Susetyowati, Hart Novembria (2019) Strategi Pengembangan Sentra Peternakan Rakyat Desa Sumber Kecamatan Merakurak Kabupaten Tuban. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kelembagaan Sentra Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) di Desa Sumber Kecamatan Merakurak dibentuk sebagai salah satu upaya Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Tuban dalam Program Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Kabupaten Tuban. Sentra Peternakan Rakyat dimaksudkan sebagai pusat pertumbuhan komoditas peternakan dalam suatu kawasan peternakan sebagai media pembangunan peternakan dan kesehatan hewan. SPR Desa Sumber Kecamatan Merkurak diharapkan mampu memberikan kontribusi dalam pembangunan masyarakat di desa. Predikat desa miskin patut dipergunakan sebagai cambuk untuk bekerja dengan sebaik-baiknya. Untuk mengoptimalkan SPR perlu dilakukan perencanaan yang bertumpu pada kesepahaman dalam menyusun strategi pengembangan saat ini maupun ke depan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa potensi bidang peternakan, faktor – faktor pendukung dan merumuskan strategi pengembangan SPR Desa Sumber Kecamatan Merakurak. Jumlah responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 50 orang anggota SPR dan 5 orang expert di bidang pengambilan kebijakan di bidang Peternakan. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan peneliti adalah dengan observasi (pengamatan), wawancara (interview), kuesioner (angket), dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analisis Location Quation (LQ) untuk mengetahui wilayah Basis atau non Basis Ternak; Analisis Faktor Internal untuk mengidentifikasi faktor kekuatan dan kelemahan; Analisis Faktor Eksternal untuk mengetahui peluang dan ancaman; Analisis SWOT terhadap faktor internal dan eksternal untuk menentukan strategi pengembangan SPR dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) untuk menentukan strategi prioritas pengembangan SPR. Dari hasil pengolahan data, potensi bidang peternakan Desa Sumber adalah : 1) sebagai daerah basis ternak itik; 2) mempunyai potensi bahan pakan lokal berupa jerami, bekatul, dedak kasar, dedak halus dan sekam; 3) sumber daya lahan akan dapat ditanami komoditas tanaman yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber pangan lokal. Faktor-faktor yang mendukung SPR adalah : 1) karakteristik peternak (62% berusia produktif; Tingkat pendidikan formal terakhir SMP 48% sehingga mempunyai pengalaman beternak lebih dari 10 tahun 58%; termasuk kategori keluarga kecil dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 1-3 orang; mata pencaharian utama sebagai petani/buruh tani 80%); terdapat 5 kelompok petani peternak yang tergabung di SPR; Petugas Pelayanan yang terdiri dari 1 koordinator UPTD Puskeswan dan Inseminasi Buatan, 5 orang Petugas Inseminasi Buatan dan 2 (dua) Petugas Teknis Peternakan; Harga produk yang relatif stabil dan Permintaan Pasar; Ternak dipelihara bersama usahatani lainnya; Dukungan pemerintah diwujudkan dalam bentuk bantuan hibah ternak kepada kelompok petani peternak. Strategi pengembangan SPR Desa Sumber Kecamatan Merakurak yang direkomendasikan adalah : 1) peningkatan modal usaha (49,70%), untuk diperlukan tambahan modal usaha berupa bantuan modal dengan kredit lunak melalui penguatan modal kelompok seperti program KUR,KKPE dan sumberdana lain melalui kelompok-kelompok yang ada; 2) penerapan teknologi tepat guna berbasis petani (25,52%), berupa budidaya reproduksi, teknologi pakan dan pengolahan limbah, menjadi prioritas kedua. Sebagai pengelola petani-ternak dituntut untuk mampu menguasai dan memanfaatkan teknologi yang dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan usaha, mengendalikan usaha dengan baik, memanfaatkan sumber daya yang ada secara optimal untuk mendapatkan keuntungan maksimal, serta mampu memanfaatkan peluang-peluang yang ada; 3) menciptakan kawasan sentra itik (12,72%), didukung lahan dan potensi bahan pakan lokal berupa jerami, bekatul, dedak kasar, dedak halus dan sekam. Potensi bahan pangan lokal; 4) peningkatan efisiensi usaha (6,20), melalui peningkatan skala kepemilikan itik 10 - 50 ekor per peternak menjadi 50 - 200 ekor per peternak, optimalisasi penggunaan sumberdaya yang ada melalui penerapan teknologi tepat guna, yang didukung oleh manajemen pemeliharaan yang baik. Teknologi yang diperlukan berupa teknologi pakan, penetasan, dan teknologi pengelohan limbah usahatani tanaman-ternak; 5) optimalisasi fungsi kelompok (3,61%) melalui penguatan fungsi koperasi kelompok, manajemen yang transparan, dan pendampingan yang intensif, serta adanya dukungan dari pemerintah, swasta dan anggota melalui pelatihan - pelatihan teknis dan kewirausahaan.
