Pengalaman Bekerja Petugas Kepolisian Regional Traffic Management Centre (RTMC) Ditlantas Polda Jatim Saat Menjalani Stres Kerja (Studi Fenomenologi).

Wijaya, Yunus Adi (2019) Pengalaman Bekerja Petugas Kepolisian Regional Traffic Management Centre (RTMC) Ditlantas Polda Jatim Saat Menjalani Stres Kerja (Studi Fenomenologi). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


ersumber informasi dari Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), jumlah kasus stres yang terjadi penjuru dunia terus mengalami pelonjakan dalam setiap tahunnya, dari 4409 insiden pada tahun 1998 berubah mengalami peningkatan sebanak 5659 kasus pada tahun 2001. Informasi dari Indonesia Police Watch (IPW), Jumlah polisi yang tewas akibat bunuh diri pada 2015 sebanyak 7 kasus dan condong mengalami degradasi jika dibanding pada tahun lalu. Pada musim 2014 kuantitas polisi meninggal dunia akibat bunuh diri mampu menembus 41 kejadian, musim 2013 terdapat angka 27 polisi meninggal dunia akibat bunuh diri, musim 2012 ada 29 polisi tewas akibat bunuh diri. Musim 2011 diperoleh data 20 polisi meninggal dunia akibat bunuh diri. Musim 2014, polisi meninggal dunia dengan kasus ditembak eksekutor kejahatan, bahkan ditembak sesama anggota polisi lainnya memegang peringkat paling atas pemicu kematian polisi yang dipicu karena faktor stres yang tidak bisa diatasi. Kasus ini ditinjau dari keperawatan jiwa memperlihatkan derajat kejiwaan sebagian anggota Polri dalam status fluktuatif serta tak dapat menghambat emosi. Kepala Divisi Hubungan Masyarakat Markas Besar Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Kadiv Humas Mabes Polri), memberikan pernyataan, bahwa anggota Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Polri) jatuh pada stres dan melakukan serangkaian bunuh diri dengan penyebab beban tugas. Studi Markas Besar Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Mabes Polri) menyatakan 80% anggota Polisi Reserse Kriminal (Reskrim) dan Polisi Lalu Lintas (Polantas), mengalami tekanan secara psikologis oleh karena tekanan kerja. Berdasarkan studi awal yang dilakukan peneliti didapatkan data–data temuan yang mengindikasikan tema terjadinya stres dan tugas pokok di dalam Sub Direktorat (Subdit) Regional Traffic Management Centre (RTMC) Direktorat Lalu Lintas (Ditlantas) Kepolisian Daerah Jawa Timur (Polda Jatim). Anggota kepolisian yang bertugas di RTMC Ditlantas Polda Jatim mengalami stres saat rutinitas kedinasan. Diantaranya polisi dituntut kedisiplinan yang tinggi ketika menjalankan rutinitas kedinasan. Adanya perasaan was-was terhadap keselamatan diri saat melakukan rutinitas kedinasan. Penyebab stres kerja lainnya adalah jadwal shift (geser jaga) yang dilakukan selama 1 x 24 jam nonstop. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap perasaan dan pengalaman petugas kepolisian regional traffic management centre (RTMC) ditlantas polda jatim saat menjalankan tugas (studi fenomenologi). Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi interpretif. Partisipan yang terlibat 5 anggota kepolisian di RTMC yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi yang ditentukan melalui purposive sampling, yaitu: berusia 20 – 40 tahun; sehat secara fisik; anggota kepolisian yang bertugas di Subdit Regional Traffic Management Centre (RTMC) Ditlantas Poldavi Jatim pada saat melakukan kegiatan pekerjaannya; anggota kepolisian di Subdit Regional Traffic Management Centre (RTMC) Ditlantas Polda Jatim yang pernah mengalami stres kerja; bersedia menjadi partisipan dengan menandatangani surat persetujuan menjadi partisipan, bersedia dilakukan wawancara, menyetujui proses rekaman, dan hasil penelitian akan dipublikasikan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview) menggunakan panduan wawancara semiterstruktur. Selama wawancara peneliti menggunakan catatan lapangan (field note). Setelah data terkumpul peneliti menggunakan Interpretive Phenomeological Analysis (IPA) untuk analisis data. