Dekomposisi Biomassa Akar Halus di Berbagai Kondisi Agroforestri Pinus dan Kopi: Penurunan Berat Massa Akar Halus dari Kantong Dekomposisi

Nisa, Aulia Rahmatun (2019) Dekomposisi Biomassa Akar Halus di Berbagai Kondisi Agroforestri Pinus dan Kopi: Penurunan Berat Massa Akar Halus dari Kantong Dekomposisi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kondisi agroforestri pinus dan kopi di UB Forest terbagi menjadi empat berdasarkan tingkat manajemen dan dilakukanya tindakan pemngkasan (triming) cabang pohon pinus, yakni low management trimmed (LC-T), low management untrimmed (LC-UT), high management trimmed (HC-T), dan high management untrimmed (HC-UT). Pemangkasan (trimming) akan menyebabkan perbedaan tingkat tutupan kanopi pohon yang akan berpengaruh terhadap iklim mikro pada lahan. Perbedaan iklim mikro tersebut dapat berpengaruh terhadap kerapatan mikroorganisma tanah dan laju dekomposisi akar halus. Selain itu, proses dekomposisi akar bergantung pada kualitas dari akar. Kualitas akar umumnya bervariasi tergantung pada kondisi hara tanah, spesies tanaman, dan diameter akar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh pemangkasan cabang pohon pinus terhadap suhu tanah dan laju dekomposisi akar halus di berbagai kondisi agroforestri pinus dan kopi di UB Forest. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April hingga Juni 2019 di UB Forest, Dusun Sumbersari, Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Pengaturan perlakuan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan sumber keragaman (SK) 1 adalah jenis akar, yakni: (a) akar kopi (K), (b) akar pinus (P), dan (c) akar pinus+kopi (PK). SK 2 adalah lokasi penempatan kantong dekomposisi, yakni di plot LC-T (Low management coffee, dipangkas), LC-UT (tidak dipangkas), dan HC-T (High management coffee, dipangkas), HC-UT (tidak dipangkas). Pengukuran diulang sebanyak 5 kali dan diamati pada minggu ke-1, 2, 4, 8, dan 12 setelah aplikasi (msa). Variabel yang diamati yakni kehilangan massa akar, iklim mikro (suhu udara dan tanah) yang diamati setiap hari, tutupan kanopi (diamati di minggu ke-0), kandungan kimia akar (nisbah C/N, kadar lignin dan polifenol) yang diamati pada minggu ke-0 dan 12. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dilakukannya pemangkasan dapat meningkatkan suhu tanah dan laju dekomposisi akar halus. Suhu tanah di plot yang dilakukan pemangkasan (trimmed) lebih tinggi dari pada di plot yang tidak dipangkas (untrimmed), suhu tanah paling tinggi di plot HC Trimmed (20,37ºC), dan paling rendah di plot LC Untrimmed (19,18ºC). Laju dekomposisi akar paling cepat terjadi pada akar kopi (k= 0,020 dengan t50= 35 minggu) di plot HC Trimmed (dipangkas), dan paling lambat terdekomposisi akar pinus+kopi (k= 0,009 dengan t50= 77 minggu) di plot HC Untrimmed (tidak dipangkas). Peningkatan laju dekomposisi akar halus lebih berhubungan erat dengan faktor internal yakni nisbah C/N (R2= 0,5242; n= 12) dibandingkan dengan faktor eksternal yakni suhu tanah (R2= 0,0242; n= 4).

English Abstract

Pine and coffee agroforestry at UB Forest are divided into four conditions based on the level of management and trimming of pine branches, there are low management trimmed (LC-T), low management untrimmed (LC-UT), high management trimmed (HC-T), and high management untrimmed (HC-UT). Trimming will cause differences in the level of tree canopy cover and it will affect the microclimate conditions of each land. Differences in microclimate can affect the density of soil microorganisms and fine roots decomposition rate. In addition, the fine roots decomposition rate is depend on the quality of the roots. Root quality generally varies depend on soil nutrient conditions, plant species, and root diameter. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of trimming pine branches on soil temperature and fine roots decomposition rate in various conditions of pine and coffee agroforestry at UB Forest. This research was carried out in April to June 2019 at UB Forest, Sumbersari, Malang Regency, East Java. Treatments were arranged in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 2 sources of variations (SV). SV 1 are types of roots: (a) coffee roots (K), (b) pine roots (P), (c) pine+coffee roots (PK). SV 2: Locations for decomposition bag placement are in the LC-T (Low coffee management, trimmed), LC-UT (untrimmed), and HC-T (High coffee management, trimmed), HC-UT (untrimmed). Measurements were repeated 5 times and observed at 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks after application. Main variables that observed were biomass loss, air and soil temperature (observed daily), canopy cover (observed at the begining of the experiment), and roots quality (C/N ratio, lignin and polyphenol concentration) observed at 0 and 12 weeks after application. The result showed that the fastest root decomposition showed with k-value= 0,020 and t50= 35 weeks is coffee roots in HC-T (trimmed) plot, while coffee+pine roots was decomposed slowest in the HC-T (trimmed) plot with k- value= 0,009 and t50= 77 weeks. The rate of roots decomposition in the four locations of this study was strongly influenced by internal factors i.e C/N ratio (R2= 0,5242; n= 20) compared to external factors of soil temperature (R2= 0,0242; n= 4). The results showed that trimming could increase soil temperature and fine root decomposition rate. Soil temperature at trimmed plot was higher than at untrimmed plot, the highest soil temperature was at HC Trimmed plot (20,37ºC), and the lowest at LC Untrimmed plot (19,18ºC). The fastest root decomposition showed with k-value= 0,020 and t50= 35 weeks is coffee roots in HC Trimmed plot, while coffee+pine roots was decomposed slowest in the HC Untrimmed plot with k-value= 0,009 and t50= 77 weeks. The increase of fine roots decomposition rate was closely related to internal factors i.e C/N ratio (R2= 0,5242; n= 20) compared to external factors of soil temperature (R2= 0,0242; n= 4).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2019/793/051909479
Uncontrolled Keywords: -
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.7 Alkaloidal crops > 633.73 Coffee
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2020 07:26
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2020 07:26
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