Natasha, Vanya (2019) Karakteristik Fisik Biji Terhadap Keragaman Respon Kecepatan Tumbuh Pada 36 Genotip Kedelai (Glycine Max L. Merrill). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kedelai merupakan salah satu tanaman pangan yang semakin diminati masyarakat Indonesia sebagai protein nabati yang rendah kolesterol dan bernilai gizi tinggi. Jumlah permintaan kedelai terus mengalami peningkatan seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk dan membaiknya tingkat pendidikan masyarakat mengenai kesehatan dan mutu pangan yang akhirnya akan meningkatkan konsumsi terhadap bahan pangan berkualitas (Pusdatin, 2013). Namun sebaliknya, produksi kedelai terus mengalami fluktuasi. Produktivitas yang rendah disebabkan salah satunya yaitu belum adanya ketersediaan benih bermutu yang menjadi hal penting untuk kesinambungan produksi tanaman. Salah satu usaha yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman kedelai ialah dengan mengetahui karakteristik fisik pada biji.Pengetahuan tentang sifat fisik biji kedelai sangat penting untuk optimasi peningkatan produktivitas kedelai. Ketersediaan biji bermutu menjadi hal yang penting untuk kesinambungan produksi tanaman. Mutu suatu biji dapat dilihat dari beberapa aspek seperti kebenaran varietas, kemurnian benih, daya hidup, serta bebas hama dan penyakit (Mugnisjah, 1994). Disamping itu, benih yang digunakan harus memiliki tingkat kekuatan tumbuh dan daya kecambah yang tinggi sehingga mencapai produksi secara maksimum. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini untuk mempelajarirespon kecepatan tumbuh dari beberapa genotip berdasarkan karakter fisik biji kedelai. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Teknologi Produksi Benih Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan pada bulan April hingga Mei 2019. Alat yang digunakan untuk pengamatan di laboratorium adalah kertas merang, cawan petri (petridish), timbangan analitik, jangka sorong, mikrometer, baki, germinator, spiral separator, kaca pembesar, pinset, cutter, sprayer, amplas, label dan kamera digital. Bahan yang digunakan untuk penelitian terdiri dari benih F6 hasil pengembangan galur populasi bersegregasi. Terdiri dari 30 genotip, masing-masing terdapat 10 biji kedelai. Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 30 genotipkedelai sebagai perlakuan. Setiap perlakuan terdiri atas 10 ulangan yang masing-masing terdiri atas 10 butir biji. Penelitian dilakukan pada 3 unit rancangan percobaan yaitu persiapan benih, penentuan kadar air dan strelisisasi alat dan bahan. Pengamatan yang dilakukan di laboratorium terdapat pengamatan karakter fisik biji dan perkecambahan biji kedelai. Pengamatan karakter fisik biji dilakukan terhadap bobot 100 biji, berat biji per inividu, panjang biji (P), lebar biji (L), tebal biji (T), diameter biji (aritmatik), diamter biji (geometri), kebulatan biji, volume biji dan luas permukaan biji. Pengamatan perkecambahan dilakukan terhadap laju pertumbuhan dan daya berkecambah (%) benih kedelai. Analisis data menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA).Jika dari hasil uji F pada taraf 5% menunjukkan hasil berbeda nyata, maka dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut dengan uji rata-rata bergerombol Scott-Knott (Scott & Knott, 1974). Kemudian data pengamatan yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisa korelasi.ii Uji korelasi menggambarkan nilai keeratan antar karakter.Darihasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa, analisa korelasi mampu menggambarkan hubungan antara karakter fisik biji dengan karakter fisiologis biji. Pada karakter fisik biji (panjang biji, lebar biji, tebal biji, diameter biji, volume biji, kebulatan biji, luas permukaan biji) memiliki hubungan positif yang nyata pada masing-masing karakter fisik biji. Sementarakarakter fisik biji memiliki hubungan yang tidak nyata dengan karakter fisiologisdaya berkecambah. Karakter kadar air biji memiliki hubungan negatif yang nyata dengan karakter fisiologisdaya berkecambah.Karakter fisik panjang biji, tebal biji, diameter biji, volume biji, kebulatan biji dan luas permukaan biji memiliki hubungan negatif yang nyata dengan karakter fisiologis laju perkecambahan. Karakter berat kering kecambah memiliki hubungan positif yang nyata dengan karakter fisiologis panjang hipokotil dan panjang akar primer.
