Connotation in nurhadi aldo political campaign on social media as fictional presidential candidate: a semiotic study

IKHSAN VIERI, FATHILLAH (2019) Connotation in nurhadi aldo political campaign on social media as fictional presidential candidate: a semiotic study. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Throughout the political years, written communication seems to be very frequently used in social media such as political advertisement to gain maximum votes. Since social media is very accessible to users because it only needs simple steps in creating the account, Nurhadi – Aldo exists as fictional political figure found on the social media. It produces some sort of political campaign in the form of pictures and texts which contain some meanings. Therefore, this research attempts to see what meaning is delivered to the readers using semiotic theory and investigate on how counter-hegemony is exercised through Nurhadi – Aldo’s political campaign on social media towards the established political party. This research uses qualitative approach and document analysis to analyse the data. The data were gathered from Nurhadi – Aldo’s twitter posts. In dissecting the meaning of the text, the researcher used theory of semiotics proposed by Saussure (1983) and Barthes (1957). Moreover, the researcher also used theory of counter-hegemony by Gramsci (1926) to answer the second problem of the study. Sepanjang tahun-tahun politik, komunikasi tertulis tampaknya sangat sering digunakan di media sosial seperti iklan politik untuk mendapatkan suara yang banyak. Semenjak saat itu media sosial sangat mudah diakses oleh para pengguna karena hanya membutuhkan langkah-langkah sederhana dalam membuat akun, Nurhadi - Aldo muncul sebagai tokoh politik fiksi yang ditemukan di media sosial. Nurhadi - Aldo membuat semacam kampanye politik dalam bentuk gambar dan teks yang mana gambar-gambar itu mengandung beberapa makna. Oleh karena itu, penelitian mencoba untuk melihat apa makna yang disampaikan kepada pembaca menggunakan teori semiotik dan mengetahui bagaimana kontra-hegemoni dilakukan melalui kampanye politik Nurhadi - Aldo di media sosial terhadap partai politik yang besar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan analisis dokumen untuk menganalisa data. Data dikumpulkan dari akun twitter Nurhadi - Aldo. Dalam membedah makna pada teks, peneliti menggunakan teori semiotik yang dikemukakan oleh Saussure (1983) dan Barthes (1957). Selain itu, peneliti juga menggunakan teori kontra-hegemoni oleh Gramsci (1926) untuk menjawab masalah penelitian yang kedua. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap unggahan kampanye politik Nurhadi - Aldo mengandung makna denotatif dan konotatif. Setiap unggahan diaktifkan sebagai ide kontra hegemoni yang ditawarkan kepada pembaca untuk ditafsirkan bahwa persetujuan tentang ambang batas pengajuan presiden, kebijakan KPU, DPR, dan masalah sosial ekonomi hanya mempolarisasi para kandidat dan seharusnya ditolak

English Abstract

Throughout the political years, written communication seems to be very frequently used in social media such as political advertisement to gain maximum votes. Since social media is very accessible to users because it only needs simple steps in creating the account, Nurhadi – Aldo exists as fictional political figure found on the social media. It produces some sort of political campaign in the form of pictures and texts which contain some meanings. Therefore, this research attempts to see what meaning is delivered to the readers using semiotic theory and investigate on how counter-hegemony is exercised through Nurhadi – Aldo’s political campaign on social media towards the established political party. This research uses qualitative approach and document analysis to analyse the data. The data were gathered from Nurhadi – Aldo’s twitter posts. In dissecting the meaning of the text, the researcher used theory of semiotics proposed by Saussure (1983) and Barthes (1957). Moreover, the researcher also used theory of counter-hegemony by Gramsci (1926) to answer the second problem of the study. The result shows that every post of Nurhadi - Aldo’s political campaign contains denotative and connotative meanings. Every post is clearly activated as a piece of counter hegemonic idea which is offered to the readers to decode that the consent about presidential threshold, General Elections Commision policy, Parliament, social economic issues only polarizing the candidates and ought to be disorganized

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIB/2019/449/052000221
Uncontrolled Keywords: semiotic, signifier, signified, connotative, denotative - semiotik, penanda, tertanda, konotatif, denotatif
Subjects: 400 Language > 401 Philosophy and theory; international languages > 401.4 Communication; semantics, pragmatics, languages for special purposes > 401.41 Discourse analysis
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Agus Wicaksono
Date Deposited: 12 Oct 2020 08:14
Last Modified: 12 Jan 2022 08:12
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