting of 3 doses, P1: chicken manure 5 tons / ha, P2: chicken manure 10 tons / ha and P3: chicken manure 15 tons / ha Factor II, namely urea fertilizer (N) consists of 4 doses: N0: without urea fertilizer, N1: urea fertilizer 125 kg / ha, N2: urea fertilizer 250 kg / ha and N3: urea fertilizer 375 kg / ha. The study consisted of the preparation of planting media, Soil Sampling, Planting, Fertilizing, Maintenance, Harvesting. Observation parameters of growth using non-destructive methods. Plant height (cm), number of leaves (strands), leaf area (cm2). Observation of harvest consisted of (diameter of ear cobs without kelobot (cm), length of cobs without kelobot (cm), fresh weight of cobs of corn (g), fresh weight of cobs without kelobot (g), yield of sweet corn (t ha- 1), and sugar content (brix) Observation of supporting components (analysis of soiland organic matter) Data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (F test) with a significance level of 5%, then to determine the difference between treatments carried out further tests using the LSD test at level 5 %. The results showed that there was no interaction between chicken manure and urea fertilizer on the growth of sweet corn plants. The treatment of chicken manure and urea has a significant effect on plant height and leaf area parameters, but it has no significant effect on the number of leaves parameters, the treatment of chicken manure 10 tons / ha and urea fertilizer 250 kg / ha gives higher yields on the parameters of plant growth compared to treatment the other. In the yield parameters there was an interaction between the two treatments, the highest yield was found in the combination of chicken manure treatment 15 tons / ha with urea fertilizer 375 kg / ha at the age of 75 and increased at the age of 85 hst in the fresh weight parameters of the cob without cornhusk and the yield total sweet corn. In the sweet corn sugar content, the treatment of chicken manure significantly affected the harvest age of 75 hst and urea fertilizer did not have a significant effect on the sugar content of 75 hst corn, whereas at harvest age 85 hst the treatment of chicken manure and urea did not have a significant effect. The best results on sweet corn sugar levels were at the harvest age of 75 dap compared to the harvest age of 85 dap.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2019/964/052001000 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.1 Cereals > 633.15 Corn |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 10 Aug 2020 07:48 |
Last Modified: | 28 Oct 2021 02:10 |
URI: | |
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