English Abstract
Soybean is one crop that is increasingly popular in Indonesian society as vegetable protein, low in cholesterol and high nutritional value. The amount of soybean demand continues to increase along with the increase in population and the improvement in the level of public education regarding health and food quality which will ultimately increase consumption of quality food (Media Center, 2013). Instead, soybean production continues to fluctuate. Low productivity caused by the lack of availability of quality seeds that are that are important for the sustainability of crop production. One attempt was made to increase the productivity of soybean plants is to determine the physical characteristics of the seed. Knowledge of the physical properties of soybean seeds is essential for the optimization of the productivity of soybeans. Availability of quality seeds becomes important for the sustainability of crop production. The quality of a seed can be seen from several aspects such as the truth of varieties, seed purity, vitality, and free of pests and diseases (Mugnisjah, 1994). In addition, the seeds used must have a level of strength is growing and high germination rate as to achieve maximum production. The experiment was conducted in Seed Production Technology Laboratory Brawijaya University, The study was conducted in April and May 2019. The instrument used for observation in the laboratory is rice paper, a petri dish (petridish), analytic scales, calipers, micrometers, tray, germinator, spiral separator, a magnifying glass, tweezers, cutter, sprayer, sandpaper, labels and digital cameras. The materials used for the study consisted of F6 seed strain development results segregating population. Consisting of 30 genotypes, each of which contained 10 soybean seeds. The research method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 30 soybean genotypes as treatments. Each treatment consisted of 10 replicates, each consisting of 10 grains of seed. The study was conducted at three units of the experimental design that seed preparation, determination of water content and strelisisasi tools and materials. The observations made in the laboratory observations are physical characteristics and seed germination of soybean seeds. Observation of the physical character of seed carried out on 100-seed weight, seed weight per inividu, long beans (P), broad beans (L), a thick seed (T), the diameter of the seed (arithmetic), diameter of the seed (geometry), sphericity seeds, the volume of grain and the surface area of the seeds. Observations carried out on the growth rate of germination and germination percentage (%) of soybean seeds. Analysis of data using analysis of variance (ANOVA). If the results of the F test at 5% level showed significantly different results, then followed by a further test with an average test clustered Scott-Knott (Scott & Knott, 1974). long beans (P), seed width (L), seed thickness (T), the diameter of the seed (arithmetic), diameter of the seed (geometry), sphericity seeds, seed volume and surface area of the seeds. Observations carriediv out on the growth rate of germination and germination percentage (%) of soybean seeds. Analysis of data using analysis of variance (ANOVA). If the results of the F test at 5% level showed significantly different results, then followed by a further test with an average test clustered Scott-Knott (Scott & Knott, 1974). long beans (P), seed width (L), seed thickness (T), the diameter of the seed (arithmetic), diameter of the seed (geometry), sphericity seeds, seed volume and surface area of the seeds. Observations carried out on the growth rate of germination and germination percentage (%) of soybean seeds. Analysis of data using analysis of variance (ANOVA). If the results of the F test at 5% level showed significantly different results, then followed by a further test with an average test clustered Scott-Knott (Scott & Knott, 1974). Correlation test illustrates the value of closeness between the characters. From the research results can be concluded that the correlation analysis is able to describe the relationship between the physical characteristics of the physiological characteristics of seeds. On the physical characteristics of seeds (seed length, seed width, seed thickness, seed diameter, seed volume, seed roundness, seed surface area) have a significant positive relationon each physical character of the seeds. While the physical character of the seeds have no real relation with the physiological characteristics of germination. Seed moisture content has a significant negative relation with the physiological character of germination. Physical characteristics of seed length, seed thickness, seed diameter, seed volume, seed roundness and seed surface area have a significant negative relation with the physiological character of germination rate. Seedling dry weight character was positively associated with the physiological characteristics of hypocotyl length and primary root length.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2019/976/052001971 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.3 Legumes, forage crops other than grasses and legumes > 633.34 Soybeans |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 18 Aug 2020 03:12 |
Last Modified: | 28 Oct 2021 02:23 |
URI: | |
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