Keragaman dan Heritabilitas Karakter 82 Genotipe Ercis (Pisum sativum L.) di Dataran Rendah

Handini, Mayang Ayudya (2019) Keragaman dan Heritabilitas Karakter 82 Genotipe Ercis (Pisum sativum L.) di Dataran Rendah. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Ercis (Pisum sativum L.) ialah salah satu tanaman legume yang memiliki nilai ekonomi cukup tinggi dan banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber pangan karena mengandung berbagai nutrisi di antaranya protein, karbohidrat kompleks, vitamin dan mineral. Permintaan ercis di Indonesia semakin meningkat setiap tahun, namun tidak diiringi oleh ketersediaan ercis dalam negeri. Permasalahan utama produksi ercis ialah keterbatasan areal budidaya karena mayoritas ditanam di dataran tinggi, sehingga perlu dilakukan penanaman di wilayah lain misalnya di dataran medium dan dataran rendah untuk mendukung produksi. Program pemuliaan tanaman ercis di dataran rendah diarahkan untuk mendapatkan genotipe-genotipe berdaya hasil tinggi dan adaptif pada daerah dataran rendah melalui kegiatan seleksi. Keberhasilan program seleksi memerlukan parameter genetik seperti keragaman genetik dan heritabilitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keragaman genetik dan nilai heritabilitas 82 genotipe ercis, serta menentukan genotipe yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan di dataran rendah. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2018 - April 2019 di Seed Bank and Nursery Industry, Agro Techno Park Universitas Brawijaya yang berlokasi di Desa Jatikerto Kecamatan Kromengan Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur. Bahan tanam yang digunakan ialah 82 genotipe ercis hasil seleksi introduksi dan seleksi galur murni, serta tiga pembanding (cv. Calibra, genotipe SMG(H)(03) [CEK] dan genotipe 05-(16)-1 [CEK]). Pupuk yang digunakan ialah pupuk kandang kotoran kambing (10 ton ha-1), pupuk NPK Mutiara (16:16:16) (500 kg ha-1), pupuk ZA (148 kg ha-1) serta pestisida. Penelitian dilaksanakan berdasarkan percobaan yang disusun secara augmented design. Bahan genetik ditempatkan ke dalam 6 blok, di mana setiap blok tidak terdapat genotipe yang sama dan cek diulang pada masing-masing blok. Setiap blok terdiri dari 11 plot yaitu 8 plot berisi genotipe yang diuji dan 3 plot untuk cek. Plot percobaan berupa barisan tunggal sepanjang 0,8 m dan pada setiap plot ditanam delapan tanaman, empat tanaman kemudian diambil untuk pengamatan polong kering (dry pods). Jarak antar plot adalah 80 cm dan jarak di dalam plot adalah 10 cm. Pengamatan dilakukan pada 32 karakter kuantitatif dan 22 karakter kualitatif berdasarkan panduan deskriptor Guidelines for The Conduct of Tests for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) dari UPOV (2006). Analisis data kuantitatif dari masing-masing genotipe dan cek dianalisis menggunakan analisis varians (ANOVA) untuk augmented design. Apabila hasil F-hitung berbeda nyata maka dilakukan uji least significance increase (LSI) untuk menyeleksi genotipe yang lebih baik dibandingkan pembanding. Seleksi dilakukan melalui metode skoring pada masing-masing karakter untuk menentukan genotipe yang berproduksi tinggi di dataran rendah. Pendugaan komponen varians genetik dan varians fenotipe dihitung dengan mencari nilai varians lingkungan (σ2e), varians genetik (σ2g) dan varians fenotipe (σ2f) dari ANOVA. Parameter genetik dianalisis melalui nilai keragaman genetik dan nilai heritabilitas dalam arti luas. Keragaman genetik didapat dengan mencari nilai koefisien variasi genetik (KVG) dan nilai koefisien variasi fenotipe (KVF), sementara nilai heritabilitas dalam arti luas (h2) dicari menggunakan data varians genetik dan varians lingkungan. Sementara data kualitatif dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keragaman genetik dan fenotipe memiliki nilai yang beragam mulai dari rendah, sedang hingga tinggi. Nilai KVG bervariasi dari rentang 1,57 hingga 71,33 sedangkan nilai KVF bervariasi antara 2,50 hingga 74,76. Karakter yang memiliki nilai KVG dan KVF dengan kriteria tinggi terdapat pada karakter panjang tangkai hingga polong pertama, jumlah braktea, bobot brangkasan daun, bobot brangkasan batang, bobot polong kering per tanaman dan bobot biji kering per tanaman. Pada pengamatan karakter kualitatif didapatkan hasil terdapat keragaman pada masing-masing karakter 82 genotipe ercis di dataran rendah. Karakter yang seragam diantaranya didapat pada karakter keberadaan leaflets, bercak daun, warna wing bunga, warna standar bunga, warna polong dan tekstur biji. Nilai duga heritabilitas pada penelitian didapatkan nilai yang beragam mulai dari rendah, sedang hingga tinggi. Karakter yang memiliki nilai duga heritabilitas dengan kriteria tinggi terdapat pada karakter tinggi tanaman, jarak antar node, umur berbunga, umur panen kering, panjang stipula, lebar stipula, jarak aksil hingga ujung stipula, panjang aksil hingga leaflets pertama, lebar leaflets, bobot brangkasan daun, bobot brangkasan batang, bobot polong kering per tanaman, bobot biji kering per tanaman, bobot biji kering per polong, panjang polong kering, lebar polong kering, panjang biji kering serta lebar biji kering. Genotipe yang terseleksi di dataran rendah berdasarkan uji lanjut LSI dan skoring yang dilakukan adalah genotipe 01(16)(2)-1, 03(16)(2)-1, 03-(16)-(3)-2, 05(16)(2)-1, 06-(16)-(11)-1, 06(16)1-1, 3(16)1-2, BTG-2, BTG-5, GRT-(03), GRT(04)(1), GRT(PSO-1-1), GRT(PSO-1-2), GRT(PSO-3-1), GRT04(1)-2, GRT04(3)-2, SMG(C)(1), SMG(D)(3), SMG(H)(03), TMG-1-3, TMG-1-4, TMG-2-1, TMG 2-3, TMG-4-1, TMG-4-3, TMG-6-1, TMG-7-1 dan TMG-7-2.

