Anzila, Ivakhul (2019) Potensi Semanggi Air (Marsilea crenata) dalam Memperbaiki Spermatogenesis dan Kualitas Sperma Tikus (Rattus norvegicus) Setelah Pemberian Monosodium Glutamat (MSG). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Semanggi air (Marsilea crenata) mengandung banyak senyawa-senyawa antioksidan yang berperan sebagai penghambat efek negatif dari radikal bebas. Pemberian monosodium glutamat (MSG) yang berlebihan dapat meningkatkan pembentukan radikal bebas di dalam tubuh khususnya pada organ testis dan epididimis. Radikal bebas yang berlebihan dapat mengganggu proses spermatogenesis yang berdampak pada penurunan kualitas sperma. Adanya pemberian semanggi air dengan kandungan antioksidan yang tinggi diharapkan mampu menghambat reaktifitas radikal bebas di dalam testis maupun epididimis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi semanggi air dalam memperbaiki gangguan spermatogenesis dan kualitas sperma tikus setelah pemberian MSG. Uji aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol semanggi air meliputi persentase penghambatan dan IC50 yang dianalisis menggunakan metode diphenyl picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). Penelitian ini menggunakan 32 ekor tikus jantan strain Wistar (berumur 3-4 bulan dengan berat badan 200-350 gram) dan ekstrak etanol semanggi air. Hewan coba dibagi menjadi 8 kelompok (4 ekor tiap kelompok) yaitu K- (perlakuan tanpa MSG dan ekstrak semanggi air), M (perlakuan MSG), S1 (perlakuan ekstrak semanggi air dosis 0,216 mg/g BB), S2 (perlakuan ekstrak semanggi air dosis 0,432 mg/g BB), S3 (perlakuan ekstrak semanggi air dosis 0,648 mg/g BB), MS1 (perlakuan MSG dan S1), MS2 (perlakuan MSG dan S2), dan MS3 (perlakuan MSG dan S3). MSG dosis 4 mg/g BB diberikan setiap hari secara oral selama 45 hari, sedangkan ekstrak semangi air diberikan selama 30 hari setelah pemberian MSG selama 15 hari. Pada hari ke 46, tikus didislokasi leher untuk diambil organ cauda epididimis dan testis. Cauda epididimis dalam NaCl 0,9% dicacah pada cawan petri dan cairan semen diambil untuk analisis kualitas sperma. Testis dicuci dengan Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) dan difiksasi dengan formalin 10% kemudian digunakan untuk pembuatan preparat histologi testis dengan pewarnaan Hematoxilin-Eosin (HE). Parameter yang diamati adalah aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak semanggi air, histologi testis (meliputi diameter tubulus seminiferus (DTS), tebal epitel germinal (TEG), dan jumlah sel spermatogenik (spermatogonia, spermatosit, dan spermatid)), dan kualitas sperma (meliputi motilitas, viabilitas, konsentrasi dan abnormalitas morfologi sperma). Data yang diperoleh berupa rata-rata ± Standart Eror (SE) dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 16 for Windows dengan One-way ANOVA. Jika menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna (p≤0,05), maka dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada persentase penghambatan semanggi air tertinggi pada konsentrasi 60 ppm sebesar 85,62%, sedangkan pada larutan vitamin C tertinggi pada konsentrasi 15 ppm sebesar 92,40%. IC50 semanggi air dengan konsentrasi sebesar 33,68 ppm tergolong sangat kuat dalam menetralkan aktifitas radikal DPPH. Semanggi air yang diberikan pada tikus sehat (S1, S2, dan S3) maupun yang terpapar MSG (MS1, MS2, dan MS3) dapat meningkatkan DTS, TEG, dan jumlah sel spermatogenik. DTS dan TEG tertinggi pada kelompok S3 yaitu 260,02±3,43 μm dan 54,19±0,51 μm jika dibandingkan K- yaitu 250,09±2,57 μm dan 50,33±0,88 μm. Sedangkan, jika dibandingkan M (sebesar 214,69±2,04 μm dan 45,81±0,05 μm) maka DTS dan TEG tertinggi pada kelompok MS3 yaitu 270,01±5,97 μm dan 52,84±0,53 μm. Jumlah sel spermatogonia, spermatosit, dan spermatid tertinggi pada kelompok S3 dengan jumlah 68, 79, dan 190 sel disusul MS3 yaitu 59, 69, dan 162 sel berturut-turut dan terendah pada kelompok M (yaitu 46, 54, dan 113 sel) jika dibandingkan K- (yaitu 58, 64, dan 163 sel). Pemberian semanggi air juga dapat meningkatkan motilitas, viabilitas, dan konsentrasi sperma tikus sehat (S3) menjadi 60,00±4,56 %; 71,07±2,91 %; dan 81,88±4,94 10⁶/ml berturut-turut, sedangkan pada tikus yang terpapar MSG (MS3) menjadi 75,00±4,08 %; 74,99±3,17 %; dan 80,00±3,23 juta/ml berturut-turut. Selain itu, semanggi air juga menurunkan abnormalitas morfologi sperma pada tikus sehat (S3) menjadi 5,99±0,35 %, sedangkan pada tikus yang terpapar MSG (MS3) menjadi 4,80±0,30 %. Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol semanggi air dosis 0,648 mg/g BB sangat signifikan meningkatkan proses spermatogenesis dan lebih efektif meningkatkan kualitas sperma tikus setelah pemberian MSG.
