The Effect of Fear of Death towards Character Behavior in Final Destination 5 Movie

Silitonga, Ivan Darma Julianto (2019) The Effect of Fear of Death towards Character Behavior in Final Destination 5 Movie. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Antropolog Amerika Ernest Becker mengatakan bahwa entitas manusia terbagi menjadi dua bagian; diri-jasmani, merupakan aspek fisik manusia dan diri-simbolik, yang merupakan aspek abstrak manusia. Kedua entitas ini terancam oleh ketakutan akan kematian, tapi diri-simbolik memiliki harapan untuk melawan ketakutan akan kematian, karena entitas simbolis manusia dapan membayangkan apapun termaksut keabadian. Hubungan antara manusa dan ketakutan akan kematian tergambarkan di Final Destination 5. Kajian ini menganalisi dua karakter yang menunjukan respon berbeda terhadap ketakutan akan kematian. Saat ketakutan akan kematian muncul, Sam Samuel Lawton, seorang pegawai di Presage Paper dan koki paruh waktu di Le Cáfe Miro 81 memilih untuk menyelamatkan orang lain, sedangkan Peter Firedkin, atasan sekaligus teman baik Sam memilih untuk membunuh orang lain. Respon yang berbeda ini, menginspirasi penulis untuk mengungkap efek dari ketakutan akan kematian dan juga alasan dibalik respon yang berbeda dari kedua karakter yang tergambarkan dari tingkah laku mereka. Data yang digunakan diambil dari ekspresi, dialog, tingkah laku, dan juga aspek sosial yang ditemukan didalam kedua karakter dengan cara menonton filem. Data yang menunjukan pengaruh dari ketakutan akan kematian terhadap kedua karakter dianalisi menggunakan sudutpandang eksistensi Becker. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa kedua karakter terpengaruh oleh ketakutan akan kematian, ketakutan tersebut berkembang karena tiga kejadian yang merubah kesadaran akan kematian mereka menjadi ketakutan. Ketakutan tersebut mempengaruhi performa kerja, relasi, dan pengambilan keputusan mereka. Perbedaan respon yang mereka miliki disebabkan karena perbedaan sumber self-worth yang mereka miliki. Sam memiliki kekasihnya Molly, dan Peter memiliki kekasihnya Candice. Tapi Peter kehilangan sumber self-worthnya karena kematian Candice sehingga membuat dia mengalami depresi.

English Abstract

Ernest Becker, an American anthropologist argued that human entity is divided into two parts; material-self, the physical aspect of human and symbolic-self, the abstract aspect of human. These two entity are threatened by the fear of death, but the symbolic-self have hope to fight the fear of death, because human might imagine anything in his symbolic entity including immortality. This relation between human and the fear of death might be seen in Final Destination 5 Movie. This study analyzed two characters which have contradictory respond towards fear of death. When the fear of death appeared, Samuel Sam Lawton an employee of Presage Paper and also a part time chef at Le Cáfe Miro 81 choose to save the others, meanwhile, the other character Peter Friedkin which is Sam’s boss and also best friend choose to kill the others. This contradictory respond inspire the writer to reveal the effect of fear of death and also the reason behind their different respond which portrait in their behavior. The data were obtained from both characters expressions, spoken words, behavioral acts, and also social aspects that taken by watching the movie for several times. The data that indicates the effect of fear of death were analyzed using Becker’s existential perspective. This study found that both characters are affected by the fear of death. It was developed by three events; the accident of North Bay Bridge, encounter with the coroner, and the death of their friends that changed their awareness of death into fear. The writer found that the fear of death disturbs both character’s work performance, affect their social relation, and shape their decision making. The reason behind their contradictory respond are the different source of self-worth. Sam has Molly which is his girlfriend, meanwhile Peter had Candice, but Peter lost Candice and left him with in depression.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIB/2019/147/051908625
Uncontrolled Keywords: ketakutan akan kematian, tingkah laku karakter, Final Destination 5, natur manusia, diri jasmani, diri simbolik-fear of death, character behavior, Final Destination 5, human nature, material-self, symbolic-self
Subjects: 800 Literature (Belles-letters) amd rhetorics > 809 History, description, critical appraisal of more than two literatures > 809.9 Literature displaying specific features, miscellaneous writings > 809.93 Literature displaying other aspects > 809.933 Literature dealing with specific themes and subjects > 809.933 55 Literature--Social aspects
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 29 Aug 2020 05:22
Last Modified: 04 Mar 2024 01:49
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