Uji Efektivitas Pemberian Dosis Dan Jenis Pupuk Hayati Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produksi Cabai Merah Besar (Capsicum Annuum L.) Dan Sifat Kimia Tanah

Nisa, Rika Firmania Khoirun (2019) Uji Efektivitas Pemberian Dosis Dan Jenis Pupuk Hayati Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Produksi Cabai Merah Besar (Capsicum Annuum L.) Dan Sifat Kimia Tanah. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penurunan produksi cabai merah pada tahun 2015 sebesar 2,74% dari tahun 2014 yaitu 1.074.602 ton menjadi 1.045.200 ton. Rendahnya tingkat kesuburan tanah yang mempengaruhi ketersediaan unsur hara. Salah satu upaya untuk menjaga kesuburan tanah adalah pemupukan yang ramah lingkungan melalui pemberian pupuk hayati. Pupuk hayati dengan kandungan bakteri penambat N, pelarut P dan K diharapkan mampu menyediakan kebutuhan unsur hara N, P dan K guna meningkatkan pertumbuhan, produksi cabai merah, serta sifat kimia tanah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dua tahapan yaitu penelitian di rumah kaca dan analisislaboratorium. Penanaman cabai merah dilakukan di polybag dan bertempat di Glasshouse Agro Techno Park Universitas Brawijaya pada bulan Juni - Oktober 2018, sedangkan analisis sifat kimia di Laboratorium Kimia Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya pada bulan Desember – Maret 2019. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial (RAKF) dengan 9 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan, sehingga didapatkan 27 satuan tanaman percobaan. Macam pupuk hayati yang digunakan, yaitu pupuk hayati B1, B2 dengan kandungan Azotobacter sp, Azopsirillum sp, Achromobacter sp, Pseudomonas sp dan pupuk hayati B3 dengan kandungan Bacillus sp, Pseudomonas, Trichoderma sp, Azospirilium sp. Dosis aplikasi pupuk yaitu dosis 1 (5g/l), dosis 2 (10 g/l) dan dosis 3 (2,5 g/l). Parameter tanaman berupa tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, persentase bunga menjadi buah, produksi dan bobot buah per tanaman. Parameter tanah meliputi pH tanah, C-organik, N-Total, P-Tersedia, K Tersedia dan KTK. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji Anova pada taraf 5%, dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut Duncan apabila ditemukan perbedaan keragaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi pupuk hayati jenis B2 kandungan bakteri Azotobacter sp, Azopsirillum sp, Achromobacter sp, Pseudomonas sp memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman serta jumlah daun, dengan hasil sebesar 77 cm, dan 144 daun. Pemberian jenis pupuk B3 (kandungan bakteri Bacillus sp, Pseudomonas sp, Trichoderma sp, Azospirilium sp) memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap persentase bunga menjadi buah sebesar 78%. Perlakuan pupuk B2 dengan kombinasi dosis D1 (5 g/l) dapat meningkatkan produksi tanaman cabai merah besar yaitu 146 buah per tanaman dan bobot buah yaitu 346 g per tanaman. Pemberian pupuk hayati menunjukkan peningkatan terhadap sifat kimia tanah antara lain nilai pH tanah meningkat 21% dari perlakuan pupuk B1 dan B3, kandungan C organik meningkat 45%, KTK meningkat 45%, unsur N tanah meningkat 51%, unsur P tanah meningkat 71% dan unsur hara K tanah meningkat 74% dari perlakuan lainnya. Aplikasi jenis pupuk dikombinasikan dengan dosis menunjukkan serapan P tanaman P 2,43 g tanaman-1 dan serapan K 16,14 g tanaman-1. Interaksi antara jenis pupuk B2 kandungan bakteri Azotobacter sp, Azopsirillum sp, Achromobacter sp, Pseudomonas sp yang dan dosis D1 (5 g/l) meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi cabai merah besar

English Abstract

The decrease in red chili production in 2015 was 2.74% from 2014 which was 1.074.602 tons to 1.045. 200 tons. Low soil fertility affects nutrient availability. One effort to maintain soil fertility is environmentally friendly fertilization through the provision of biological fertilizers. Biofertilizers with the content of N-fixing bacteria, P and K solvents are expected to be able to provide nutrients for N, P and K to increase growth, red chili production, and soil chemical properties. This research was conducted in two stages, namely greenhouse research and laboratory analysis. Planting of red chili is carried out in polybags and at Glasshouse Agro Techno Park, University of Brawijaya in June - October 2018, while chemical properties analysis in the Laboratory of Soil Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya in December - March 2019. The study was conducted using Factorial Randomized Block Design (RAKF) with 9 treatments and 3 replications so that 27 units of experimental plants were obtained. The types of biological fertilizers used, namely B1, B2 biofertilizer containing Azotobacter sp, Azopsirillum sp, Achromobacter sp, Pseudomonas sp and B3 biofertilizer containing Bacillus sp, Pseudomonas, Trichoderma sp, Azospirilium sp. The dosage of fertilizer application is dose 1 (5 g/l), dose 2 (10 g/l) and dose 3 (2,5 g/l). Plant parameters include plant height, number of leaves, percentage of flowers to fruit, production, and weight of fruit per plant. Soil parameters include soil pH, organic C, Total N, Avalible P, Avalible K, and CEC. Data analysis was carried out by ANOVA test at the level of 5%, followed by Duncan's advanced test if differences were found. The results showed that the application of type B2 containing Azotobacter sp, Azopsirillum sp, Achromobacter sp, Pseudomonas sp gave a significant influence on plant height and number of leaves, with a yield of 77 cm, and 144 leaves. Giving the type of B3 fertilizer (the content of Bacillus sp, Pseudomonas sp, Trichoderma sp, Azospirilium sp) gave a significant effect on the percentage of flowers to the fruit by 78%. The B2 fertilizer treatment with a combination of D1 (5 g/l) can increase the production of large red chili plants, which is 146 fruits per plant and fruit weight is 346 g per plant. The provision of biofertilizers showed an increase in soil chemical properties including soil pH values increased by 21% from the treatment of B1 and B3 fertilizers, organic C was 45%, CEC was 45% , total N was 51%, avalible P was 71% and avalible of K soil was 74% from other treatment. Application of biofertilizer type combined with dose showed uptake P was 2,43 g of plant and uptake K was 16,14 g of plant. There were interactions between the types of B2 fertilizers containing Azotobacter sp, Azopsirillum sp, Achromobacter sp, Pseudomonas sp and D1 (5 g / l) doses which were the best treatments to increase the growth and production of large red chili.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2019/665/05197439
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.4 Soil science > 631.42 Soil fertility, acidity, alkalinity
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 28 Jul 2020 06:00
Last Modified: 16 Aug 2020 02:34
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/173877
Full text not available from this repository.

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