English Abstract

Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is one of the legume crop that have high economic value and widely used as a source of food because it contains various nutrients such as proteins, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The demand for pea in Indonesia has increased every year, but is not accompanied by the availability of pea from within the country. The main problem of pea production is the limitation of cultivation area because the majority are grown in the highlands, so it needs to be planted in other areas such as planting in the medium and lowlands to support the primary production in the highlands. Plant breeding program of pea in the lowlands directed to get a genotypes that has high yield and adaptive on lowlands areas through the activities of the selection. The success of the selection program requires genetic parameters such as genetic variability and heritability. The purpose of this research was to determine the genetic variability and heritability of 82 pea genotypes, and to determine the genotypes that has potential to be developed in lowland. The research was carried out in December 2018 - April 2019 in Seed Bank and Nursery Industry, Agro Techno Park University of Brawijaya, located in Jatikerto Sub-district of Kromengan Malang East Java. The genetic material used in this study was 82 pea genotypes from introduction and pure strain selection, and three checks (cv. Calibra, SMG(H)(03) [CEK] and 05-(16)-1 [CEK]). The fertilizer used is manure (10 ton ha-1), NPK Mutiara fertilizer (16:16:16) (500 kg ha-1), ZA fertilizer (148 kg ha-1) and pesticides. The research was carried out based on an experiment that compiled in augmented design. The genetic material is placed into 6 blocks, where each block hasn’t the same genotype and check is repeated on the each block. Each block consists of 11 plots, 8 plot contains the tested genotypes and 3 plot to check. Plot experiment in the form of a single sequence along a 0,8 m and on every plot planted eight plants, four plants was taken for observation of dry peas (dry pods). The distance between the plot is 80 cm and the distance in the plot is 10 cm. Observations done at 32 quantitative characters and 22 qualitative characters based on descriptors Guidelines for The Conduct of Tests for Distinctness, Stability and Uniformity of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) from UPOV (2006). The analysis of quantitative data from each genotype and the check analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) for augmented design. If the result of F-calculated is significant different, the least significance increase (LSI) test was conducted to select the better genotypes than check. Selection was done through a scoring method on each character to determine the genotypes that produce high in the lowlands. Estimation of genetic variance and phenotype variance is calculated by the value of a environment variance (σ2e), genetic variance (σ2g) and phenotypes variance (σ2f) from ANOVA. Genetic parameters were analyzed through the value of genetic variability and the value of heritability in the broad sense. Genetic variability was obtained by calculated for the value of the genetic coefficient of variation (GCV) and the value of the phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV), while the value of heritability in the broad sense (h2) calculated use genetic variance and environment variance. While the qualitative data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that genetic and phenotypes variability have values ranging from low, medium to high. GCV values vary from the range 1,57 to 71,33 while PCV values vary from 2,50 to 74,76. The characters that have high values of GCV and PCV are found in length from stem to the first pod, number of bracts, weight of leaf dry biomass, weight of stem dry biomass, dry pod weight per plant and dry seed weight per plant. The qualitative characters results was found that there were variations in each character 82 pea genotypes in lowland. Characters that have uniformity were found in characters of leaflets, leaf spots, color of wing flowers, color of standar flowers, pod color and seed texture. The estimated value of heritability in the study found values ranging from low, medium to high. Characteristics that have high value of heritability were found in characters plant height, length between nodes, day to flowering, day to dry harvesting, stipule length, stipules width, length from axil to tip, length from axil to the first leaflets, leaflets width, weight of leaf dry biomass, weight of stem dry biomass, pod weight per plant, seed weight per plant, seed weight per pod, pod length, pod width, seed length and seed width. The selected genotypes in the lowland based on the LSI test and scoring performed were genotype 01(16)(2)-1, 03(16)(2)-1, 03-(16)-(3)-2, 05(16)(2)-1, 06-(16)-(11)-1, 06(16)1-1, 3(16)1-2, BTG-2, BTG-5, GRT-(03), GRT(04)(1), GRT(PSO-1-1), GRT(PSO-1-2), GRT(PSO-3-1), GRT04(1)-2, GRT04(3)-2, SMG(C)(1), SMG(D)(3), SMG(H)(03), TMG-1-3, TMG-1-4, TMG-2-1, TMG 2-3, TMG-4-1, TMG-4-3, TMG-6-1, TMG-7-1 and TMG-7-2.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2019/499/051907273
Uncontrolled Keywords: -
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.4 Soil science > 631.45 Soil erosion > 631.451 Conservation tillage
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2020 07:02
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2020 07:02
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