Pengetahuan Ekologi Lokal Petani Tentang Manajemen Lahan : Kualitas Tanah dan Penerimaan Usahatani di Agroforestri Pinus+Kopi

Rahma, Melati Julia (2019) Pengetahuan Ekologi Lokal Petani Tentang Manajemen Lahan : Kualitas Tanah dan Penerimaan Usahatani di Agroforestri Pinus+Kopi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tingginya tingkat naungan pohon pinus, menjadikan produksi biji kopi lebih rendah. Sehingga mendorong petani enggan untuk merawat lahannya. Perawatan yang dibutuhkan adalah pemangkasan cabang pohon untuk mendapatkan sinar matahari sesuai dengan kebutuhan tanaman. Manajemen lahan akan berhasil dengan baik bila didukung oleh antusiasme petani yang punya pengetahuan dan ketrampilan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami PEL (Pengetahuan Ekologi Lokal) dari petani kopi terkait dengan manajemen lahan agroforestri pinus+kopi dan manfaatnya bagi kualitas tanah dan produksi kopi, dan menganalisis perbedaannya dengan PEM (Pengetahuan Ekologi Ilmiah/modern). Penelitian dilakukan di UB Forest (Malang) pada bulan Februari-April 2019 dalam 2 tahap: (a) Wawancara terhadap 27 Kepala Keluarga (terdiri dari 23 orang laki-laki dan 4 orang perempuan) yang memiliki lahan agroforestri kopi di bawah tegakan pinus, (b) pengukuran biofisik lahan pinus+kopi dengan 3 kondisi yang berbeda: LC (Low Management), MC (Medium Management) dan HC (High Management). Hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa petani mengetahui tanah kategori subur ditandai dengan warna tanah gelap dan kondisi gembur, namun petani belum mengetahui bahwa seresah pangkasan cabang/ranting pinus dapat bermanfaat untuk memperbaiki lingkungan. Terdapat kesenjangan antara PEL dan PEM yaitu terkait dengan manajemen tanaman kopi, manajemen pohon penaung, pemanfaatan limbah tanaman, pemupukan, pengelolaan hama dan penyakit, serta indikator kualitas tanah antara lain tingkat kekasaran/kehalusan tanah, jumlah dan jenis cacing tanah. Rendahnya tingkat pengetahuan petani tersebut berasosiasi dengan tingkat pendidikan petani umumnya hanya sekolah dasar, rata-rata telah berusia lebih dari 50 tahun, memiliki minat untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan sosialisasi yang rendah. Pemangkasan pohon penaung dilakukan di UB Forest pada ketinggian 10 m dari muka tanah, untuk meningkatkan jumlah sinar matahari yang diterima pohon kopi (rata-rata sekitar 53%), dengan suhu dan kelembaban udara yang ideal bagi tanaman kopi. Masukan biomasa pangkasan ranting 130 kg ha-1,seresah gugur 28 kg ha th-1; kadar lignin 32-35 %; umur paruh seresah 74-102 minggu, tergolong lambat lapuk. Tanah di UB Forest berwarna coklat gelap keabu-abuan-hitam (10YR 3/3-10YR 2/1), total C-organik 3,8%–7,7%, bertekstur lempung berdebu, BI tanah rendah rata-rata 0,63 gcm-3-1,25 gcm-3, porositas tanah tinggi 54- 71 %, pH sebesar 4.9-5.8; populasi cacing tanah rendah (1-2 ekor m-2), di UB Forest hanya terdapat 3 jenis cacing tanah. Produksi kopi dilahan yang di pangkas, ternyata sedikit meningkat dari tahun lalu (20-30 kg/ ha) menjadi 57.6 kg ha-1. Di lokasi penelitian ini ada isu kebijakan yang berkembang, terkait denganskema penjualan dan bagi hasil antara petani dengan pihak management UB Forest. Petani wajib menjual hasil panen kopi (yang berwarna merah saja) ke pihak UB Forest dengan harga Rp 10.000,-/kg, dan selanjutnya mengikuti skema bagi hasil: 70% dari total yang diterima untuk petani, dan sisanya untuk UB Forest manajemen untuk biaya operasional. Guna meningkatkan antusiasme petani kopi dalam merawat lahan kopi beserta lingkungannya diperlukan pendampingan yang berkesinambungan sesuai dengan karakteristik masyarakat setempat. Cara edukasi dapat dilakukan dengan membagi kelompok berdasarkan karakteristik petani dan jenis kelamin. Ketika setiap petani telah memiliki persepsi yang sama maka dapat diadakan pelatihan teknis tekait dengan cara perawatan lahan yang berkelanjutan. Kemudian perlunya merumuskan kebijakan yang sesuai dan disepakati oleh kedua belah pihak.