English Abstract
Water clover (Marsilea crenata) contains many antioxidant compounds which act as inhibitors of free radicals negative effects. Excessive administration of monosodium glutamate (MSG) increases the formation of free radicals in the body, especially in the testes and epididymis organs. Excessive of free radicals disrupted spermatogenesis process and decreases of sperm quality. Existence of water clover with high antioxidant content is expected can to inhibit the free radicals production in the testis and epididymis. This study aims to investigate of the water clover potential in repairing of spermatogenesis disorder and sperm quality decreasing after the administration of MSG. Antioxidant activity assay of water clover ethanol extract included inhibibition percentage and IC50 which is analyzed using the Diphenyl picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. This study used 32 Wistar male rats (that were 3-4 months old with 200-350 grams of body weight (BW)) and ethanol extract of water clover. The experimental animals were divided into 8 groups (4 rats in each group), those are K- (without MSG and water clover extract treatments), M (MSG treatment), S1 (0,216 mg/g BW water clover extract treatment), S2 (0,432 mg/g BW of water clover extract treatment), S3 (0,648 mg/g BW of water clover extract treatment), MS1 (MSG and S1 treatments), MS2 (MSG and S2 treatments), and MS3 (MSG and S3 treatments). The MSG of 4 mg/g BW dosage was given orally and daily for 45 days, while the water clover extract was given for 30 days after MSG administration for 15 days. In the 46th days, the experimental animals were sacrificed. The epididymis and testes organs were isolated. The cauda epididymis in 0,9% NaCl was sliced on Petri dish and semen liquid was taken for analysis of sperm quality. The testes was washed with Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) and fixed with 10% formaline to be used for testes histology preparations by staining Hematoxilin-Eosin (HE). The parameters that observed in research were antioxidant activity of water clover extract, testes histology (including seminiferous tubule diameter (DTS), germinal epithelial thickness (TEG), and the quantity of spermatogenic cell (spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids)), and sperm quality (including motility, viability, concentration and morphological abnormality of sperm). The data obtained by average number ± Standard Error (SE) was analyzed using SPSS 16 for Windows with One-way ANOVA test. If the data indicate a significant difference (p≤0,05), then it is followed with the Duncan test. The research results showed that the highest percentage of water clover inhibition at 60 ppm concentration about 85,62%, while in the highest vitamin C solution at 15 ppm concentration about 92,40%. IC50 of water clover with concentration of 33,68 ppm is very strong in neutralizing DPPH radical activity. The water clover given to healthy rats (S1, S2, and S3) and those exposed to MSG (MS1, MS2, and MS3) increase DTS, TEG, and the spermatogenic cells quantity. The highest DTS and TEG in the S3 group were 260,02±3,43 μm and 54,19±0,51 μm compared to K- (about 250,09±2,57 μm and 50,33±0,88 μm). However, when it is compared to M group (about 214,69±2,04 μm and 45,81±0,05 μm) the highest in the MS3 group were 270,01±5,97 μm and 52,84±0,53 μm. The highest number of spermatogonia, spermatocyte and spermatid cells is S3 group (about 68, 79, and 190 cells) followed by MS3 (about 59, 69, and 162 cells) and the lowest in the M group (about 46, 54, and 113 cells), which be the lowest of spermatogenic cells quantity compared to K- group (about 58, 64, and 163 cells). The administration of water clover also increase the motility, viability, and sperm concentration of healthy rats (S3 group) to 60,00±4,56%; 71,07±2,91%; and 81,88±4,94 10⁶/ml respectively, while in rats with exposed to MSG (MS3 group) to 75,00±4,08%; 74,99±3,17%; and 80,00±3,23 10⁶/ml respectively. In addition, water clover also decrease abnormality of sperm morphology in healthy rats (S3 group) to 5,99±0,35%, while in rats with exposed to MSG (MS3 groups) becomes 4,80±0,30%. In conclusion, the water clover ethanol extract with 0,648 mg/g BW dosage is very significantly increase the spermatogenesis process and more effective in enhancing the sperm quality in rat after administration of MSG.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/571.845/ANZ/p/2019/041903935 |
Subjects: | 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 571 Physiology and related subjects > 571.8 Reproduction, development, growth > 571.84 Reproduction and growth of cells > 571.845 Gametogenesis |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Biologi, Fakultas MIPA |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 06 Jan 2020 06:22 |
Last Modified: | 21 Oct 2021 03:52 |
URI: | |
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