Eksplorasi dan Uji Potensi Khamir sebagai Agens Pendegradasi Residu Fungisida Berbahan Aktif Karbendazim secara In Vitro

Putri, Novia Dwi (2019) Eksplorasi dan Uji Potensi Khamir sebagai Agens Pendegradasi Residu Fungisida Berbahan Aktif Karbendazim secara In Vitro. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Serangan hama dan penyakit tanaman dapat meningkatkan resiko kehilangan hasil maupun kegagalan panen. Pada umumnya, petani melakukan pengendalian hama dan penyakit menggunakan pestisida yang dianggap efektif. Salah satu pestisida yang banyak digunakan adalah fungisida berbahan aktif karbendazim. Akan tetapi, aplikasi pestisida yang intensif dapat meninggalkan residu di lingkungan terutama didalam tanah. Upaya untuk menghilangkan residu pestisida dapat dilakukan dengan bioremediasi menggunakan khamir. Khamir merupakan salah satu mikroba yang dapat mengeluarkan enzim sehingga dapat memecah molekul pestisida menjadi ikatan yang lebih sederhana. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan khamir pada lahan yang tercemar fungisida karbendazim yang mampu beradaptasi pada konsentrasi tinggi dan berpotensi menurunkan toksisitas fungisida karbendazim secara in vitro. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Penyakit Tumbuhan, Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya pada bulan November 2018 sampai April 2019. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 3 tahap. Tahap pertama yakni eksplorasi khamir pada tanah yang tercemar fungisida karbendazim dan isolasi jamur Colletotricum capsici dari buah cabai di lahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 10 isolat khamir, 4 isolat merupakan hasil eksplorasi yaitu Saccharomyces sp. (ScRC), Pichia sp. (PcRC), Candida sp. (CnRC), Rhodotorula sp. (RdRC), dan 6 isolat merupakan koleksi laboratorium yaitu Candida sp. (CnRB1), Candida sp. (CnRB2), Pichia sp. (PcRB1), Pichia sp. (PcRB2), Pichia sp. (PcRB3), Debaryomyces sp. (DbRB). Tahap kedua yakni uji adaptasi khamir menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial dengan faktor isolat dan konsentrasi fungisida. Parameter yang diamati ialah panjang koloni khamir. Tahap ketiga yakni uji degradasi fungisida karbendazim oleh khamir secara in vitro menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 12 perlakuan, dimana 10 perlakuan merupakan perlakuan isolat khamir, 1 perlakuan kontrol positif dengan penambahan fungisida, dan 1 perlakuan kontrol negatif tanpa penambahan fungisida maupun khamir, serta diulang 3 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua khamir yang di uji mampu tumbuh dan beradaptasi dengan baik pada media yang mengandung fungisida sampai 5 kali konsentrasi anjuran. Selanjutnya, ditemukan bahwa 7 isolat khamir mampu menurunkan toksisitas fungisida carbendazim pada media PDA, yaitu PcRC, CnRC, RdRC, CnRB2, PcRB1, PcRB2, dan PcRB3. Hal ini diduga 7 isolat khamir tersebut mampu mendegradasi molekul karbendazim, sehingga menurunkan toksisitas karbendazim.

English Abstract

Attack of plant pest and diseases can increase the risk of yield loss of plant. Usually, farmers control the diseases using pesticides that is considered effective. One of the widely use of pesticides is carbendazim fungicide. However, the intensive use of pesticides can leave residue in the environment, especially in the soil. Efforts to destroy pesticide residue can be done by bioremediation using yeast. Yeast is one of the microbes that can release enzymes, so that they can break down pesticides molecules into simpler bonds. This study was conducted to explore yeast from soil contaminated with carbendazim and able to adapt in high concentration of carbendazim in PDA media as well as reduce the toxicity of carbendazim fungicide in vitro. This study was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Disease, Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University from November 2018 until April 2019. The study was conducted in 3 steps. First step was yeast exploration from soil contaminated with carbendazim fungicide and isolation of Colletotricum capsici from chili in the field. In this study, 10 yeast isolates were used, i.e. 4 isolates were the result of exploration namely Saccharomyces sp. (ScRC), Pichia sp. (PcRC), Candida sp. (CnRC), Rhodotorula sp. (RdRC), and 6 isolates were laboratory collections namely Candida sp. (CnRB1), Candida sp. (CnRB2), Pichia sp. (PcRB1), Pichia sp. (PcRB2), Pichia sp. (PcRB3), Debaryomyces sp. (DbRB). The second step is the yeast adaptation test on PDA media contained fungicide using Factorial Complete Randomized Design with yeast isolates and concentration of fungicide as factor. The parameters observed were the length of the yeast colonies. The third step is the degradation of toxicity carbendazim fungicide by yeast in vitro using a Completely Randomized Design with 12 treatments, of which 10 treatments were yeast isolates, 1 was positive control by addition of fungicides, and 1 was negative control without addition of fungicides or yeasts, and repeated 3 times. It was found that all yeasts was able to grow and adapt well in PDA media contained fungicides up to 5 times from the recommended concentrations. Furthermore, it was also found that 7 yeast isolates were able to reduce the toxicity of carbendazim in PDA medium, i.e. PcRC, CnRC, RdRC, CnRB2, PcRB1, PcRB2, and PcRB3. It is suggested that the 7 yeast isolates produce enzymes which can degrade the carbendazim molecule, those reduce the toxicity of carbendazim.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2019/530/051907304
Uncontrolled Keywords: -
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests > 632.9 General topics of pest and disease control > 632.95 Pesticides > 632.952 Fungicides
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2020 07:18
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2020 07:18
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/173554
Full text not available from this repository.

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