Wahyuni, Nur Sri (2019) Eksplorasi Dan Inventarisasi Anggrek Terestrial Di Jogging Track Cangar, Kawasan Tahura R.Soerjo Batu. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang memiliki keanekaragaman hayati baik flora maupun fauna, salah satu flora yang memiliki keanekaragaman tinggi ialah tumbuhan anggrek. Terdapat sekitar 20.000 jenis anggrek di dunia dan sekitar ± 5000 anggrek berada di Indonesia. Di pulau Jawa terdapat sekitar ±731 spesies anggrek. Tumbuhan Anggrek tidak berpotensi sebagai tanaman pokok dalam kebutuhan manusia, namun keberadaan anggrek terancam. Menurut (Puspytaningtyas, 2005) terancamnya anggrek terestrial disebabkan adanya kebakaran hutan, konversi hutan, penebangan pohon hutan secara sengaja, perdagangan dan pengambilan tumbuhan anggrek secara liar. Untuk menyelamatkan anggrek perlu dilakukan eksplorasi dan inventarisasi, dimana kegiatan yang meliputi survei, mencari, mengumpulkan dan meneliti jenis plasma nutfah disuatu wilayah untuk mengetahui dan menghindari dari kepunahan, sedangkan inventarisasi bertujuan untuk mendata keanekaragaman anggrek terestrial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis dan penyebaran anggrek terestrial di Jogging Track Cangar Kawasan Tahura R.Soerjo Batu. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April sampai Mei 2019 di Jogging Track Cangar kawasan Tahura R. Soerjo Kota Batu, Jawa Timur. Adapun alat yang digunakan saat penelitian meliputi kamera, roll meter, tali rafia, alat tulis, GPS, kompas, altimeter, higrometer, thermometer, lux meter dan buku identifikasi anggrek yaitu “Orchid Of Java. Bahan yang digunakan adalah anggrek tanah (anggrek terestrial) yang ditemukan dilokasi penelitian. Metode yang digunakan ialah eksploratif deskriptif purposive sampling. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membuat plot pengamatan yang berukuran 20 m x 20 m sebanyak 30 plot dengan jarak antar plot 60 m yang tersebar pada zona pengamatan. Data yang diperoleh ditabulasi, diidentifikasi, dan dianalisis untuk mengetahui penyebarannya dengan menghitung kerapatan, kerapatan relatif, frekuensi, frekuensi relatif, Indeks Nilai Penting, dan indeks Keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener. Penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan 13 spesies dalam 6 genus anggrek terestrial dengan jumlah individu sebanyak 3.363 tumbuhan. Spesies Nervilia punctata (Blume) Makino 1902 memiliki jumlah individu terbanyak sebesar 3.099 tumbuhan, sedangkan spesies yang memiliki jumlah individu terendah pada spesies Cyrtosia Javanica (BI.) Benth. & Hook. 1883 yaitu hanya 2 tumbuhan. Spesies Nervilia punctata (Blume) Makino 1902 berdasarkan analisis vegetasi memiliki nilai tertinggi pada perhitungan kerapatan, kerapatan relatif, frekuensi, frekuensi relatif dan indeks nilai penting. Cyrtosia Javanica (BI.) Benth. & Hook. 1883 memiliki nilai terendah pada kerapatan dan kerapatan relatif, sedangkan yang memiliki nilai frekuensi, frekuensi relatif dan INP rendah pada spesies Corybas Umbrosus J.Dransf. & J.B.Comber 1986, Cyrtosia Javanica (BI.) Benth. & Hook. 1883, Collabium acuticalcar W.Burgh & de Vogel 1997, Goodyera Colorata (BI.) BI., Coll. Orch. Arch 1858, Goodyera cyclopensisii Ormerod 2017, Goodyera Reticulata (BI.) bI., Coll. Orch. Arch. 1858, dan Goodyera sp. Berdasarkan perhitungan Indeks Keanekaragaman Shannon-Winner didapatkan nilai sebesar 0.40 yang termasuk dalam kategori rendah (1≤H’≤3) (Fachrul, 2012).
English Abstract
Indonesia is one of the most diverse countries with high biodiversity flora and fauna, one flora that has a high diversity is the orchid plant. There are around 20,000 types of orchids in the world and around ± 5000 orchids are in Indonesia. On the island of Java ± 731 orchid species. Orchid plants do not focus on being the main crop in human needs, but the orchid extinction rate is quite high. According to (Puspytaningtyas, 2005) the extinction of orchids caused by deforestation, forest conversion, intentional logging of forest trees, trade in liars and illegal harvesting of orchid plants. To save orchids, exploration and inventory need to be carried out, where activities include survey, finding, collecting and researching types of germplasm in an area to find out and avoid extinction, while the inventory aims to record the diversity of terrestrial orchids. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of species and the spread of terrestrial orchids on the Cangar Jogging Track in the R. Soerjo Batu Tahura Region. The research was conducted from April until May 2019 in Cangar Jogging Track Tahura R. Soerjo area, Batu City, East Java. The tools included Map, cameras,roll meters, raffia, stationery, GPS,compass, altimeter, hygrometer, and orchid identification book, namely “Orchid Of Java”. The method used is descriptive exploratory purposive sampling. The study was conducted by making an observation plot measuring 20 m x 20 m in 30 plots with a distance between 60 m plots that were scattered in the observation zone. Observation plots were made systematically randomly based on contours and information on the existence of terrestrial orchids at the research site. The data obtained was tabulated, identified, and analyzed to determine its distribution by calculating density, relative density, frequency, relative frequency, Important Value Index and Shannon-Wiener Diversity index. The results of research on terrestrial orchids which were found as many as many 13 species and 6 genera with a total of individuals as many as 3.363 plants. The species Nervilia punctata (Blume) Makino 1902 1902 had the highest number of individuals of 3,099 plants, while the species that had the lowest number of individuals were the Cyrtosia Javanica (BI.) Species Benth. & Hook. 1883 which is equal to 2 plants. The species of Nervilia punctata (Blume) Makino 1902 based on vegetation analysis has the highest value on the calculation of density, relative density, frequency, relative frequency and important value index. Cyrtosia Javanica (BI.) Benth. & Hook. 1883 has the lowest value in relative density and density, while those with a frequency value, relative frequency and low INP in the species Corybas Umbrosus J.Dransf. & J.B.Comber 1986, Cyrtosia Javanica (BI.) Benth. & Hook 1883, Collabium acuticalcar W.Burgh & de Vogel 1997, Goodyera Colorata (BI.) BI., Coll. Orch. Arch 1858, Goodyera cyclopensis Ormerod 2017, Goodyera Reticulata (BI.) bI., Coll. Orch. Arch. 1858, and Goodyera sp. Based on the calculation of the Shannon-Winner Diversity Index a value of 0.40 is included in the low category (1≤H'≤3) (Fachrul, 2012).
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2019/754/051907638 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 635 Garden crops (Horticulture) > 635.9 Flowers and ornamental plants |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 24 Aug 2020 07:19 |
Last Modified: | 24 Aug 2020 07:19 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/173697 |
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