Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Brokoli (Brassica oleracea) Terhadap Ketebalan Endometrium Tikus Putih Wistar yang Dipapar Monosodium Glutamat (MSG)

Hernanda R, Annisa Istighfari (2019) Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Brokoli (Brassica oleracea) Terhadap Ketebalan Endometrium Tikus Putih Wistar yang Dipapar Monosodium Glutamat (MSG). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Monosodium Glutamat (MSG) merupakan salah satu penyedap makanan yang biasa digunakan oleh masyarakat. Konsumsi MSG secara berlebihan memiliki dampak merugikan terhadap organ reproduksi, salah satunya terhadap uterus yang mampu menyebabkan penurunan ketebalan endometrium sehingga bisa mengakibatkan kegagalan implantasi. Terjadinya peningkatan glutamat dan radikal bebas yang berlebihan, menyebabkan antioksidan dalam tubuh tidak mampu menangkal radikal bebas. Pemberian ekstrak etanol brokoli sebagai antioksidan melalui kandungan flavonoidnya akan menghambat reaksi berantai radikal bebas, sehingga dapat meningkatkan ketebalan endometrium pada tikus putih wistar yang dipapar MSG. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol brokoli terhadap peningkatan ketebalan endometrium tikus putih yang dipapar MSG. Studi eksperimental menggunakan desain penelitian Randomized Post Test Only Control Group dengan 30 sampel tikus putih wistar yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok yaitu kontrol negatif (KN) tidak dipapar MSG dan ekstrak etanol brokoli, kontrol positif (KP) hanya dipapar MSG 0,7 mg/gBB, perlakuan 1 (PI) dipapar MSG 0,7 mg/gBB dan ekstrak etanol brokoli 500 mg/kgBB, perlakuan 2 (PII) dipapar MSG 0,7 mg/gBB dan ekstrak etanol brokoli 1000 mg/kgBB, perlakuan 3 (PIII) dipapar MSG 0,7 mg/gBB dan ekstrak etanol brokoli 2000 mg/kgBB. Paparan MSG dan ekstrak etanol brokoli diberikan setiap hari selama 28 hari. Ketebalan endometrium diamati dengan mikroskop Olympus BX51 dan diukur menggunakan software OlyVIA. Analisis data menggunakan uji One Way Anova dan LSD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan rata-rata ketebalan endometrium antara KP dan KN dengan p = 0,028, serta terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara KP dan PII dengan p = 0,008 serta KP dan PIII dengan p = 0,005. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu ekstrak etanol brokoli dapat meningkatkan ketebalan endometrium pada tikus putih yang dipapar MSG.

English Abstract

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is one of food flavoring that commonly used by the people. Excessive consumption of MSG has an adverse effect on the reproduction organs, one of them to the uterus which can decrease the endometrium thickness so it can lead to implantation failure. The increase of glutamate and free radicals cause antioxidant in the body unable to ward off free radicals. Giving ethanol extract of broccoli as an antioxidant through its flavonoid can ward off chain reaction of free radicals, so it can increase the endometrium thickness of white rat wistar that exposed by MSG. This research is aimed to knowing the effect of ethanol extract of broccoli on increasing the endometrium thickness of white rat exposed by MSG. Experimental study using research design Randomized Post Test Only Control Group with 30 samples of white rat wistar that divided into 5 groups: control negative (KN) not exposed by MSG and ethanol extract of broccoli, control positive (KP) only exposed by MSG 0,7 mg/gBB, treatment 1 (PI) exposed by MSG 0,7 mg/gBB and ethanol extract of broccoli 500 mg/kgBB, treatment 2 (PII) exposed by MSG 0,7 mg/gBB and ethanol extract of broccoli 1000 mg/kgBB, treatment 3 (PIII) exposed by MSG 0,7 mg/gBB and ethanol extract of broccoli 2000 mg/kgBB. Exposure of MSG and ethanol extract of broccoli are given every day during 28 days. Endometrium thickness was observed use Olympus BX51 microscope and measured use OlyVIA software. Data were analyzed using One Way Anova and LSD test. Result of this research show there was a significant difference on mean of endometrium thickness between KP and KN with p = 0,028, and there were significant difference between KP and PII with p = 0,008, also KP and PIII with p = 0,005. The conclusion is ethanol extract of broccoli can increase the endometrium thickness of white rat exposed by MSG.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FK/2019/88/051909188
Uncontrolled Keywords: ekstrak etanol brokoli (Brassica oleracea), Monosodium Glutamat (MSG), ketebalan endometrium, ethanol extract of broccoli (Brassica oleracea), Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), endometrium thickness
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 615 Pharmacology and therapeutics > 615.1 Drugs (materia medica) > 615.107 24 Experimental research
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran > Kebidanan
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 19 Jul 2020 04:09
Last Modified: 10 Mar 2022 04:52
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