Peran Vegetasi Riparian pada Saluran Irigasi Tersier dalam Peningkatan Jasa Regulasi Ekosistem di Lahan Persawahan Kecamatan Tumpang Kabupaten Malang

Ummi, Faidatu (2019) Peran Vegetasi Riparian pada Saluran Irigasi Tersier dalam Peningkatan Jasa Regulasi Ekosistem di Lahan Persawahan Kecamatan Tumpang Kabupaten Malang. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kabupaten Malang merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Timur yang memiliki potensi untuk pengembangan sektor pertanian. Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pertanian No.2 Tahun 2019 Tentang Pedoman Teknis Rehabilitasi Jaringan Irigasi, ketentuan saluran irigasi yang benar yakni saluran irigasi yang dibuat dari mortar semen hidrolis. Hal ini dikarenakan bangunan irigasi ini memiliki keunggulan yakni untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan mengurangi kehilangan air karena kebocoran (leakage) dan rembesan (seepage). Selain itu untuk menghindari tersumbatnya aliran air irigasi ke petak-petak sawah. Namun, saluran irigasi tersier di Desa Slamet memiliki empat tipe, yakni saluran irigasi dengan adanya vegetasi riparian di dua sisi dan pohon, vegetasi riparian di dua sisi tanpa pohon, vegetasi riparian hanya di salah satu sisi, serta tidak adanya vegetasi riparian. Dampak dari perubahan desain saluran irigasi dan degradasi vegetasi riparian adalah terjadinya penurunan jasa layanan ekosistem seperti penurunan kualitas air dan penurunan jumlah musuh alami bagi hama pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi profil vegetasi riparian dan profil kualitas air pada beberapa tipe saluran irigasi tersier di Kecamatan Tumpang, menentukan kelimpahan musuh alami hama pertanian berdasarkan pada kondisi vegetasi riparian yang ada, serta menentukan peranan vegetasi riparian di saluran irigasi tersier dalam peningkatan jasa layanan regulasi ekosistem berdasarkan model keterkaitan antara profil vegetasi riparian dengan kualitas air irigasi dan kelimpahan musuh alami. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2018 sampai dengan Juli 2019 di dua belas saluran irigasi tersier yang berada di Desa Slamet, Kecamatan Tumpang, Kabupaten Malang. Pengukuran parameter fisika kimia air, identifikasi arthropoda, identifikasi vegetasi riparian serta analisis data dilakukan di Laboratorium Ekologi dan Diversitas Hewan, Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Parameter kualitas air yang diukur meliputi suhu, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), BOD, konduktivitas, dan turbiditas. Arthropoda yang berperan sebagai musuh alami dihitung indeks nilai penting (INP), kelimpahan, indeks diversitas Shannon-Wiener (H’), indeks keseragaman (E), indeks dominansi (Id), serta kekayaan taksa (TR). Vegetasi riparian dihitung dengan menentukan INP, kelimpahan, H’, E, Id, serta TR. Data dilakukan uji beda menggunakan aplikasi SPSS for Windows release 16. Kemudian dilakukan juga analisis menggunakan Cluster dan Biplot dengan program PAST serta model persamaan struktur analisis multivariat Partial Least Square dengan opensource software warpPLS. Profil struktur komunitas vegetasi riparian di saluran irigasi tipe riparian di dua sisi dengan pohon memiliki nilai H’ herba yang tinggi dibanding ketiga tipe lainnya (5,11). Selain itu tingginya nilai E dan TR serta nilai indeks dominansi yang rendah menandakan bahwa tingkat kemerataan di lokasi ini yang tinggi dan tidak ada dominansi salah satu spesies. Beberapa spesies yang memiliki nilai INP yang tertinggi pada lokasi ini seperti Syngonium podophyllum, Mikania cordata, Imperata cyliandra, Alocasia macrorrhiza, serta Brachiaria sp., Pteris vittata. Sedangkan di lokasi tanpa riparian memiliki nilai H’ yang tergolong sedang yakni 2,83. Berdasarkan penghitungan nilai INP di lokasi keempat ix terjadi kodominasi spesies yakni spesies Chloris barbata (35,4%), Brachiaria sp. (31,7%), serta Cynodon dactylon. (25,7%). Profil kualitas air irigasi pada saluran irigasi tersier dengan berbagai tipe vegetasi riparian di Kecamatan Tumpang bervariasi. Saluran irigasi tipe riparian di dua sisi dengan pohon memiliki kualitas air yang paling baik dibanding ketiga tipe lainnya yang ditandai dengan nilai beberapa parameter (suhu, turbiditas, konduktivitas, dan BOD) yang lebih rendah serta nilai pH dan DO yang tinggi. Sedangkan saluran irigasi tanpa riparian memiliki kualitas air yang paling buruk ditandai dengan tingginya nilai suhu, konduktivitas, turbiditas, dan BOD serta nilai pH dan DO yang rendah. Kondisi vegetasi riparian di keempat lokasi mempengaruhi kelimpahan arthropoda yang berperan sebagai musuh alami dan hama pertanian. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai kelimpahan total musuh alami yang ditemukan di lokasi saluran irigasi tipe vegetasi riparian dua sisi dengan pohon (4450 individu) berasal dari famili Formicidae, Coenagrionidae, serta Coccinelidae, sedangkan hama yang ditemukan sebanyak 414 individu dengan nilai terbanyak dari famili Acrididae. Saluran irigasi tanpa vegetasi riparian memiliki kelimpahan hama terbanyak (942 individu) dan musuh alami (150 individu). Hama yang banyak menghuni lokasi ini berasal dari famili Acrididae, Drosophilidae, Tephritidae, serta Aphididae. Model keterkaitan antar parameter menggunakan model warpPLS berdasarkan beberapa indikator dan variabel yang digunakan menghasilkan interaksi yang berpengaruh secara langsung. Kondisi vegetasi riparian berpengaruh terhadap kualitas fisika kimia air dan kelimpahan serangga musuh alami. Semakin bagus kondisi vegetasi riparian, maka berdampak terhadap meningkatnya kualitas air irigasi dan tingginya kelimpahan serangga yang berperan sebagai musuh alami. Meningkatnya kualitas air tercermin dari rendahnya nilai suhu, turbiditas, konduktivitas, dan BOD serta tingginya nilai pH dan DO. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka rekomendasi pengelolaan saluran irigasi tersier di lahan pertanian yang dapat diberikan adalah dengan tetap mempertahankan keberadaan vegetasi riparian di saluran irigasi yang telah dibangun tembok batu dan tidak menghilangkan total vegetasi riparian yang tumbuh di celah-celah saluran irigasi.