English Abstract
Institutional Sentra Ranch Rakyat (SPR) in Sumber District of Merakurak established as one of the Local Government efforts Tuban Poverty Program in Tuban. Sentra Ranch People intended as livestock commodity growth center in an area of farms as a medium for the development of livestock and animal health. Village of the District Merkurak SPR is expected to contribute in the development of rural communities. Predicate poor villages should be used as a whip to work with the best. SPR necessary to optimize the planning that relies on understanding the current development strategy and forward. This study aims to analyze the potential for livestock, factors - factors supporting and formulate development strategies SPR Merakurak Sumber sub district. The number of respondents used in this study were 50 members of the SPR and 5 persons expert in the field of policy making in the field of animal husbandry. Data collection methods used by researchers is the observation (observation), interview (interview), a questionnaire (questionnaire), documentation and library research. Methods of data analysis used in this research is the analysis Location quation (LQ) for knowing the area or non Base Base Livestock; Internal Factors Analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses; External Factors Analysis to determine the opportunities and threats; From the data processing, the potential for livestock Village Resources are: 1) as the base region of duck; 2) have the potential of local feed ingredients such as straw, rice bran, coarse bran, fine bran and husk; 3) land resources will be planted with crops that can be used as a local food source. Factors that supports SPR are: 1) the characteristics of farmers (62% of productive age; level of formal education SMP 48% so as to have the experience of raising more than 10 years of 58%; including small family category with a number of family members 1-3 people; eye The main livelihood as farmers / farm workers 80%); There are five groups of livestock farmers who are members of the SPR; Service Officers composed of 1 coordinator UPTD Clinic and Artificial Insemination, 5 Officers Artificial Insemination and two (2) Livestock Technical Officer; The product price is relatively stable and Market Demand; Livestock are kept together with other farms; Government support is realized in the form of grant aid to groups of farmers cattle ranchers. SPR development strategy Sumber District of Merakurak recommended are: 1) an increase in working capital (49.70%), for the necessary additional capital in the form of capital assistance with soft loans through the strengthening of the group's capital as KUR program, KKPE and other funding sources through groups which exists; 2) application of appropriate technology-based farmers (25.52%), in the form of reproductive aquaculture, feed and waste processing technology, became secondary. As a manager of livestock farmers are required to be able to master and exploit the technology required for the development of enterprises, enterprises with good control, utilizing existing resources optimally to obtain maximum benefit and be able to exploit the opportunities that exist; 3) creating a central region of duck (12.72%), supported land and the potential of local feed ingredients such as straw, rice bran, coarse bran, fine bran and husk. Potential local food; 4) improvement of business efficiency (6.20), through increased scale ownership of ducks 10-50 birds per breeder becomes 50-200 birds per breeder, optimizing the use of existing resources through the application of appropriate technology, which is supported by a good maintenance management. The necessary technology in the form of food technology, hatching, and technology pengelohan crop-livestock farming waste; 5) optimization function group (3.61%) through the strengthening of cooperative group functions, transparent management, and intensive assistance, and the support from the government, private sector and members through training - technical training and entrepreneurship. Potential local food; 4) improvement of business efficiency (6.20), through increased scale ownership of ducks 10-50 birds per breeder becomes 50-200 birds per breeder, optimizing the use of existing resources through the application of appropriate technology, which is supported by a good maintenance management. The necessary technology in the form of food technology, hatching, and technology pengelohan crop-livestock farming waste; 5) optimization function group (3.61%) through the strengthening of cooperative group functions, transparent management, and intensive assistance, and the support from the government, private sector and members through training - technical training and entrepreneurship. Potential local food; 4) improvement of business efficiency (6.20), through increased scale ownership of ducks 10-50 birds per breeder becomes 50-200 birds per breeder, optimizing the use of existing resources through the application of appropriate technology, which is supported by a good maintenance management. The necessary technology in the form of food technology, hatching, and technology pengelohan crop-livestock farming waste; 5) optimization function group (3.61%) through the strengthening of cooperative group functions, transparent management, and intensive assistance, and the support from the government, private sector and members through training - technical training and entrepreneurship. optimizing the use of existing resources through the application of appropriate technology, which is supported by a good maintenance management. The necessary technology in the form of food technology, hatching, and technology pengelohan crop-livestock farming waste; 5) optimization function group (3.61%) through the strengthening of cooperative group functions, transparent management, and intensive assistance, and the support from the government, private sector and members through training - technical training and entrepreneurship. optimizing the use of existing resources through the application of appropriate technology, which is supported by a good maintenance management. The necessary technology in the form of food technology, hatching, and technology pengelohan crop-livestock farming waste; 5) optimization function group (3.61%) through the strengthening of cooperative group functions, transparent management, and intensive assistance, and the support from the government, private sector and members through training - technical training and entrepreneurship.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/636/SUS/s/2019/041911418 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | ANIMAL INDUSTRY |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry |
Divisions: | Program Pascasarjana > Magister Pengelolaan Lingkungan, Program Pascasarjana |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 08 Jan 2020 06:54 |
Last Modified: | 25 Oct 2021 04:17 |
URI: | |
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