Pengaruh Pemberian Dosis Pupuk Organik Dan Anorganik Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kailan (Brassica Oleraceae L.)

Megayanti, Ririn (2019) Pengaruh Pemberian Dosis Pupuk Organik Dan Anorganik Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kailan (Brassica Oleraceae L.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kailan (Brassica oleracea L.) berasal dari China dan masuk ke Indonesia sekitar abad ke-17. Sayuran ini sudah cukup popular dan diminati dikalangan masyarakat, sehingga memiliki prospek pemasaran yang cukup baik (Lingga, 2010). Berdasarkan data Departemen Pertanian tahun 2015, tercatat impor buah dan sayuran Indonesia triwulan pertama sebesar 259 ribu ton atau turun 29.2 persen dari periode yang sama pada tahun sebelumnya. Sedangkan ekspor buah dan sayuran tahun 2015 sebesar 957.5 ribu ton atau naik 33.5 persen dari tahun sebelumnya. Kesadaran masyarakat terhadap pola hidup sehat semakin meningkat, sehingga harus diikuti dengan peningkatan produksi. Adapun faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kualitas yang dihasilkan tanaman kailan diantaranya ialah unsur hara. Tercukupinya kebutuhan hara tanaman akan menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas dan nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan unsur hara pada tanaman dapat dilakukan dengan aplikasi penambahan pupuk organik dan anorganik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui terjadinya interaksi antara pemberian pupuk kandang kambing dan pupuk NPK pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kailan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya Jatimulyo pada bulan Januari hingga Maret 2019. Alat yang digunakan ialah polibag, cangkul, bak persemaian, alfaboard, penggaris, timbangan analitik, LAM (Leaf Area Meter), spektrofotometer, dan kamera. Bahan yang digunakan ialah benih kailan merk dagang Winsa, tanah, air, pupuk kandang kambing, dan pupuk NPK. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial (RAKF) yang terdiri dari 2 faktor dan 3 kali ulangan. Faktor pertama pupuk organik yaitu pupuk kandang kambing yang terdiri dari 3 taraf (K0 = tanpa pupuk kandang, K1 = pupuk kandang kambing 5 ton ha-1, K2 = pupuk kandang kambing 10 ton ha-1) dan faktor kedua pupuk anorganik yaitu pupuk NPK yang terdiri dari 4 taraf (N0 = tanpa pupuk NPK, N1 = pupuk NPK 150 kg ha-1, N2 = 250 kg ha- 1 ,dan N3 = 350 kg ha-1. Perlakuan terdiri dari 12 kombinasi dan masing-masing diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Parameter yang diamati ialah tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, bobot segar total per tanaman, bobot segar konsumsi per tanaman, bobot segar akar per tanaman, dan kadar klorofil. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan analisis ragam (ANOVA) taraf 5% untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan yang diberikan. Apabila didapatkan hasil yang berbeda nyata maka dilakukan uji lanjutan Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ). Penelitian ini dilakukan pengamatan saat tanaman kailan berumur 14 HST, 21 HST, 28 HST, 35 HST, dan 40 HST saat panen. Pengamatan tanaman kailan dilakukan secara non destruktif yang meliputi variabel tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun. Pengamatan panen yang diamati meliputi variabel bobot segar total tanaman per tanaman, bobot segar komsumsi per tanaman, bobot segar akar per tanaman, luas daun, dan kadar klorofil.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada parameter tinggi tanaman pada 21, 28, dan 35 HST, bobot segar total per tanaman, bobot segar konsumsi per tanaman, kadar klorofil a dan a+b menunjukkan bahwa terjadi interaksi antara perlakuan pupuk kandang kambing dan pupuk NPK. Sedangkan parameter tinggi tanaman pada 14 dan 40 HST, jumlah daun, luas daun, bobot segar akar, dan kadar klorofil b menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi interaksi antara perlakuan pupuk kandang kambing dan pupuk NPK. Hasil yang diperoleh pada parameter bobot segar total tanaman dan bobot segar konsumsi paling tinggi ialah perlakuan K2N2 sebesar 117,30 gram dan 71,83 gram.

English Abstract

Kailan (Brassica oleracea L.) is originally from China and came in to Indonesia about the 17th century. This kind of vegetable is quite popular and in demand among the public, so it has a quite good marketing prospect (Lingga, 2010). Based on Ministry of Agriculture’s data in 2015, Indonesia imports of fruits and vegetables in the first quarter amounted to 259 thousand tons, decreasing about 29.2 percent from the same period in the previous year. At the same time, exports of fruits and vegetables in 2015 amounted to 957.5 thousand tons, increasing 33.5 percent from the previous year. The awareness of public in to healthty life styles is growing up, which is have to be followed by increased production of kailan. One of the factors that affect the quality of kailan is nutrient. Fulfilled of plant nutrient needs will produce the high quality and economic value of kailan. Therefore, to fill nutrient needs of the plants, it can be done by the application of organic and inorganic fertilizers. This study is aimed to determine the interaction between goat manure and NPK fertilizer on the growth and yield of kailan. The research has been conducted at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University, Jatimulyo from January to March 2019. The tools that used in this study are polybag, hoe, tray, alfaboard, ruler, analytical scales, LAM (Leaf Area Meter), spectrophotometers, and camera. The materials that used in this study are the kailan seed Winsa, soil, water, goat manure, and NPK fertilizer. This study is using factorial Randomized Block Design Factorial (RBDF) consisting of 2 factors and 3 replications. The first factor of organic fertilizer is goat manure which consists of 3 levels (K0 = without manure, K1 = 5 tons ha-1 goat manure, K2 = 10 tons ha-1 goat manure) and the second factor inorganic fertilizer is NPK fertilizer consisting of 4 levels (N0 = without NPK fertilizer, N1 = NPK fertilizer 150 kg ha-1, N2 = 250 kg ha-1, and N3 = 350 kg ha-1). The treatment consisted of 12 combinations which was repeated 3 times. The parameters that observed in this study were plant height, leaf number, leaf area, total fresh weight per plant, fresh weight of consumption per plant, fresh weight of roots per plant, and chlorophyll content. The data obtained analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) 5% to find out the effect of each treatment. If the results obtained are significantly different then carried out a further test of Honestly Significance Different (HSD) is carried out. This study observations were observed when the kailan plant was at 14 DAP, 21 DAP, 28 DAP, 35 DAP, and 40 DAP. Observation of kailan plants is done non-destructively which included plant height and number of leaves. Harvest observations were observed included total fresh weight per plant, fresh weight of consumption per plant, fresh weight of root per plant, leaf area, and chlorophyll content.Based on the results of research on parameters of plant height at 21, 28, and 35 DAP, the total fresh weight per plant, fresh weight of consumption per plant, chlorophyll a and a+b levels showed that there was interaction between treatments. While the parameters of plant height 14 and 40 DAP, number of leaves, leaf area, fresh weight of roots per plant, and chlorophyll b levels showed that there was no interaction between treatments. Based on the results obtained the parameters of the total fresh weight of the plant and the highest weight consumption were K2N2 treatment of 117.30 grams and 71.83 grams.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2019/336/051907079
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 635 Garden crops (Horticulture) > 635.5 Salad greens > 635.52 Lettuce > 635.528 Lettuce (Special cultivation methods; Fertilizers, soil conditioners, growth regulators)
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2020 07:02
Last Modified: 22 Oct 2021 05:12
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