English Abstract

Malang Regency is one of the districts in East Java Province which has high potential in the agricultural sector. Based on the Agriculture Minister Decree No.2 of 2019 about Technical Guidelines for Irrigation Network Rehabilitation, regulation of irrigation channels are made from hydraulic cement mortar. This is because this irrigation building has several advantage, such as increasing efficiency and reducing water loss due to leakage and seepage. In addition to avoiding blockages in the flow of irrigation water into rice fields. However, not all tertiary irrigation channels in Slamet Village are made from stone walls. Tertiary irrigation channel in Slamet Village has four types; the irrigation channel with riparian vegetation at two sides and trees, two sides riparian vegetation without trees, only one side riparian vegetation, and without riparian vegetation. The impacts of changes in irrigation channel design and degradation of riparian vegetation are the decline in ecosystem services such as water quality decrease and reduced abundance of natural enemies. This study aims to evaluate the riparian vegetation profile and water quality profiles on tertiary irrigation channels in Tumpang District, determine the abundance of natural enemies based on riparian vegetation conditions, and determine the role of riparian vegetation on tertiary irrigation channels to improving ecosystem regulation services based on the relationship between riparian vegetation profiles with irrigation water quality and abundance of natural enemies. This research was conducted in November 2018 until July 2019 in twelve tertiary irrigation channels located in Slamet Village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency. Measurement of water chemical physics parameters, identification of arthropods, identification of riparian vegetation and data analysis was carried out at Ecology and Animal Diversity Laboratory, Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University of Malang. Water quality is calculated based on several parameters, including the water temperature, turbidity, conductivity, pH, DO, and BOD. Arthropods that act as natural enemies are counted as important value index (INP), abundance, Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H '), eveness index (E), dominance index (Id), and taxa richness (TR). Riparian vegetation is calculated by determining INP, abundance, H', E, Id, and TR. Data were tested using the SPSS for Windows release 16 application. Then an analysis was also performed using Cluster and Biplot with the PAST program and Partial Least Square analysis with Open Source warpPLS software. The profile of the riparian vegetation community structure on the irrigation channel with riparian vegetation at two sides and trees has a high herb H’ value than others (5,11). In addition, the high of E and TR values and the low dominance index value indicate that the level of evenness at this location is high and there is no dominance of one species. Some species that have the highest INP value at this location such as Syngonium podophyllum, Mikania cordata, Imperata cyliandra, Alocasia macrorrhiza, Brachiaria sp, and Pteris vittata. Whereas in locations without riparian vegetation, the value of H' is classified as moderate (2.83). Based on INP values in the fourth location, there are codomination some riparian vegetation species like Chloris barbata species (35.4%), Brachiaria sp. (31.7%), and Cynodon dactylon. (25.7%). In other hand, water quality profiles in four locations are various. Irrigation channels with riparian vegetation at two sides and trees have the best water quality compared to the other types which are marked by the values of several parameters (temperature, turbidity, conductivity, and BOD) which are lower as well as high pH and DO values. Whereas irrigation channels without riparian vegetation have the worst water quality characterized by high values of temperature, conductivity, turbidity, and BOD as well as low pH and DO values. Riparian vegetation conditions in all four locations affect the abundance of arthropods that act as natural enemies and pests. This is evidenced by the total abundance of natural enemies that found on the irrigation channel with riparian vegetation at two sides and trees (4450 individuals) from the families Formicidae, Coenagrionidae, and Coccinelidae, while pests were found as many as 414 individuals with the highest value from Acrididae. Irrigation channels without riparian vegetation have the most abundance of pests (942 individuals) and natural enemies (150 individuals). The pests that inhabit this location are mainly from the family Acrididae, Drosophilidae, Tephritidae, and Aphididae. The linkage model between parameters uses the warpPLS model based on several indicators and variables used that produce direct interaction. Riparian vegetation conditions affect the physical quality of water chemistry and the abundance of natural enemy insects. Good riparian conditions improving the water irrigation quality and the high abundance of insects that act as natural enemies. Improved water quality is reflected in the low values of temperature, turbidity, conductivity, and BOD as well as high pH and DO values. Based on this, the recommendations for the management of secondary irrigation channels on agricultural land that can be given are to maintain the existence of riparian vegetation in irrigation channels that have been built with stone walls and not eliminate the total riparian vegetation that grows in crevices of irrigation channels.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/577.68/UMM/p/2019/041911420
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 577 Ecology > 577.6 Aquatic ecology > 577.68 Wetland ecology
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Biologi, Fakultas MIPA
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 08 Jan 2020 06:25
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2021 04:18
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