American Values Depicted in Sadia Shepard’s Foreign-Returned

Ashila, Azka (2019) American Values Depicted in Sadia Shepard’s Foreign-Returned. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Setiap manusia memegang nilai-nilai tertentu dihidupnya. Nilai-nilai tersebut mempengaruhi cara mereka berfikir dan bertindak terhadap masalah-masalah tertentu di kehidupan mereka, khususnya para imigran di Amerika. Para imigran, baik generasi pertama dan kedua, mempunyai beberapa nilai yang membuat mereka berfikir dan bertindak tentang sesuatu secara lebih rumit. Cerita pendek Foreign-Returned dipilih sebagai objek penelitian karena cerita tersebut berbicara tentang identitas budaya dari imigran Pakistan dari generasi berbeda di setiap tokohnya. Nilai-nilai Amerika adalah fokus utama penelitian karena nilai-nilai Amerika terlihat secara nampak dan tersirat pada tokoh-tokohnya. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi untuk menganalisa data. Sumber data primer dipilih dari percakapan antar tokoh dan narasi dari cerita pendek Foreign-Returned. Subjek yang dipilih adalah Hassan, Hina Bhati, Sara, Ali Ahmed dan Mona Ahmed sebagai perwakilan imigran generasi pertama dan kedua dari Pakistan. Penelitian ini menerapkan teori nilai-nilai Amerika tradisional dan diaspora orang Pakistan di Amerika tahun 2000. Hasil dari penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa para tokoh, baik itu imigran generasi pertama maupun kedua, mempunyai nilai-nilai Amerika pada sifat-sifat tertentu. Para tokoh menggambarkan nilai-nilai Amerika secara tersirat dan jelas dari interaksi mereka satu sama lain. Bagaimanapun, nilai-nilai mereka dapat berubah-ubah. Tidak semua orang dapat memegang nilai-nilai Amerika namun di sisi lain, orang-orang yang bukan orang Amerika dapat memegang nilai-nilai Amerika. Para tokoh memegang nilai-nilai Amerika, tetapi nilai-nilai negara asal mereka, yaitu Pakistan, juga mempengaruhi cara para tokoh berfikir dan bertindak terhadap masalah-masalah mereka dan menyebabkan cara berfikir dan bertindak yang rumit. Seberapa besar nilai-nilai Amerika mempengaruhi pikiran dan tindakan para tokoh tidak berpengaruh pada generasi imigran masing-masing tokoh.

English Abstract

Every individual holds certain values in their life. Those values affect the way people think and react about certain problems in their life, especially for immigrants in America. Immigrants, both first and second generation, possess several values that make them think and react towards something in a more complicated way. Foreign-Returned short story is chosen as the object of the study because this story talks about the cultural identity of Pakistani immigrants from different generations in its characters. However, the American values are the main focus on this study because American values are implicitly and explicitly seen within the characters. The researcher uses sociological approach to Literature to analyze the data. The primary data are selected conversations that are uttered by the characters as well as the narratives from the short story Foreign-Returned. The chosen subjects are Hassan, Hina Bhati, Sara, Ali Ahmed and Mona Ahmed as the representative of first generation and second generation immigrants from Pakistan. This study applies the theory of traditional American and also with the background of Pakistani Diaspora in America in 2000s. The result of this research reveals that most of the characters, both first and second generation immigrants, possess American values in a certain way. The characters are implicitly and explicitly depicted the American value in the way they interact with each other. However, values are fluid. Not everyone can possess the American values but on the other hand, non-American can possess the American values. The characters possessed American values but their former country, which is Pakistan, also affects the way the characters think and react towards their problems and it cause a complicated way of think and react. How much the American values influence the characters’ mind and behavior does not depend on whether they are a first or second generation immigrants.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIB/2019/226/051908684
Uncontrolled Keywords: Nilai-nilai Amerika, Orang Pakistan-Amerika, Imigran Generasi Pertama, Imigran Generasi Kedua, Foreign-Returned-American Values. Pakistan-American. First-Generation Immigrants. Second-Generation Immigrants. Foreign-Returned.
Subjects: 800 Literature (Belles-letters) amd rhetorics > 820 English & Old English literatures
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2020 03:27
Last Modified: 13 Oct 2023 02:43
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