Representation of Social Issues in Siti and Turah Movie: A Study of Pierre Bourdieu’s Social Practice and Symbolic Violence

Fatahillah, Muhammad Nif’an (2019) Representation of Social Issues in Siti and Turah Movie: A Study of Pierre Bourdieu’s Social Practice and Symbolic Violence. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Film adalah salah satu medium representasi. Melalui pemahaman tersebut, film dapat dimengerti sebagai medium dimana banyak praktik dan aspek-aspek kehidupan yang terjalin didalam elemen-elemen film sepanjang jalan cerita berlangsung. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua film independen Indonesia produksi Fourcolours Films berjudul Siti dan Turah. Menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra sebagai pendekatan luas, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kompleksitas isu-isu sosial yang digambarkan dalam film Siti dan Turah. Teori praktik sosial yang dikemukakan oleh Pierre Bourdieu digunakan untuk membongkar mekanisme kompleks habitus, ranah, dan capital yang digambarkan di kedua film. Teori Bourdieu kekerasan simbolik juga diterapkan untuk mengetahui bagaimana konsep kekerasan simbolik—sebuah kekerasan subtil yang membuat pihak-pihak terdominasi melihat kekerasan dan dominasi sebagai sesuatu yang wajar direpresentasikan di kedua film melalui potret isu-isu sosial. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kekerasan simbolik termanifestasi melalui isu ekonomi, pendidikan, dan gender. Hal yang menjadi temuan utama adalah tidak adanya faktor economic capital yang menjadi landasan munculnya banyak permasalahan sosial lain yang digambarkan dalam film. Mekanisme kekerasan simbolik terjadi dikarenakan kepemilikan kapital dan menyebabkan munculnya doxa dan heterodoxa yang direpresentasikan oleh karakter-karakter dalam film.

English Abstract

Film is one of the media of representation. By that understanding, film is comprehended as a site where many practices and life aspects are intertwined inside the filmic elements along the storyline. This research incorporates two Indonesian independent films produced by Fourcolours Films entitled Siti and Turah. Using the broad approach of sociology of literature, this research is conducted to comprehend the complexity of the social issues depicted in Siti and Turah movie. The notion of social practice proposed by Pierre Bourdieu is incorporated to decipher how the complex mechanism of habitus, field, and capital is depicted in both movies. Furthermore, his theory of symbolic violence is also incorporated to comprehend how the concept of symbolic violence—a mechanism of subtle violence that makes the subordinate perceives domination as a common thing—is represented in both movies through the depiction of social issues. From the analysis, it can be concluded that symbolic violence is manifested through economic issue, educational issue, and gender issue. The absence of economic capital becomes one of the underlying problems in generating symbolic violence presented in the movies. The mechanism of symbolic violence is infiltrated through the possession of capitals and causes the presence of doxa and heterodoxa represented by the characters.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIB/2019/272/051908730
Uncontrolled Keywords: Film, Habitus, Ranah, Kapital, Kekerasan Simbolik-Movie, Habitus, Field, Capital, Symbolic Violence
Subjects: 700 The Arts > 791 Public performances > 791.4 Motion pictures, radio, television > 791.43 Motion pictures > 791.437 Films
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 23 Oct 2020 05:44
Last Modified: 06 May 2024 01:32
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