Pemanfaatan Bakteri Rizosfer dan Bakteri Endofit Akar Tanaman Jahe (Zingiber officinale) di UB Forest untuk Menghambat Penyakit Layu Bakteri Pada Tanaman Jahe

Ilmi, Elok Miftahul (2019) Pemanfaatan Bakteri Rizosfer dan Bakteri Endofit Akar Tanaman Jahe (Zingiber officinale) di UB Forest untuk Menghambat Penyakit Layu Bakteri Pada Tanaman Jahe. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tanaman jahe (Zingiber officinale) merupakan tanaman herbal yang banyak digunakan masyarakat Indonesia sehingga mendapatkan perhatian untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia, namun produksinya belum optimal. Salah satu penyebab penurunan produksi jahe yaitu gangguan penyakit layu bakteri yang disebabkan oleh patogen Ralstonia solanacearum. Pengendalian penyakit tanaman saat ini mengacu pada konsep pengendalian hama terpadu (PHT) yang salah satu komponennya menggunakan bakteri antagonis. Bakteri antagonis pada penelitian ini diisolasi dari rizosfer dan endofit akar tanaman jahe di UB Forest. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh isolat bakteri rizosfer dan bakteri endofit akar tanaman jahe yang bersifat antagonis terhadap R. solanacearum. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Penyakit Tumbuhan, Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya mulai bulan November 2018 sampai dengan April 2019. Penelitian terdiri dari beberapa tahapan: (1) Isolasi bakteri patogen R. solanacearum dan uji patogenesitas (2) eksplorasi dan isolasi bakteri rizosfer tanaman jahe (3) eksplorasi dan isolasi bakteri endofit akar tanaman jahe (4) seleksi bakteri rizosfer dan endofit akar tanaman jahe yang bersifat antagonis terhadap R. solanacearum (5) Uji Hipersensitif (6) Uji penghambatan bakteri rizosfer dan bakteri endofit akar tanaman jahe terhadap R. solnacearum (7) karakterisasi dan identifikasi bakteri antagonis terhadap R. solanacearum. Hasil eksplorasi didapatkan total 45 isolat dengan rincian 28 isolat bakteri rizosfer dan 17 isolat bakteri dari endofit akar. Berdasarkan hasil seleksi, terdapat 10 bakteri yang bersifat antagonis terhadap R. solanacearum dengan ditandai menghasilkan zona hambat yang bening, kemudian dipilih 6 isolat bakteri yang memiliki nilai zona hambat tertinggi yaitu R1.2, R10, R28, R2, E8, E2 untuk dilakukan pengujian selanjutnya. Dari hasil pengujian penghambatan patogen R. solanacearum pada cawan petri terdapat empat isolat bakteri antagonis yang memiliki kemampuan menghambat R. solanacearum lebih baik dari bakterisida streptomisin sulfat yaitu isolat R1.2, R2, R10 dan E2. Sedangkan terdapat dua isolat bakteri antagonis yang memiliki kemampuan menghambat R. solanacearum yang sama dengan bakterisida streptomisin sulfat yaitu isolat E8 dan R28. Hasil identifikasi secara morfologi, fisiologi dan biokimia menunjukkan isolat bakteri R1.2, R10, R2, E8, E2 termasuk genus Pantoea sp. Sedangkan isolat R28 termasuk genus Clostridium sp.

English Abstract

Ginger plant (Zingiber officinale) is an herbal plant that widely used by Indonesian people so that it gets attention to be developed in Indonesia, but its production is not optimal. One of the causes of decreased ginger production is the disruption of bacterial wilt caused by the pathogen R. solanacearum. Current plant disease control refers to the concept of integrated pest control (IPM), which one component uses antagonistic bacteria. The antagonistic bacteria in this study were isolated from the rhizosphere and endophytic roots of ginger plants in UB Forest. This study aims to obtain rhizosphere bacterial isolates and endophytic bacteria from the roots of ginger plants that are antagonistic to R. solanacearum. The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Diseases, Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University from November 2018 to April 2019. The study consisted of several stages: (1) Isolation of pathogenic bacteria R. solanacearum and pathogenicity test (2) exploration and isolation of rhizosphere bacteria from ginger plants (3) exploration and isolation of endophytic bacteria of ginger root (4) selection of rhizosphere bacteria and endophytic roots of ginger plants that are antagonistic to R. solanacearum (5) Hypersensitive Test (6) Test of rhizosphere bacterial antagonism and endophytic bacteria roots ginger plant against R. solanacearum (7) characterization and identification of antagonistic bacteria against R. solanacearum. Exploration results obtained 45 isolates bacteria with details of 28 isolates of rhizosphere bacteria and 17 isolates of root endophytic bacteria. Based on the results of the selection, there were 10 opposite antagonistic bacteria against R. solanacearum markedly producing inhibit zones, then 6 bacterial isolates were selected which had the highest inhibitory zone values, namely R1.2, R10, R28, R2, E8, E2, which must be done next. From the results of testing the inhibition of pathogen R. solanacearum on petri dishes, four isolates of antagonistic bacteria that had the ability to overcome R. solanacearum were better than bactericidal streptomycin sulfate, namely isolates R1.2, R2, R10 and E2. While there were two isolates of antagonistic bacteria which had the ability to inhibit R. solanacearum which was the same as bactericidal streptomycin sulfate, namely isolates E8 and R28. The results stated morphologically, physiologically and biochemically showed bacterial isolates R1.2, R10, R2, E8, E2 including the genus Pantoea sp. While R28 isolates included the genus Clostridium sp.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2019/458/051907232
Uncontrolled Keywords: -
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests > 632.9 General topics of pest and disease control
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2020 07:05
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2022 07:03
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