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan mengacu pada tujuan penelitian dan ditemukan 10 tema yaitu: Tema 1: Para anggota polisi di RTMC merasa memiliki semangat yang luar biasa terhadap pekerjaan mereka sebagai pelayan masyarakat, terutama pengguna jalan raya. Rasa semangat para anggota polisi ini harus terus dipupuk oleh para pimpinan guna memberikan dampak yang positif di dalam pekerjaannya dan juga ditunjang oleh sarana dan prasarana lingkungan kerja yang sehat, sehingga mampu mempertahankan lingkungan kerja yang kondusif. Tema 2: Rasa tanggung jawab anggota kepolisian di RTMC dalam pekerjaannya di kantor merupakan suatu bentuk komitmen seseorang terhadap pekerjaannya. Rasa tanggung jawab ini menjadi suatu bentuk penilaian kognitif terhadap stres yang dirasakan, stres yang bersifat positif. Karena orang yang bertanggung jawab adalah orang yang memiliki sifat mulia, sikap bertanggung jawab juga akan menumbuhkan sifat yang baik seperti jujur,disiplin, dan mau mengakui kesalahan. Dengan memiliki sifat yang bertanggung jawab ini akan membuat orang lain dan masyarakat lebih mempercayainya, serta akan mudah mendapatkan perhatian dari orang lain. Tema 3: Petugas kepolisian di RTMC dengan kinerja yang baik dan mampu mengoptimalkan potensinya mampu memberikan banyak dampak positif bagi institusinya. Tema 4: Sebenarnya rasa bersalah yang dihadapi oleh anggota polisi di RTMC bukanlah gangguan jiwa. Tetapi rasa bersalah adalah salah satu bahan yang menghasilkan gangguan jiwa. Tema 5: Perasaan kesal, dicela, tidak akan dipercayai lagi yang dialami oleh anggota kepolisian di RTMC apabila dinilai secara positif akan berdampak pada kemampuan seseorang dalam menghadapi ancaman kejiwaan yang mengganggu kinerja dalam bertugas. Apabila didapatkan anggota yang mengalami gangguan emosi yang tidak terkontrol, maka perlu diberikan intervensi keperawatan berbasis pikiran atau kognitif. Tema 6: Rasa bahagia yang di alami oleh para anggota kepolisian di RTMC merupakan respon afektif terhadap penilaian stresor. Penilaian terhadap stresor melibatkan penetapan makna dan pemahaman tentang dampak dari suatu situasi yang menimbulkan stres pada individu. Tema 7: Diharapkan semua anggota kepolisian di RTMC mampu menyelesaikan tekanan-tekanan pekerjaan dengan koping yang efektif dan adekuat. Tema 8: Kerja lembur sampai malam yang sering dialami oleh sebagian informan di RTMC bisa melahirkan efek kesehatan buruk bagi petugasnya. Tema 9: Anggota kepolisian di RTMC dihadapkan oleh tuntutan-tuntutan pekerjaan yang menjadi sumber stresor dan menimbulkan rasa jenuh dan tertekan, maka anggota polisi tersebut akan melakukan tindakan guna menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapinya untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Tema 10: Kegiatan anggota kepolisian di RTMC selalu dilakukan dengan ikhlas, sabar, istiqomah, dan amanah. Aktivitas yang dilakukan dengan cara itu, maka bisa menjadi bernilai ibadah dan akan sekaligus memiliki makna sebagai bagian dari upaya mendekatkan diri pada Tuhan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman bekerja petugas kepolisian di RTMC dalam memaknai pengalamannya saat stres kerja. Perasaan petugas kepolisian saatvii menjalani stres kerja ditemukan pada tema semangat saat bekerja dikantor, bertanggung jawab dengan pekerjaan dikantor, senang saat bekerja dikantor, perasaan bersalah terhadap keluarga, kesal dengan pimpinan dikantor, dan bahagia bersama keluarga dirumah. Pengalaman petugas kepolisian saat menjalani stres kerja ditemukan pada tema mengalami stres psikis, merasa bahwa jam kerja melebihi waktu, keinginan terbebas dari kejenuhan kerja, dan mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan. Anggota polisi yang bertugas di RTMC mempunyai waktu kerja padat yang rentan terjadinya stres dan dapat menyebabkan stres akibat kerja pada anggota polisi tersebut. Stres ini bisa berdampak pada kualitas dan efektivitas pekerjaan mereka

