Akumulasi Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) Pada Vegetasi Mangrove Avicennia Marina Sebagai Fitoremediator Di Pesisir Kabupaten Gresik

Maharani, Made Dwipa Kusuma (2019) Akumulasi Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) Pada Vegetasi Mangrove Avicennia Marina Sebagai Fitoremediator Di Pesisir Kabupaten Gresik. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Adanya pencemaran sebagai efek negatif dari kegiatan industrialisasi menimbulkan dampak kerusakan bagi wilayah pantai terutama wilayah pesisir. Di Indonesia industri yang berkembang pesat adalah salah satunya di Kabupaten Gresik dimana menurut Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Gresik tahun 2013 terdapat 402 unit industri yang menghasilkan limbah B3 sebanyak 66,4% atau sekitar 12,9 juta ton per tahun. Salah satu sumber pencemar pada perairan adalah logam berat timbal (Pb). Mangrove mempunyai kecenderungan untuk mengakumulasi logam berat yang terdapat dalam ekosistem tempat dimana tumbuhan itu hidup dan memiliki tingkat akumulasi yang berbeda tiap jenisnya. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan parameter kualitas perairan meliputi: suhu, derajat keasaman (pH) salinitas, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH tanah, dan tekstur tanah serta analisis logam berat Pb pada air, sedimen, akar, batang, daun dan buah mangrove A.marina menggunakan metode AAS, serta dengan metode SEM-EDAX. Kondisi perairan untuk parameter suhu, pH, DO, salinitas, pH tanah serta tekstur sedimen pada lokasi penelitian cukup sesuai untuk pertumbuhan ekosistem mangrove Avicennia marina. Hasil analisis rata-rata kandungan logam berat Pb di air pada seluruh stasiun penelitian menunjukkan nilai yang melampaui baku mutu Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup No. 51 Tahun 2004 yaitu sebesar 0,008 ppm. Rata-rata kadar logam Pb pada air berkisar antara 0,18-0,41 ppm.Hasil analisa kandungan logam Pb pada sedimen diseluruh stasiun penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan logam Pb berada dibawah ambang batas menurut baku mutu yang dikeluarkan oleh NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) US Departement of Commerce yakni Pb<30,240 ppm. Rata-rata kadar logam Pb pada sedimen berkisar antara 3,43-12,28 ppm. Pada tumbuhan mangrove kisaran rata-rata kandungan logam Pb sebesar 0,22-2,35 ppm. Akumulasi logam berat rata-rata tertinggi terdapat pada jaringan akar A.marina di stasiun 1 sebesar 2,35 ppm dan terendah ditemukan pada jaringan buah di stasiun 2. Dilihat dari hasil BCF, TF, dan FTD jenis A.marina dapat dijadikan sebagai fitoremediasi lingkungan yang tercemar tetapi A.marina bukanlah tumbuhan hyperaccumulator, sebab untuk menjadi tumbuhan hiperakumulator, nilai faktor translokasi harus lebih dari satu (TF>1). Diharapkan dari pengetahuan akan manfaat tanaman A. marina, dapat memotivasi masyarakat untuk melestarikan hutan mangrove. Pembuangan limbah domestik dan industri perlu dipantau, agar tidak melebihi baku mutu yang ditetapkan. Atas dasar itu diharapkan bahwa penelitian lebih lanjut dilakukan tentang seberapa luas tanaman mangrove minimum yang dibutuhkan di satu wilayah, sehingga dapat mengantisipasi perubahan lingkungan terutama akibat limbah logam berat. Diharapkan adanya perbaikkan ekosistem wilayah pesisir secara terpadu dan berbasis masyarakat.

English Abstract

The existence of pollution as a negative effect of the activities of industrialization cause damage to coastal areas, especially coastal areas. In Indonesia, a rapidly growing industry is one of them in Gresik Regency, according to the Central Statistics Agency of Gresik in 2013 there were 402 industrial units that produced 66.4% of B3 waste or around 12.9 million tons per year. One source of pollutants in the waters is heavy metal lead (Pb). Mangroves have a tendency to accumulate heavy metals found in the ecosystem where the plants live and have different levels of accumulation of each type. The method used in this research is a quantitative descriptive method, with water quality parameters including: temperature, degree of acidity (pH) of salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), soil pH, and soil texture and analysis of heavy metals Pb in water, sediments, roots, A.marina's stems, leaves and mangrove fruit use the AAS method, as well as the SEM-EDAX method. Water conditions for parameters of temperature, pH, DO, salinity, soil pH and sediment texture at the study site are quite suitable for the growth of the Avicennia marina mangrove ecosystem. The results of the average analysis of the Pb heavy metal content in water at all research stations showed a value that exceeded the quality standards of the Ministry of Environment No. 51 of 2004 in the amount of 0.008 ppm. The average Pb metal content in water ranges from 0.18 to 0.41 ppm. The results of the analysis of Pb metal content in sediments throughout the research station show that the Pb metal content is below the threshold according to the quality standards issued by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric) Administration) US Department of Commerce, Pb <30,240 ppm. The average Pb content in sediments ranged from 3.43-12.28 ppm. In mangrove plants the average range of Pb metal content is 0.22-2.35 ppm. The highest average heavy metal accumulation was found in A.marina root tissue at station 1 of 2.35 ppm and the lowest was found in fruit tissue at station 2. Judging from the results of A.marina BCF, TF, and FTD type can be used as environmental phytoremediation contaminated but A. marina is not a hyperaccumulator plant, because to become a hyperaccumulator plant, the translocation factor value must be more than one (TF> 1). It is expected that from the knowledge of the benefits of A. marina plants, it can motivate the community to conserve mangrove forests. Disposal of domestic and industrial waste needs to be monitored, so it does not exceed the specified quality standards. On that basis, it is hoped that further research will be carried out on the minimum area of mangrove plants needed in one area, so that it can anticipate changes in the environment especially due to heavy metal waste. It is hoped that the coastal ecosystems will be integrated in an integrated and community-based manner.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/628.168/MAH/a/2019/041909546
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 628 Sanitary engineering > 628.1 Water supply > 628.16 Testing analysis, treatment, pollution countermeasures > 628.168 Pollution countermeasures / Groundwater--Pollution
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 27 Dec 2019 08:30
Last Modified: 27 Dec 2019 08:30
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/177402
Full text not available from this repository.

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