Putri, Regita Syahkirana (2019) Analisis Sidik Lintas Antara Sifat Fenotipe Komponen Hasil Terhadap Hasil Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicuml.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Salah satukomoditasunggulanhortikultura yang menjadiprioritasuntukdikembangkanyaitubawangmerah (Anonymus, 2008 dan 2012) Namunpeningkatanluaspanenpadatanamanbawangmerahterbilangrendahyaitusebe sar 1,18% dibandingkantahun 2014 (Dewi, 2012). Untukmenanggulangimasalahdalamnegeriuntukmemenuhikebutuhanmasyarakat Indonesia pemerintahmengambilkebijakandengancaramelakukanimporbawangmerah. Walaupunkebijakantersebutbelumdikatakansolutifdikarenakanhaltersebutdapatme ngakibatkanproduksibawangmerahdalamnegerikurangdiminati (Dewi, 2012).Penurunanluaslahansertaditambahpeningkatanpenduduk yang semakinmeningkatdaritahunketahunnyamenuntutuntukdiciptakannyavarietasbaru yang mempunyaidayahasil yang tinggi.Untukterciptanyavarietasunggulmaka di butuhkansifat-sifatgenetiksertasumberdayagenetiknya.Dari berbagaisumberdayagenetik yang tersediaperludilakukannyaanalisiskeragamangenetikuntukmendapatkan data spesifikataukarakterspesifikdarimasingmasinggenotipesecaramorfologisertamolekuler. Untukmengetahuikemiripanataujar akgenetikdapat di ketahuimelaluiinformasikeragamangenetik.Fungsidarijarakgenetikitusendiriadalah sebagaipenentugenotipetetua yang digunakandalam proses pemuliaantanamanbawangmerah. Pada program pemuliaantanamanmenyerbuksilangsepertibawangmerahalangkahbaiknyajikapersi langanantargenotipdilakukanpadatetua yang memilikijarakgenotipeterjauh, makaakandidapathasil yang terbaik (Singh, 2006). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui koefisien korelasi dan analisis jalur antara karakter agronomi dan hasil bawang merah, yang digunakan untuk mencari karakter mana yang dapat dipilih sebagai tanda seleksi, sehingga pemilihan program lebih efektif. Serta mengetahui hubungan langsung dan tidak langsung karakter pertumbuhan dan komponen hasil terhadap hasil panen. Penelitiandilaksanakanpadabulan September sampaiDesember 2018 di KebunPercobaanBalaiPengkajianTeknologiPertanian (BPTP) JawaTimur di Jalan Raya Karangploso KM4, DesaKepuharjo, KecamatanKarangploso, Kabupaten Malang, ProvinsiJawaTimur. Secarageografisletaklokasipenelitianberada di
English Abstract
Shallot is horticultural superior commodity that are a priority to be developed (Anonymous, 2008). However the yields improvement of shallot in the lower range compared to the yields in 2014. in order to resolve the decrase of production yields and population increase anually demands creating new variaty that posses high productivity (Dewi, 2012). One of the purpose in plant breeding is to improve the yield. This character handled by a lot of genes which are the expression highly influenced by the environment. Agronomic treatment of shallot which has substaintial influence to variaty grade (Dewi, 2012) Through closeness relation between traits of plant can be shown from the higher support of supporting traits. It can be a character from plant that will be developed. The plant character are observed in quantitative and qualitative. From that, we have to know to increasing potential. The purpose of the research is to know coefficient of correlation and path analysis between character agronomic and yields of shallot, that used to find which characters that can be choosen as mark of selection, so the selection program more effective. the knowledge of the extent of genetic variability present in the population is essential for further improvement of shallot. similarly, information on the extent and nature of interrealtionship among characters help in formulating efficient scheme of multiple trait selection, as it provides means of direct and indirect selection of component character (Singh, 2006) This research held on September until December 2018 and conducted in BalaiPercobaanPengkajianTeknologiPertanian (BPTP) Garden East Java on Jalan Raya Karangploso, Malang Regency, East Java Province. with 500 masl and the daily temperature 22,7°C – 33,1°C. The material that used are bulb seedling, that are Super Phillip, Vietnam, Victory, Batu Ijo, Bauji, Katumi, and Tajuk base genotipe and local variety. And also material that used are organic manure, NPK, SP36, KCl, ZA and pesticide are used too. And the equipment are hoe, gauge, digital camera, water can, alfa board and stationary. The experiments performed by using a randomized block design factorial that consist of one treatment, that are 5 genotypes of varieties and each treatments replicated twice. Each replication contains of 5 plot units, that each plot represented each varieties. Each plots contains of 56 plant but only 17 sample plant that are observed. Charactere that are observed composed of two charactere, that are quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative charactere observed are plant length, number of leaf, leaf diameters, number of tillers, day of bulb harvest, ability of flowering plant, number of bulb, and yields. And also qualitative characters that observed are foliage altittude, largest diameter position, the abality of flowering, and degree of spliting into bulblets. The statistical analysis that used in this research by using analyzing the quantitative characters with regression and correlation. And then the data is analyzed with the analysis of variance at 5% level. For the qualitative data analyzed in descriptive. The collected data analyzed or examined with variance and covariance analysis and further examined by correlation analysis. Afterwards vii vii the obtained values from the result of the correlation analysis is utilized as object of calculating path analysis. The result of this research explain that the correlation it ain’t enough for describe the relation of each characters. That caused by the correlation of each yields component have a correlation and indirect effect towards yields component can be more contributing than the direct effect. With a path analysis that can determine the character that have effect towards yields, so it can be create the effective characters of selection. Based on this research explained that increased of bulb number, number of tiller, and bulb diameter also increase the plant weight. And then the bulb diameter high contributed towards plant weight of shallot. It explained path analysis concept used many characters, that gave the direct effect plant weight about 75,5%. In this research the residual number of about 0,245. Which the residual number explained the the influence of other characters that are not detected or cannot be explained.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2019/79/051906774 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | - |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 635 Garden crops (Horticulture) > 635.2 Edible tubers and bulbs > 635.25 Onions |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 24 Aug 2020 06:59 |
Last Modified: | 10 Feb 2022 06:56 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/172956 |
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