Nurmaydha, Agensy (2018) Strategi Pengembangan Restoran Halal Sebagai Penunjang Hotel Syariah (Studi Kasus Di Unida Gontor Inn, Universitas Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Wisata syariah merupakan trend baru pariwisata di dunia. Peluang wisata syariah berpotensi sangat menguntungkan, tidak hanya bagi Muslim tetapi juga non-Muslim. Wisata syariah mewadahi banyak industri, seperti makanan halal, travel halal, restoran halal, dan hotel syariah. Salah satu aspek yang harus dipenuhi dalam sertifikasi hotel syariah yaitu restoran tersertifikasi halal. UNIDA Gontor Inn merupakan salah satu hotel di Ponorogo milik Universitas Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor yang dipersiapkan menjadi hotel syariah. Untuk itu, perlu penelusuran menu di Resto UNIDA Gontor Inn secara menyeluruh baik pada katering dalam dan katering luar. Tujuan penelitian ini menentukan titik kontrol kehalalan (HCP) menu di Restoran UNIDA Gontor Inn sehingga memudahkan persiapan dokumen sertifikasi halal ke Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan dan Obat-Obatan Majelis Ulama Indonesia (LPPOM MUI)dan menentukan strategi untuk pengembangan restoran UNIDA Gontor Inn menjadi restoran halal sebagai penunjang hotel syariah. Identifikasi titik kontrol kehalalan menggunakan metode Halal Assurance System (HAS) 23102 LPPOM MUI. Selanjutnya, penentuan strategi pengembangan menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dengan responden pakar 8 orang, meliputi direktur UNIDA Gontor Inn, staf resto, staf hotel, MUI Ponorogo, Dinas Pariwisata, akademisi hukum syariah, perwakilan katering dalam dan katering luar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsep model sistem jaminan halal di Resto UNIDA Gontor Inn sangat berpotensi untuk dikembangkan. Penelusuran HCP pada 25 menu unggulan didapatkan bahan baku dan bahan tambahan yang digunakan sejumlah 78 bahan, 7 bahan atau 9% termasuk HCP antara lain daging sapi, daging kambing, ayam kampung, ayam Broiler, kerupuk udang, terasi, dan bumbu Depot Blenger. Manajemen UNIDA Gontor Inn dapat melakukan perbaikan alternatif bahan bersertifikat halal untuk mendukung dokumen sertifikasi halal ke LPPOM MUI. Pengembangan strategi dengan metode AHP, diperoleh hasil prioritas level faktor yaitu sistem produksi (0,454), pasar (0,321), sumberdaya manusia (0,225). Prioritas level tujuan yaitu sertifikat halal restoran (0,412), kepercayaan konsumen (0,189), konsistensi metode pengolahan (0,181), dan pengembangan menu halal (0,082). Prioritas level alternatif strategi yaitu penentuan standar kualitas produksi (0,316), peningkatan fasilitas produksi (0,269), peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan SDM (0,216) dan strategi persaingan pasar (0,1999). Pihak manjemen hotel harus lebih fokus dalam menentukan standar kualitas produksi terkait dengan input, proses, dan output, meliputi pembelian bahan baku, penerimaan, seleksi, penyimpanan, pengolahan, dan penyajian sesuai HAS agar tersertifikasi halal. Dengan demikian, bisa menunjang sertifikasi restoran halal, hotel syariah, serta menjadi percontohan hotel syariah di Ponorogo.
English Abstract
Sharia tourism is a new trend of tourism in the world. Sharia tourism opportunities are potentially very profitable, not only for Muslims but also non-Muslims. Sharia tourism encompasses many industries, such as halal food, and restaurants, and sharia hotels. One of the aspects fulfilled in the certification of sharia hotels is halal certified restaurant. UNIDA Gontor Inn is one of the hotels in Ponorogo owned by University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor prepared to be sharia hotel. Therefore, it is needed to observe the menu on Resto UNIDA Gontor Inn thoroughly both the inside and outside catering. The aim of this study is to determine the halal control point (HCP) menu in UNIDA Gontor Restaurant that enables to facilitate the preparation of halal certification documents to the Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics. (LPPOM MUI) and to decide the development strategy of UNIDA Gontor Inn restaurant into a halal restaurant as the supporting of sharia hotels. The Identification of halal control points uses Halal Assurance System (HAS) 23102 LPPOM MUI method. The next point is the determination of development strategy implementing Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with expert respondents 8 people, including director of UNIDA Gontor Inn, restaurant staff, hotel staff, MUI Ponorogo, Tourism Office, sharia law academy, catering representatives. The research finding reports that the concept of a halal assurance system model in Resto UNIDA Gontor Inn is very potential to develop. HCP searches on 25 superior menu inform that raw materials and additional material used are aproximately 78 materials, 7 ingredients or 9% including HCP consisting of beef, mutton, chicken, broiler, shrimp crackers, shrimp, and seasoning of Blenger Stall. The Management of UNIDA Gontor Innis able to create alternative repair of halal certified material to support halal certification document to LPPOM MUI. The Development of strategy using AHP method shows the result of priority level in which the production system (0,454), market (0,321), and human resource (0,225). The objectives of Priority level are halal restaurant certificate (0,412), consumer confidence (0,189), consistency of processing method (0,181), and halal menu development (0,082). Priority level of alternative strategy is determination of production quality standard (0,316), improvement of production facility (0,269), enrichment of knowledge and skill of human resources (0,216) and strategy of market competition (0,1999). The management of the hotel should be more focused on determining the quality standards of production relavant to inputs, processes, and outputs, including raw material purchase, acceptance, selection, storage, processing, and presentation to be halal certified. Hence, it can support the certification of halal restaurants, sharia hotels, as well as being amodel for sharia hotel in Ponorogo.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/647.982/NUR/s/2018/041802377 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 647 Management of public households (institutional housekeeping) > 647.9 Specific kinds of public households and institutions > 647.98 Religious institutions > 647.982 Religious institutions (Mosque and minarets) |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Industri Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 22 Nov 2019 07:46 |
Last Modified: | 17 Jan 2022 07:43 |
URI: | |
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