Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan dengan Metode Service Quality (SERVQUAL) dan Quality Function Deployment (QFD) di Rumah Sakit Islam Gondanglegi

Waskita, Satria Harapan (2019) Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan dengan Metode Service Quality (SERVQUAL) dan Quality Function Deployment (QFD) di Rumah Sakit Islam Gondanglegi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Rumah Sakit Islam Gondanglegi merupakan rumah sakit tipe C atau tingkat kecamatan di kabupaten Malang. Terdapat komplein pasien terhadap pelayanan rawat jalan sehingga dapat dikatakan rumah sakit belum melakukan evaluasi kualitas pelayanan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan secara komprehensif. Hal tersebut sedikit banyak mempengaruhi kepuasan pasien terhadap jasa yang diberikan oleh pihak rumah sakit. Kepuasan pelanggan sendiri merupakan hal penting bagi perusahaan dalam mengukur penilaian tentang keunggulan produk atau jasa yang berkaitan dengan aspek pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumen. Kepuasan pelanggan juga menjadi faktor utama dilakukannya penelitian ini. Metode pengukuran kualitas layanan yang digunakan adalah Service Quality (SERVQUAL) dan House of Quality (HOQ). Metode service quality memiliki 5 dimensi yaitu dimensi tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, dan empathy. Berdasarkan 5 dimensi tersebut kemudian dilakukan identifikasi atribut kuisoner, penyebaran kuisioner, pengujian kuisioner dengan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas, perhitungan gap 5 yang berfokus kepada persepsi pelanggan dan ekspektasi pelanggan. Nilai gap negatif menunjukkan bahwa kualitas yang diberikan belum sesuai dengan ekspektasi pelanggan dan nilai gap positif menunjukkan bahwa kualitas sudah memenuhi ekspektasi pelanggan. Hasil perhitungan gap 5 diintegrasikan dengan House of Quality (HOQ) yang kemudian dilakukan analisis House of Quality (HOQ) yang menghasilkan atribut technical response yang memiliki kontribusi terbesar pada voice of costumer sehingga atribut tersebut dijadikan prioritas dalam rekomendasi perbaikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan 5 dimensi tersebut, didapatkan dimensi reliability dengan nilai gap negatif tertinggi dengan nilai rata – rata -0,07. Sementara dimensi lain yaitu tangibles (-0,036), assurance (-0,027), empathy (-0,022), dan responsiveness (-0,015). Berdasarkan House of Quality, terdapat 10 technical response yang mengacu kepada voice of costumer. Technical response tersebut yang kemudian dijadikan rekomendasi perbaikan antara lain peningkatan perhatian petugas terhadap pasien dengan nilai kontribusi sebesar 19,12%, peningkatan sarana dan prasarana rumah sakit dengan persentase 14,87%, petugas memberikan informasi yang jelas dan mudah dimengerti dengan 12,1%, tindakan cepat petugas saat pelayanan pengobatan sebesar 9,5 %, transparansi tarif jasa dan biaya pengobatan sebesar 7,97%, Tingkat keadilan dalam pelayanan sebesar 7,72%, Peningkatan fasilitas instalasi farmasi sebesar 7,70%, Pelayanan yang sopan dan ramah kepada pasien sebesar 7,66% Pengetahuan dan kemampuan para Dokter menetapkan diagnose sebesar 7,47% dan Respon yang baik dalam menerima kritik dan saran sebesar 5,77%.

English Abstract

Gondanglegi Islamic Hosptal is a type C hospital or district grade in Kabupaten Malang. There is a complaint of patients thus it can be said that the hospital has not evaluated the quality of service performance to improve service quality comprehensively. This affects the customer satisfaction to the services provided by the hospital. Customer satisfaction itself is an important thing for companies in measuring the assessment of the superiority of products or services related to aspects of meeting consumer needs. Costumer satisfaction is also a major factor in this research The method of measuring service quality is Service Quality (SERVQUAL) and House of Quality (HOQ). Service quality method has 5 dimensions, namely tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy dimensions. Based on these 5 dimensions, then identification of questionnaire attributes, questionnaire distribution, questionnaire testing with validity test and reliability test, gap 5 calculation focused on customer perceptions and customer expectations. A negative gap value indicates that the quality provided is not in accordance with customer expectations and a positive gap value indicates that quality has met customer expectations. The results of gap 5 calculation are integrated with House of Quality (HOQ), which carried out by the House of Quality (HOQ) analysis which results in a technical response attribute that has the biggest contribution to the voice of customers these attributes are prioritized in recommendations for improvement. The results of this study indicate based on these 5 dimensions, the reliability dimension is obtained with the highest negative gap value with an average value of -0.07. While other dimensions are tangibles (-0.036), assurance (-0,027), empathy (-0,022), and responsiveness (-0,015). Based on the House of Quality, there are 10 technical responses that refer to the voice of the customer. The technical response which then made as recommendations for improvement, among others, increase in the attention of officers towards patients with a percentage of 19.12%, improvement of hospital facilities and infrasturcture (14.87%), easily understood information from officers (12.1%), fast action officers when treatment service (9,5%), transparency of service fees and treatment costs level (7,97%), fairness in service level (7,72%), improvement of pharmaceutical installation facilities (7,70%), friendly service to patient level (7,66%), knowledge and the ability of the doctors to establish a diagnosis (7,47%) and good response in receiving critism (5,77%).

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2019/872/051910651
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kepuasan Pelanggan, Service Quality, House of Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, House of Quality
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.4 Executive management > 658.401 Planning, policy making, control, quality management > 658.401 3 Control and quality management
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 11 Nov 2020 03:36
Last Modified: 22 Mar 2022 08:54
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