English Abstract

Sourced from information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of stress cases that occur throughout the world continues to experience a surge in each year, from 4409 incidents in 1998 changed to an increase of 5659 cases in 2001. Information from Indonesia Police Watch, the number of police killed by suicide in 2015 was 7 cases and tended to experience degradation compared to last year. In the 2014 season the quantity of police died due to suicide was able to penetrate 41 events, the 2013 season there were 27 police deaths due to suicide, the 2012 season there were 29 police killed as a result of suicide. In 2011 the data obtained 20 police died from suicide. In the 2014 season, the cops killed with a case of being shot by the executor of crime, and even shot by other police officers held the highest ranking as the trigger for police deaths triggered by stress factors that could not be overcome. This case, in terms of mental nursing, shows the psychological degree of some members of the National Police in a fluctuating state and cannot inhibit emotions. The Head of the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police Headquarters, gave a statement, that members of the Indonesian National Police fell into stress and committed a series of suicides with the cause of the burden of the task. The Indonesian National Police Headquarters Study stated that 80% of the members of the Criminal Investigation Police and Traffic Police, experiencing psychological stress due to work pressure. Based on the preliminary study conducted by the researcher, the data obtained from the findings indicate the theme of the occurrence of stress due to work and the main tasks in the Sub-Directorate of the Regional Traffic Management Centre (RTMC) of the East Java Regional Police. Members of the police who were in charge of the East Java Regional Police's RTMC experienced stress during their official routine. Among them, the police are required to have high discipline when running regular services. There is a feeling of anxiety about personal safety when performing everyday functions. Another cause of work stress is the schedule, which is done for 1 x 24 hours nonstop. This study aims to Working Experience of Regional Traffic Management Center (RTMC) Police Officers in East Java Regional Police when Undergoing Job Stress (Phenomenology Study). This study used a qualitative research method with an interpretive phenomenology approach. Participants involved in the five members of the police at RTMC were by the inclusion criteria determined through purposive sampling. Namely: aged 20-40 years, physically healthy, members of the police serving in the Regional Traffic Management Centre (RTMC) during their work activities, who have experienced work stress, and willing to be a participant by signing a letter of agreement to be a participant, ready to be interviewed, agree to the recording process, and the results will publish. Data collection by in-depth interviews usingix a semi-structured interview guide. During the meeting, the researcher used field notes. After the data collected, the researchers used Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to analyse the data. The research results obtained refer to the research objectives and found ten themes, namely. Theme 1: Police officers at RTMC think that they have tremendous enthusiasm for their work as public servants, especially road users. The enthusiasm of the members of the police must continue to be nurtured by the leaders to have a positive impact on their work and also supported by the facilities and infrastructure of a healthy work environment, to be able to maintain a conducive work environment. Theme 2: The sense of responsibility of members of the police at RTMC in their work in the office is a form of one's commitment to their work. This sense of responsibility becomes a form of cognitive assessment of perceived stress, positive stress. Because people who are responsible are people who have noble qualities, responsible attitude will also foster good qualities such as honesty, discipline, and willingness to admit mistakes. By having an accountable nature, this will make other people and the community more trust, and will easily get attention from others. Theme 3: Police officers at RTMC with excellent performance and ability to optimise their potential can have many positive impacts on the institution. Theme 4: the guilt faced by police officers at RTMC is not a mental disorder. But guilt is one ingredient that produces mental disorders. Theme 5: Feelings of annoyance, blame, will no longer be trusted by members of the police at RTMC if judged positively will have an impact on a person's ability to deal with psychological threats that interfere with performance on duty. If you get members who experience emotional problems that are not controlled, you need to be given mind or cognitive based nursing interventions. Theme 6: The happiness experienced by members of the police at RTMC is an effective response to the assessment of stressors. Assessment of stressors involves determining the meaning and understanding of the impact of a situation that is stressful to the individual. Theme 7: It is expected that all members of the police at RTMC will be able to resolve effective and adequate coping work pressures. Theme 8: Overtime work to the night which is often experienced by some informants at RTMC can give birth to bad health effects for the officers. Theme 9: Police officers at RTMC are faced with work demands that are a source of stressors and cause boredom and stress, so the police officer will take action to resolve the problem at hand to resolve the problem. Theme 10: The activities of members of the police at RTMC are always done with sincerity, patience, istiqomah, and trust. Activities carried out in this way can be valuable in worship and will at the same time have the meaning as part of an effort to get closer to God This study concluded that qualitative research aims to explore the experience of working police officers at RTMC in interpreting their experiences during work stress. The feeling of police officers while undergoing work stress is found in the theme of enthusiasm when working at the office, responsible for work at the office, happy when working at the office, feeling guilty about the family, upset with the head office, and happy with family at home. The experience of police officers while undergoing work stress is found on the theme of experiencing psychological stress, feeling that working hours exceed the time, desire free from work saturation, and getting closer to God. The police officers who are in charge of RTMC have a solid working time that is prone to stress and can cause stress due to work for the police officers. This stress can have an impact on the quality and effectiveness of their work

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/158.72/WIJ/p/2019/041903900
Uncontrolled Keywords: JOB STRESS
Subjects: 100 Philosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology > 158 Applied psychology > 158.7 Industrial psychology > 158.72 Job stress
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Keperawatan, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 26 Dec 2019 10:38
Last Modified: 02 Mar 2022 07:08
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