Utomo, Suryo (2019) Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Materi Pengenalan Komponen Pc Pada Siswa Kelas X Tkj Smk Negeri 5 Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Komputer dapat digunakan untuk membuat konsep yang abstrak menjadi konkret melalui visualisasi dalam bentuk animasi. Dari hasil wawancara dan observasi di lapangan pada saat melaksanakan PPL di SMK Negeri 5 Malang siswa merasa kesusahan dalam mengikuti pelajaran materi pengenalan komponen Personal Computer dikarenakan kelas X yang masih belum terbiasa dengan komponen-komponen perangkat Personal Computer yang pada saat SMP mereka belum belajar tentang komponen apa saja yang ada di dalam Personal Computer karena keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana yang ada. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah model APPED yaitu model pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif yang diinspirasi akan kebutuhan penelitian jenis R&D dimana pada tahap awal diperlukan upaya penelitian sebagai bagian dari penelitian dan pengembangan. Model APPED ini terdiri atas 5 langkah sistimatis dan logis yakni: Analisis dan Penelitian Awal, Perancangan, Produksi, Evaluasi, Diseminasi. Untuk mengetahui ke efektivitas pembelajaran MPI guna membantu siswa dalam memaham materi perangkat pc pada siswa kelas X TKJ SMK Negeri 5 Malang. Berdasarkan hasil pre-test responden, ketuntasan peserta didik yang disesuaikan dengan KKM terdapat dau responden dengan nilai pre-test 70 dalam katagori “Tuntas”. Namun untuk ketiga responden lainnya hasil pre-test masih di bawah KKM sehingga masuk dalam katagori “Belum Tuntas”. Untuk jumlah hasil pre-test responden keseluruhan sebesar 310 dengan rata-rata penilaian 62. Sedangkan hasil post-test, ketuntasan kelima peserta didik sudah sesuai dengan KKM dan di atas KKM sehingga katagori penilaiannya adalah “Tuntas”. Maka dapat dilihat perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah responden diberikan media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia interaktif. Untuk jumlah hasil post-test responden keseluruhan sebesar 400 dengan rata-rata penilaian 80. Pembelajaran MPI terbukti efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran pada siswa kelas X TKJ Negeri 5 Malang.
English Abstract
Computers can be used to make abstract concepts concrete through visualization in the form of animation. From the results of interviews and observations in the field when implementing PPL at Malang State Vocational School 5 students felt troubled in taking part in the Personal Computer component introductory lesson because the X class was still unfamiliar with the components of the Personal Computer device which at junior high school they had not learned about components whatever is in the Personal Computer because of the limitations of existing facilities and infrastructure. The research method used is the APPED model, which is an interactive learning multimedia development model that is inspired by the need for research on R & D types where at the initial stage research efforts are needed as part of research and development. The APPED model consists of 5 systematic and logical steps namely: Preliminary Analysis and Research, Designing, Production, Evaluation, Dissemination. To find out the effectiveness of MPI learning to help students understand the material of PC devices in class X TKJ SMK Negeri 5 Malang. Based on the results of the respondent's pre-test, the completeness of the students adapted to the KKM was obtained by the respondents with a 70 pre-test score in the "Completed" category. However, for the other three respondents, the pre-test results were still below the KKM, so they were included in the category "Not Completed". For the total number of results of the overall pre-test respondents by 310 with an average rating of 62. While the post-test results, the completeness of the five students was by KKM and above KKM so the category of assessment is "Completed". Then it can be seen the difference before and after the respondent is given interactive multimedia-based learning media. For the total number of post-test results of the total respondents amounting to 400 with an average rating of 80. MPI learning proved effective in learning in class X TKJ Negeri 5 Malang.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FILKOM/2019/583/051907775 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Media Pembelajaran, Media Interaktif, APPED, Learning Media, Interactive Media, APPED |
Subjects: | 000 Computer science, information and general works > 005 Computer programming, programs, data > 005.4 Systems programming and programs > 005.43 Systems programs > 005.433 71 Systems programs (Education) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Sistem Informasi |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 24 Aug 2020 07:25 |
Last Modified: | 19 Oct 2021 05:29 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/173920 |
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