Intan, Diana Permata (2019) Pengendalian Kualitas Seedling Anggrek Phalaenopsis Hybrid Di Handoyo Budi Orchids Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Pengendalian kualitas penting untuk dilakukan karena memiliki pengaruh pada keberhasilan kegiatan bisnis secara keseluruhan, mencapai pengembalian investasi yang sesuai serta meningkatkan pengaruh ekonomi dari segi biaya dan pengembalian lainnya. Kompleksitas persaingan suatu industri menyebabkan perusahaan harus selalu berusaha meningkatkan kualitas agar kepuasan pelanggan dapat terwujud Oleh karena itu kualitas menjadi kunci dan penentu bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi perusahaan yang stabil. Tanaman Anggrek adalah tanam yang unik dan hanya orang tertentu yang memintnya. Meskipun demikian, peminat tanaman anggrek berada di posisi kedua setelah bunga krisan termasuk ke dalam 4 tanaman yang paling diminati di Indonesia. Hal tersebut memunculkan banyak pebisnis anggrek baru yang menuntut pebisnis anggrek lama untuk bersaing. Sehingga perusahaan perlu mengendalikan dan meningkatkan kualitas anggreknya khsususnya bibit. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifkasi kinerja pengendalian kualitas seedling Anggrek Phalaenopsis hybrid, menganalisis faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kerusakan, menganalisis harapan konsumen terhadap produk tersebut, serta menganalisis respon teknis perusahaan. Metode analisis pengendalian kualtias seedling Anggrek Phalaenopsis hybrid adalah statistical quality control dengan 5 (lima) alat yang digunakan yaitu lembar periksa, peta kendali p, histogram, diagram pareto, dan diagram fishbone. Selain itu penulis juga meggunakan salah satu tahap dari Quality Function Deployment yaitu House of Quality. Hasil penelitian antara lain pengendalian kualitas seedling Anggrek Phalaenopsis hybrid di Handoyo Budi Orchids Malang berada di luar kendali. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh masalah tanaman terserang hama dan penyakit, tanaman tidak tegak, diameter daun kurang dari 9 cm, busuk akar, dan jumlah daun kurang dari 3. Faktor yang menyebabkan masalah-masalah tersebut adalah manusia, material dan alat, metode, serta lingkungan. Harapan konsumen terhadap produk seedling Anggrek Phalaenopsis hybrid adalah Rp 10.000-Rp 12.000 untuk harga, warna daun hujau tua, jumlah daun 3 tangkai, diameter daun 8-9 cm, tahan terhadap serangan hama dan penyakit, tanaman tepat berada di tengah, serta ujung akar berwarna hijau. Secara respon teknis perusahaan belum memenuhi harapan konsumen sepenuhnya kerena masih terdapat respon teknis yang belum memenuhi harapan konsumen yaitu meningkatkan nutrisi tanaman dan menambahkan hormon auksin.
English Abstract
Quality control is important to do because it has an influence on the success of the overall business activities, achieving the appropriate return on investment and increasing economic influence in terms of costs and other returns. The complexity of competition in an industry causes companies to always try to improve quality so that customer satisfaction can be achieved. Therefore quality becomes the key and determinant for a stable economic growth of the company. Orchid plants are unique plants. Nevertheless, enthusiasts of orchid plants are in second place after chrysanthemum flowers are included in the 4 most desirable plants in Indonesia. This gave rise to many new orchid businessmen who demanded the old orchid businessmen to compete. So that companies need to control and improve the quality of their orchids, especially seeds. Therefore, this study aims to identify the quality control performance of hybrid Phalaenopsis orchids seedling, analyze the factors that cause damage, analyze consumer expectations of the product, and analyze the company's technical response. Orchid Phalaenopsis hybrid seedling quality control analysis method is statistical quality control with 5 (five) tools used, namely check sheets, p control charts, histograms, pareto diagrams, and fishbone diagrams. In addition, the author also uses one of the stages of the Quality Function Deployment, namely House of Quality. The results of the research include controlling the quality of hybrid seedling Phalaenopsis hybrids in Malang Handoyo Budi Orchids which is out of control. This is caused by the problem of plants attacked by pests and diseases, plants are standing well, leaf diameter is less than 9 cm, root blight, and the number of leaves is less than 3. Factors that cause these problems are human, material and tools, methods, and environment. The consumer's expectation of the Phalaenopsis hybrid seedling product is Rp. 10,000-Rp. 12,000 for the price, the color of the leaves is dark green, the number of leaves is 3 leaves, the leaf diameter is 8-9 cm, resistant to pests and diseases, the plant is right in the middle, and the root tip has green color. The technical response of the company has not fulfilled full consumer expectations because there is still a technical response that has not met consumer expectations, namely increasing plant nutrition and adding the hormone auxin
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2019/681/05197455 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.5 Management of production > 658.56 Product control, packaging; waste control and utilization > 658.562 Quality control |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 24 Aug 2020 07:24 |
Last Modified: | 24 Aug 2020 07:24 |
URI: | |
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