Minimasi Waiting Time dengan Pendekatan Value Stream Mapping dan Simulasi pada Produksi Rumah Potong Ayam

Kristina, Anna (2019) Minimasi Waiting Time dengan Pendekatan Value Stream Mapping dan Simulasi pada Produksi Rumah Potong Ayam. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Rumah Potong Ayam (RPA) pada CV Cupu Artama Jaya yang memproduksi produk utama yaitu karkas, boneless, dan Mechanically Deboned Meat (MDM). Permasalahan yang terjadi pada CV Cupu Artama Jaya adalah terdapatnya waiting time di alur proses produksi. Waiting time yang terjadi berupa adanya penumpukkan WIP diantara proses yang disebabkan batch transportasi dan perbedaan kecepatan material handling pada proses produksi. Dampak dari adanya waiting time menyebabkan lead time produksi menjadi lebih lama dan terdapat inventory produk setengah jadi pada lantai produksi. Produk utama yang digunakan sebagai objek penelitian yaitu Mechanically Deboned Meat (MDM) karena memiliki hasil produksi tertinggi dan aliran proses terpanjang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Process Activity Mapping (PAM), Root Cause Analysis (RCA), dan simulasi. Waktu proses produksi akan dirinci secara aktivitas dan elemen kerja yang digunakan sebagai input Current State Map (CSM) untuk mengetahui aliran proses produksi dan mengetahui lead time produksi. Pengambilan waktu menggunakan pengkuran kerja Stopwatch Time Study (STS). Waktu pada breakdown aktivitas dan elemen kerja juga digunakan untuk metode Process Activity Mapping (PAM) yang menghasilkan detail elemen kerja seperti value added, non value added, dan necessary but non value added. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) dilakukan untuk mengetahui penyebab terjadinya waiting time. Simulasi menggunakan sofware Arena untuk mengetahui dimana dan berapa waiting time dan WIP pada alur produksi MDM. Selain itu, Arena digunakan untuk trial and error skenario untuk rekomendasi perbaikan. Terakhir pembuatan Future State Map (FSM) berdasarkan rekomendasi perbaikan. Hasil dari perhitungan PAM didapatkan aktivitas VA, NNVA, dan NVA masingmasing sebesar 490,288 menit, 84,755 menit, dan 1180,197 menit. Selain itu, juga waktu pada aktivitas operation sebesar 742,056 menit dan aktivitas delay sebesar 1000,070 menit. Sedangkan hasil dari simulasi mendapatkan WIP sebesar 7629 unit dan waiting time sebesar 1744,029 menit. Meminimasi waiting time dilakukan dengan pembuatan skenario berdasarkan alternatif-alternatif tertentu. Alternatif mengenai minimasi batch transportasi, perubahan urutan proses, dan menghilangkan proses yang tidak perlu. Pembuatan skenario sebanyak tiga skenario dan skenario yang terpilih adalah skenario I karena dapat minimasi waiting time dan WIP terbesar. Rekomendasi perbaikan lainnya untuk mendukung skenario I yaitu memperbaiki lantai produksi yang rusak dan pembuatan bak pencucian untuk satu keranjang. Skenario I yang terpilih dapat meminimasi aktivitas NVA menjadi 265,457 dan NNVA menjadi 20,099 menit. Pada aktivitas operation menjadi 497,274 menit dan aktivitas delay menjadi 265,456 menit. Selain itu, meminimasi WIP menjadi 3640 unit dan waiting time menjadi 965,355 menit. Sehingga lead time produksi mengalami penurunan dari 1657,51 menit menjadi 775,809 menit.

English Abstract

The chicken slaughterhouse in CV Cupu Artama Jaya produces carcasses, boneless and Mechanically Deboned Meat (MDM) as main products. The problem that occurred within CV Cupu Artama Jaya was there are waiting waste on the production process flow. The waiting waste happens in the form of work-in-progress (WIP) congestion between process caused by materials transported in batches and material handling speed difference on the production process. The impacts of the waiting waste are long production lead-time and existence of half-finished products on the production line. The main product used as object of research is the MDM since it is the most produced product and has the greatest number of process involved. The methods used in this research are Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Process Activity Mapping (PAM), Root Cause Analysis (RCA), and Simulation. The production process time will be measured by considering activities and work elements which are going to be used as input for Current State Map (CSM) in the effort of mapping the production process flow and production lead-time. Time measurement is done using the Stopwatch Time Study (STS) technique. Time on activities breakdown and work elements are also used by the PAM method which results in work element details such as value-added, non-valueadded, and necessary but non-value-added. RCA method is used to hone-in on the main cause of waiting waste. Simulation uses the Arena software to find out the location of waiting, measure waiting time, and measure WIP on the MDM production flow. Other than that, Arena is used for scenario trial-and-errors to make improvement recommendations. Finally, Future State Map (FSM) is made based on the improvement scenario. Through the use of PAM method, VA, NNV, and NVA were found to be 490,288 minutes, 84,755 minutes, and 1180,197 minutes respectively. Moreover, the time of operation activities were found to be 742,056 minutes and the time of delay activities were found to be 1000,070 minutes. The simulation method resulted in WIP in the amount of 7629 units with the amount 1744,029 minutes. Waiting minimization was done by constructing scenarios based on certain alternatives. The alternatives are transport batch minimization, process sequence change, and elimination of unnecessary process. Three different scenarios were made and Scenario I was chosen since it can minimize the most amount of waiting time and WIP. Other improvement recommendations to support Scenario I is to repair the damaged production floor tiles and to construct a washing tub enough for one basket. Scenario I chosen can reduce the NVA activities to 265,457 minutes and the NNVA to 20,099 minutes. Operation activities were reduced to 497,274 minutes and delay activities were reduced to 265,456 minutes. In addition to that, WIP was also reduced to 3640 units and the waiting time became 965,355 minutes. Therefore, the production lead-time was diminished from 1657,51 minutes to 775,809 minutes.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2019/610/051905172
Uncontrolled Keywords: Waiting Time, Value Stream Mapping, Process Activity Mapping, Root Cause Analysis, Simulasi, Waiting Time, Value Stream Mapping, Process Activity Mapping, Root Cause Analysis, Simulation
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.5 Management of production
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 10 Nov 2020 02:54
Last Modified: 10 Nov 2020 02:54
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