Analisis Sekuens Interspesies Lutung Jawa Barat (Trachypithecus Mauritius) Dan Lutung Jawa Timur (Trachypithecus Auratus) Berdasarkan Gen Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit I Dengan Menggunakan Metode Polymerase Chain Reaction (Pcr)

Maulidina, Hazra (2019) Analisis Sekuens Interspesies Lutung Jawa Barat (Trachypithecus Mauritius) Dan Lutung Jawa Timur (Trachypithecus Auratus) Berdasarkan Gen Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit I Dengan Menggunakan Metode Polymerase Chain Reaction (Pcr). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Lutung Jawa merupakan jenis primata endemik Jawa yang dilindungi keberadaannya di Indonesia. Identifikasi lutung Jawa Barat (Trachypithecus mauritius) dan lutung Jawa Timur (Trachypithecus auratus) secara morfologi sulit untuk dibedakan. Perbandingan kedua spesies lutung dilakukan dengan konfirmasi molekuler menggunakan gen Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit 1 (COI) pada DNA mitokondria (mtDNA). Sekuens gen COI diperoleh berdasarkan GenBank kode akses KY117596.1 pada NCBI. Target gen COI berukuran 486 bp diperoleh dari sampel folikel rambut setelah melalui tahap isolasi DNA dan amplifikasi PCR. Amplifikasi PCR menggunakan primer forward (CLJ_F) 5’-TTC TTA TTC GAG CCG AGC TG -3’ dan reverse (CLJ_R) 5’-AGG AGT AGT AGG ACT GCT GT - 3’. Hasil PCR disekuensing menggunakan metode Sanger sequencing. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif untuk memperlihatkan jarak kekerabatan interspesies dengan menggunakan program BioEdit®, Basic Local Aligment Search Tool (BLAST), dan program Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGAX). Sampel yang digunakan untuk sekuensing adalah tiga sampel (JT2, JT4 dan JT5) untuk lutung Jawa Timur dan dua sampel (JB3 dan JB5) untuk lutung Jawa Barat. Analisis data variasi nukleotida terdapat 10 dan12 nukleotida bervariasi apabila dibandingkan dengan T.auratus dan T.mauritius pada lima sampel yang disekuensing. Jarak genetik yang ditunjukan JT2 (d=1.6%), JT4 (d=1.4%), JT5(d=0.2%) dan JB5 (d=0.5%) menunjukan jarak genetik intraspesies dengan pembanding Trachypithecus auratus dan JB3 (d=1.1%) bila dibandingkan dengan Trachypithecus mauritius. Mutasi genetik yang diperlihatkan seluruh sampel besifat silent mutation. Berdasarkan analisa data yang dilakukan sampel JT2, JT4, JT5 dan JB5 memiliki hubungan kekerabatan yang dekat dengan pembanding Trachypitecus auratus dan JB3 memiliki hubungan kekerabatan dengan pembanding Trachypithecus mauritius

English Abstract

Javan Langur is an endemic species of Javan primates that are protected in Indonesia. The identification of West Javan Langur (Trachypithecus mauritius) and East Javan Langur (Trachypithecus auratus) is morphologically difficult to differentiated. Comparison of the two species of langur was carried out by confirmation of molecular level using the Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The COI gene sequence is obtained based on GenBank access code KY117596.1 NCBI. The target of 486 bp COI gene was obtained from hair follicle samples after going through the DNA isolation and PCR amplification stages. PCR amplification uses the forward primer (CLJ_F) 5 '-TTC TTA TTC GAG CCG AGC -3' and reverse (CLJ_R) 5 '-AGG AGT AGT AGG ACT GCT GT-3'. The PCR results were sequenced using the Sanger sequencing method. Analysis of sequencing data was carried out descriptively qualitative to show interspecies kinship distance using the BioEdit® program, Basic Local Aligment Search Tool (BLAST), and the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA-X) program. The samples used for sequencing were three samples (JT2, JT4 and JT5) for langur in East Java and two samples (JB3 and JB5) for langur in West Java. Analysis of data on nucleotide variations of 10 and 12 nucleotides varies when compared to T.auratus and T.mauritius in five sequenced samples. The genetic distance shown by JT2 (d = 1.6%), JT4 (d = 1.4%), JT5 (d = 0.2%) and JB5 (d = 0.5%) shows the genetic distance of intraspecies with comparison of Trachypithecus auratus and JB3 (d = 1.1% ) when compared to Trachypithecus mauritius. The genetic mutations shown throughout the sample are silent mutations. Based on data analysis carried out by samples of JT2, JT4, JT5 and JB5, the kinship relationship was close to the comparison of Trachypitecus auratus and JB3 having a kinship relationship with the comparison of Trachypithecus mauritius

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FKH/2019/155/051909093
Uncontrolled Keywords: Lutung Jawa, COI, PCR, dan analisis sukens interspesies, Javan Langur, COI, PCR and Sequences Interspecies Analysis
Subjects: 900 History, geography and auxiliary disciplines > 969 South Indian Ocean islands > 969.8 Reunion and Mauritius
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan > Kedokteran Hewan
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 12 Nov 2020 23:57
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2021 06:19
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