Adianti, Shelly Yunita (2019) Perencanaan Tata Ruang Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Pembangunan Kota Berkelanjutan Dalam Perspektif Stakeholders (Studi Analisis Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kota Mojokerto). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi sosial dan lingkungan yang secara global mengalami penurunan akibat beban pembangunan dan urbanisasi daerah perkotaan. Kota merupakan wilayah yang paling bertanggung jawab terhadap munculnya pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim secara global. Kota Mojokerto sebagai salah satu kota terpadat di Provinsi Jawa Timur ditinjau dari kondisi sosial dan lingkungannya mengalami penurunan ditandai dengan beberapa hal yaitu polusi akibat beban emisi, belum optimalnya transportasi publik, tidak optimalnya pengelolaan sektor informal, hingga alih fungsi lahan di beberapa area. Penelitian ini berfokus pada penilaian kemampuan substansi perencanaan tata ruang yaitu RTRW Kota Mojokerto untuk mewujudkan pembangunan kota berkelanjutan. Konsep-konsep perencanaan dan konsep kota berkelanjutan inilah yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengkritisi RTRW Kota Mojokerto. Pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) memiliki banyak pengaruh dalam perumusan substansi perencanaan tata ruang, sehingga konsep perencanaan dan konsep kota berkelanjutan mengkritisi Perda RTRW ditinjau melalui sudut pandang perspektif stakeholders. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis secara komprehensif dan terinci tentang perencanaan tata ruang Kota Mojokerto secara umum dalam perspektif stakeholders dan konsepsi kota berkelanjutan perencanaan tata ruang Kota Mojokerto dalam perspektif stakeholders. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatitf dengan metode teknik analisis Miles, Huberman dan Saldana untuk memperoleh kesimpulan analisis perspektif stakeholders berdasarkan konsep perencanaan dan konsep kota berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian melalui analisis kualitatif Miles Huberman dan Saldana menunjukkan bahwa Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) Kota Mojokerto termasuk ke dalam jenis perencanaan perencanaan fisik, perencanaan horizontal dan vertikal, perencanaan top down, sehingga membutuhkan pelibatan stakeholders yang lebih besar dalam proses perencanaannya. Ditinjau dari proses perencanaannya, terdapat dua tahapan yang tidak dilakukan dalam penyusunan RTRW Kota Mojokerto yaitu pengembangan alternatif rencana dan analisis feasibilitas. Ketiadaan dua proses ini ternyata berpengaruh besar terhadap kelayakan RTRW dalam hal arahan peruntukan lahan yang direncanakan. RTRW Kota Mojokerto dengan konsep kota berkelanjutan ditinjau dari kriteria 5E yaitu economy, ecology, equity, engagement, dan energy. Secara economy, penataan pasar lebih fokus memperhatikan penataan pasar yang sudah terbangun, RTRW agar memuat rencana sektor informal wilayah Barat, elemen-elemen pertumbuhan ekonomi dimunculkan di wilayah Barat, arah xi investasi kota diperjelas, dan perencanaan ekonomi regional dengan saling memberikan multiplier effect. Secara Ecology,harus ada penyusunan baku mutu lingkungan, revisi RTRW akibat pencaplokan lahan warga akibat kebutuhan rencana RTH, dan pemanfaatan sempadan sebagai wisata waterfront. Secara Equity, Perda RTRW agar didukung oleh perencanaan infrastruktur untuk disabilitas. Secara Engagement, dalam perencanaan peruntukan lahan milik warga, Perda RTRW harus melibatkan masyarakat dan pihak swasta, peran BKPRD dioptimalkan, dan DPRD menjadi jembatan antara pemerintah dengan masyarakat. Secara Energy harus ada peningkatan perencanaan transportasi berbasis penggunaan lahan, dan menyegerakan Perda RDTRK demi aturanaturan persil bangunan yang mampu menghemat energi.
English Abstract
This research is motivated by social and environmental conditions that globally have decreased due to the burden of urban development and urbanization. The city is the region that has the biggest responsibility for the emergence of global warming and climate change globally. Mojokerto City as one of the most densely populated cities in East Java Province in terms of its social and environmental conditions has been marked by several things, namely pollution due to emissions, not optimal public transportation, not optimal management of the informal sector, and land conversion in some areas. This study focuses on assessing the ability of the substance of spatial planning, namely the Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) of Mojokerto City to realize sustainable city development. These planning concepts and sustainable city concepts are used to identify and criticize the RTRW of Mojokerto City. Stakeholders have a lot of influences in the formulation of the substance of spatial planning, so that the concept of planning and the concept of sustainable cities criticize the RTRW reviewed through the stakeholder’s perspectives. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze comprehensively about the spatial planning of Mojokerto City in general in the stakeholder’s perspective and the conception of sustainable city on spatial planning of stakeholders' perspective in Mojokerto city. The type of this research is qualitative research with the analytical technique methods of Miles, Huberman and Saldana to draw conclusions on the analysis of stakeholder’s perspectives based on planning concepts and sustainable city concepts. The results of the study through qualitative analysis of Miles Huberman and Saldana showed that the Spatial planning of Mojokerto City (RTRW) was included in the types of physical planning, horizontal and vertical planning, topdown planning, so that it required greater involvement of stakeholders in the planning process. Judging from the planning process, there are two stages that were not carried out in the preparation of RTRW of Mojokerto city, namely the development of alternative plans and feasibility analysis. The absence of these two processes turned out to have a major effect on the feasibility of the RTRW in terms of the planned land use planning. RTRW of Mojokerto city with the concept of sustainable city in terms of 5E criteria, namely economy, ecology, equity, engagement, and energy. In terms of economy, market structuring focuses more on the arrangement of markets that have already been built, the RTRW has to contain plans for the informal sector in West, elements of economic growth has to be raised in the West, direction of city investment must be clarified, and regional economic planning has to be developed in mutual multiplier effects. In Ecology, there must be a compilation of environmental quality standards, a revision of the Spatial Plan due to the annexation of people's land due to the need for green xiii open space plans, and the use of river borders as waterfront tourism. In Equity, the RTRW Perda should be supported by infrastructure planning for disability. In Engagement, in the planning of land use owned by residents, the RTRW Perda must involve the community and the private sector, the role of the Badan Koordinasi Penataan Ruang Daerah (BKPRD) has to be optimized, and the DPRD becomes a bridge between the government and the community. In Energy, RTRW must has an increase of land-based transportation planning, and accelerate the RDTRK Regional Regulation for building parcels that can save energy.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/307.121 6/ADI/p/2019/041907744 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 307 Communities > 307.1 Planning and development > 307.121 6 City planning |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 25 Nov 2019 05:58 |
Last Modified: | 19 Dec 2019 04:32 |
URI: | |
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