Analisis Kesintasan Pasien Systemic Lupus Erythematosus dengan Lupus Nefritis dan Kelainan Neuropsikiatrik di RSSA Malang.

Alkhusairy, Robby (2019) Analisis Kesintasan Pasien Systemic Lupus Erythematosus dengan Lupus Nefritis dan Kelainan Neuropsikiatrik di RSSA Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Systemica Lupusa Erythematosuse (SLE) adalahe suatud epenyakitfeautoimun epada ejaringanf ikat. Karenaf masihf kurangnyaf penelitianf yangf mengangkatf permasalahanf lupusf dif Indonesiaf terutamaf denganf manifestasif klinisf kelainanf ginjalf danf Neuropsikiatrik, penelitianf inif bertujuanf untukf melihatf tingkatf kesintasanf pasienf SLEf denganf manifestasif klinisf kelainanf ginjalf danf Neuropsikiatrik. Padaf penelitianf inif didapatkanf 700 dataf rekamf medisf pasienf SLEf dif Rumahfe Sakitf Dr.Saifulf Anware Malangf fdan terdapatf 60 dataf rekamf medisf yangf dikeluarkanf karenaf adanyaf kesalahanf diagnosis, sehinggaf terdapatf 640 daftar rekamf medisf yangf terdirif fdari 313 fdata frekamf fmedisf pasienf rawatf inapf adan 327 dataf rekame medisf pasienf rawatf jalan. Hanyaf dilakukanf pengamatanf selamaf 10 tahunf untukf melihatf kesintasanf pasien. Kemudianf melihatf kesintasanf pasienf denganf metodef lifetablef danf fmetode Kaplan-meier. Darif hasilf penelitianf inif didapatkanf pasienf denganf lupus nefritis dalamf satuf tahunf memilikif tingkatf kesintasanf sebesarf 87% danf dalamf limaf tahunf memilikif tingkatf kesintasanf sebesarf 77%. Sementaraf keinstasanf pasienf yangf tidakF lupus nefritisf dalamf satuf tahun adalahf 91% danf dalamf limaf tahunf adalahf 87%. Sedanganf untukf kesintasanff pasienf denganf Neuropsikiatrik lupus dalamf satuf tahunf adalahf 66% fdanf dalamf limaf tahunf adalahf 49%. Sedangkanf untukf pasienf yangf tidakf memilikif kelainanf Neuropsikiatrikf tingkat kesintasannyaf dalamf satuf tahunf adalahf 95% danf dalamf limfa tahunf adalahf 91%. Sehinggaf dapatf ditarikf kesimpulanff tingkatf kesintasanf pasienf denganf lupus nefritis danf kelainan Neuropsikiatrik lebihf rendahf dibandingkanf pasienf yangf tidakf memilikif manifestasif lupus nefritis danf kelainanf Neuropsikiatrikf. Kemudian tidak didapatkan hubungan yang signifikan antara lupus nefritis dan mortalitas pasien SLE. Lalu didapatkan hubungan yang signifikan antara kelainan Neuropsikiatrik dan mortalitas pasien SLE.

English Abstract

Systemice eLupus Erythematosuse (SLE) f ise ans autoimmunee diseasee inf connectivef tissuef. Becausef theref isf stillf af lackf ofe fresearchf thatf raisesf thef problemf off SLE fin fIndonesia, especiallyf withf clinicalf manifestationsf off lupus nephritis andf neuropsychiatry, thisf studyf aimsf tof seef thef fsurvivalf ratef off SLEf patientsf withf clinicalf manifestationsf off renalf andf neuropsychiatricf disorders. Inf thisf studyf theref weref 700 medicalf recordf dataf off SLEf patientsf atf Dr. Saifulf Anwarf Hospitalf inf Malangf andf 60 medicalf recordsf weref issuedf duef tof misdiagnosis, sof thatf theref weref 640 medicalf recordf dataf consistingf off 313 inpatientf medicalf recordsf andf 327 dataf outpatientf medicalf record. Onlyf 10 yearsf off observationf weref carriedf outf tof seef thef patient'sf survival. Thenf lookf atf thef survivalf off patientsf withf thef lifeftablef methodf andf thef fKaplan-meierf method. gFrom dthe resultsf off thisf studyf, patientsf withf lupusf nephritisf inf onef yearf hadf af survivalf ratef off 87% andf inf fivef yearsf hadf af survivalf ratef off 77%. Whilef thef stabilityf off patient’s whof dof notf havef lupusf nephritisf in one year is 91% and in five years is 87%. While for the survival of patients with Neuropsychiatric Lupus in one year is 66% and in five years is 49%. Whereas for patients who do not have a neuropsychiatric disorder the survival rate in one year is 95% and in five years is 91%. So thatf itf can fbe concludedf thatf thef survival rate off patientsf with kidney and neuropsychiatric disorders is lower than patients who dof notf have manifestations of kidney abnormalities and neuropsychiatricf disordersf. Then, there was no significant relationship between lupus nefritis and mortality in SLE patients. After that, there was a significant relationship between neuropsychiatric abnormalities and mortality in SLE patients.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FK/2019/258/051909457
Uncontrolled Keywords: SLE, lupus nefritis, dan kelainan Neuropsikiatrikf, LESf, kidneyf abnormalitiesf, neuropsychiatricf disordersf.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 616 Diseases > 616.7 Diseases of musculoskeletal system > 616.77 Diseases of connectives tissues > 616.772 Systemic lupus erythematosus
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran > Pendidikan Dokter
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 05 Aug 2020 07:48
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2021 03:15
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