English Abstract

The high level of shade for pine trees, lead to coffee bean production lower which encourages farmers to be reluctant to take care of their land. The manegement needed is pruning tree branches to get more sunlight according to plant needs. Land management will be successful if supported by the enthusiasm of farmers who have knowledge and skills on good land management. The purpose of this study is to understand LEK (Local Ecological Knowledge) of coffee farmers related to pine + coffee agroforestry land management and its benefits for soil quality and coffee production, and analyze its differences with MEK (Scientific / Modern Ecological Knowledge). The research was conducted at UB Forest (Malang) in February-April 2019, in 2 steps: (a) Interviews farmers at households level, number of respondents was 27 respondents (consisting of 23 men and 4 women) who had coffee agroforestry in land under pine stands, (b) biophysical measurement of pine + coffee land with 3 different conditions: LC (Low Management), MC (Medium Management) and HC (High Management). The results of the interview show that farmers know that fertile soil is characterized by dark soil color and loose soil structure, but farmers do not know that litter from the pruning of branches / twigs can be beneficial to improve the environment. There is a gap between LEK and MEK related to coffee plant management, shade tree management, utilization of crop residues, fertilization, pest and disease management, and indicators of soil quality including soil roughness / fineness, the number and types of earthworms. The low level of knowledge of the farmers is associated with the level of education of farmers in general only primary schools, on average are more than 50 years old, farmers often have low interest in participating of socialization activities in the village. Trimming of shade trees is carried out at UB Forest at a height of 10 m from the soil surface, to increase the amount of sunlight received by coffee crops (on average around 53%), with ideal temperature and humidity for coffee crops. Input of biomass pruning 130 Mg ha-1, litter 28 kg ha-1yr-1; lignin concentration 32-35%; half-life litter decomposition was 74-102 weeks, relatively slow to decay. The soils in UB Forest are dark grayish-black-brown (10YR 3 / 3-10YR 2/1), total C-organic 3.8% -7.7%, silty clay textured, low soil BD of 0.63 gcm-3-1.25 gcm-3, high soil porosity 54 - 71%, pH of 4.9 - 5.8; earthworm population is low (1-2 indiv.m-2), in the study site only 3 types of earthworms. Trimming of pine trees increased slightly coffee bean production from last year (20-30 kg ha-1) to 57.6 kg ha-1. At this research location, there are policy issues that develop in terms of sales and profit-sharing schemes between farmers and management of UB Forest. Farmers must sell coffee yields (red only) to UB Forest at a price of Rp 10,000, - / kg, then follow the profit-sharing scheme: 70% of the total received is for farmer farmers, and the rest for UB Forest management as a cost operational. In order to increase the enthusiasm of coffee farmers in caring for coffee fields and their environment, continuous assistance is needed in accordance with the characteristics of the local community. How to educate can be done by dividing groups based on the characteristics of farmers and gender. When every farmer has the same perception, technical training can be held regarding sustainable land maintenance. Then the need to formulate policies that are appropriate and agreed by both parties. In the research location, there are policy issues were indicated, that are related to schemes of coffee bean sales and profit sharing between farmers and UB Forest management. Farmers are required to sell coffee yields (red bean only) to UB Forest at a price of Rp 10,000, - / kg, followed by profit sharing schemethat 70% of the total received for farmers, and the rest for UB Forest management for operational costs. In order to increase the enthusiasm of coffee farmers in caring for coffee stands and their environment, continuous assistance is needed in accordance with the characteristics of the local community. Helping farmers can be done by dividing farmer groups based on the characteristics of farmers and gender. When every farmer has the same perception, technical training can be held in relation to sustainable land maintenance. Then the need to formulate policies that are appropriate and agreed by both parties.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2019/505/051907279
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sistem agroforestri kopi, kualitas tanah, Pengetahuan Ekologi Lokal (PEL),Pengetahuan Ekologi Moden (PEM), kebijakan penjualan produksi kopi-Coffee-based agroforestry systems, soil quality, Local ecological knowledge (LEK), Modern/Scientific ecological knowledge (MEK), coffee production sales policy
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.4 Soil science > 631.45 Soil erosion > 631.451 Conservation tillage
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 06:48
Last Modified: 10 Aug 2020 06:48
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