Analisis Pengendalian Erosi dan Sedimen dengan Arahan Konservasi lahan di DAS Genting Kabupaten Ponorogo.

Dianasari, Qodri’ah (2018) Analisis Pengendalian Erosi dan Sedimen dengan Arahan Konservasi lahan di DAS Genting Kabupaten Ponorogo. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Genting terletak di Kabupaten Ponorogo Propinsi Jawa Timur. Pertambahan penduduk di DAS Genting menyebabkan perubahan pada fungsi lahan. Analisis pengendalian erosi dan sedimen dengan arahan konservasi lahan di DAS Genting sangat diperlukan untuk meminimalkan permasalahan di DAS Genting. Pendugaan laju erosi dan sedimentasi dihitung dengan model AVSWAT 2000. Hasilnya menunjukkan besarnya limpasan permukaan 94.437 mm/thn, erosi sebesar 49.189 ton/ha/th dan sedimentasi sebesar 6525.440 ton/th. Dari hasil perhitungan yang telah dilakukan, DAS Genting memiliki 5 kategori tingkat bahaya erosi, diantaranya tingkat bahaya erosi sangat ringan sebesar 43.346%, ringan sebesar 36.773%, sedang sebesar 5.859%, dan berat sebesar 10.638%, dan sangat berat sebesar 3.384% terhadap luas DAS Genting. Untuk mengendalikan tingkat bahaya erosi tersebut dilakukan upaya konservasi secara vegetatif dengan merubah tutupan lahan perkebunan/tegalan/semak belukar ditanami tanaman keras, sehingga yang mampu mereduksi erosi sebesar 21.634% dan secara mekanis dilakukan dengan pembuatan checkdam yang mampu mereduksi sedimen sebesar 16.67%.

English Abstract

Genting Watershed is located in Ponorogo District East Java Province. The Growth of Population in Genting Watershed resulting in a changes to the land function. Analysis about Sediment and erosion control with the purpose of land conservation in Genting Watershed very needed to minimalize the problems which occured in Genting Watershed. An estimation about the rate of erotion and sedimentation conducted and modeled with AVSWAT 2000. The result showed that the amount of surface run off is 94.437 mm/year, erosion is 49.189 ton/ha/year and sedimentation is 6525.440 ton/year. From the result of the analysis, Genting Watershed has 5 categories of erosion hazardous level, the estimated amount for each erosion category against the Genting watershed area are very low erosion level 43.346%, Low erosion level 36.773%, moderate erosion level 5.859%, dan high erotion level 10.638%, and very high erotion level 3.384%. To control the erosion hazardous level, a vegetatif conservation conducted by converting the land cover resulted in 21.634% erosion reduction and 16,67% erotion reduction from the construction of checkdam.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/631.45/DIA/a/2018/041803750
Uncontrolled Keywords: SOIL EROSION
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.4 Soil science > 631.45 Soil erosion
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2020 01:38
Last Modified: 13 Jan 2020 01:38
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