Evaluasi Niatan Perilaku Pengguna Wanita Pada Touch Point Platform Kecantikan Female Daily Menggunakan Theory Of Planned Behavior Termodifikasi

Naluritha, Dimitri Yola (2019) Evaluasi Niatan Perilaku Pengguna Wanita Pada Touch Point Platform Kecantikan Female Daily Menggunakan Theory Of Planned Behavior Termodifikasi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Female Daily merupakan forum diskusi, kumpulan informasi maupun artikel khusus wanita yang menyediakan platform website dan aplikasi perangkat lunak sebagai touch point pada penggunanya. Untuk dapat menjaga minat pengguna maka dilakukan evaluasi terhadap pengguna yang memiliki akun pada touch point platform dengan menggunakan model Theory of Planned Behavior termodifikasi (DTPB) dengan variabel Relative advantages, Compatibility, Complexity, Attitude, Normative Influences, subjective Norm, Facilitating Conditions, Perceived Behavioral Control, Curiosity, Selfefficacy, Perceived Enjoyment dan Intention. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif serta alat instrumen berupa kuesioner dengan populasi penelitian sebanyak 189.000 pengguna aktif Female Daily. Penghitungan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan rumus Slovin dengan error rate 10% dengan jumlah responden 122 orang. Hasil penelitian didapatkan mean dari variabel relative advantages (4,64), compatibility (4,44) complexity (1,97), attitude (4,45), normative influence (3,38), subjective Norm (3,46), Facilitating Conditions (3,8), Perceived Behavioral Control (4,15), curiosity (4,53), self-efficacy (4,1), Perceived Enjoyment (4,48) dan Intention (3,38). Rekomendasi yang didapat dari hasil penelitian antara lain menjaga dan meningkatkan ke up-to-date an informasi pada touch point yang ada, tata letak tampilan yang sederhana dan sesuai kebutuhan pengguna, pengenalan platform yang lebih luas melalui promosi iklan pada sosial media maupun beauty influencer, peningkatan kenyamanan sesama pengguna dengan peningkatan fitur report akun yang menyalahi aturan.

English Abstract

Female Daily is a discussion forum, a collection of information and articles specifically for women that provide website platforms and software applications as touch points to users. To be able to maintain user interest, an evaluation of users who have accounts on the touch point platform using a Theory of Planned Behavior modified(DTPB) is evaluated. with Relative advantages, Compatibility, Complexity, Attitude, Normative Influences, subjective Norms, Facilitating Conditions, Perceived Behavioral Control, Curiosity, Self-efficacy, Perceived Enjoyment and Intention. This research used a quantitative method and instrument in the form of a questionnaire with a study population of 189,000 Female Daily active users. The sample calculation in this study uses the Slovin formula with a error rate 10%with the number of respondents 122 people. The results showed variables variabel relative advantages (4,64), compatibility (4,44) complexity (1,97), attitude (4,45), normative influence (3,38), subjective Norm (3,46), Facilitating Conditions (3,8), Perceived Behavioral Control (4,15), curiosity (4,53), self-efficacy (4,1), Perceived Enjoyment (4,48) and Intention (3,38). Recommendations obtained from research results include maintain and enhance up-to-date information on the existing touch points, adjust display layout out platform that simple and based on user needs, introduction of a wider platform through advertising promotion on social media and beauty influencers, increasing the comfort of fellow users with enhanced features report account that violates the rules.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FILKOM/2019/579/051907771
Uncontrolled Keywords: decomposed theory of planned behavior (DTPB), curiosity, behavior intention, touch point platform
Subjects: 000 Computer science, information and general works > 004 Computer science > 004.019 Psychological principles / Human-computer interaction
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Sistem Informasi
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2020 07:25
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2021 05:26
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/173916
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