Pengembangan Kelembagaan Pelestarian Sapi Madura

Siswijono, Suprih Bambang (2019) Pengembangan Kelembagaan Pelestarian Sapi Madura. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Populasi ternak sapi potong di Jawa Timur pada tahun 2016 sebanyak 4.407.807 ekor. Selama kurun waktu tahun 2013-2016 populasi ternak sapi potong di Jawa Timur terus mengalami peningkatan dengan rataan laju peningkatan 3.73 persen setiap tahun (Dinas Peternakan Jatim, 2017). Populasi ternak sapi potong tersebut tersebar di 39 wilayah kota/kabupaten di Jawa Timur. Sedangkan populasi ternak sapi potong di Madura pada tahun 2016 sebanyak 931.112 ekor, dengan rataan laju peningkatan populasi 1.85 persen setiap tahun. Populasi ternak sapi di Madura mencapai sekitar 21.12 persen populasi ternak sapi di Jawa Timur. Namun, peningkatan populasi ternak sapi ini lebih rendah dibanding di Jawa Timur. Informasi ini memberikan indikasi bahwa keragaan produksi ternak sapi di Madura ralatif lebih rendah dibanding di Jawa Timur. Masalahnya, Sapi Madura merupakan salah satu jenis bangsa sapi di Indonesia yang perlu dijaga kemurniannya dan sekaligus perlu dilestarikan, sehingga tidak semua program pembangunan peternakan sebagai upaya peningkatan keragaan produkisi ternak sapi dapat diimplementasikan di Madura. Sebagai contoh, dilarang melakukan perkawinan silang dengan bangsa sapi dari luar sebagai upaya perbaikan keragaan produksi ternak sapi. Situasi ini menimbulkan dilema dalam pembangunan peternakan di Madura. Di satu sisi, persilangan diharapkan mampu meningkatkan keragaan produksi ternak Sapi Madura. Namun disisi lain, perkawinan silang akan menjadi ancaman bagi kelestarian Sapi Madura, terutama apabila perkawinan silang tidak dikontrol dan dikendalikan dengan baik. Namun, fenomena yang terjadi di lapang berbeda, teknologi Inseminasi Buatan (IB) dengan menggunakan semen beku penjantan unggul dari luar telah marak berkembang dikalangan peternak Sapi Madura (Nurgiartiningsih, 2009). Peternak menilai bahwa persilangan merupakan salah satu strategi yang baik untuk meningkatkan keragaan produksi ternak Sapi Madura. Informasi tentang kawin silang ini memberikan petunjuk bahwa telah terjadi perubahan perilaku peternak sapi. Jika kondisi ini terus berkembang dikalangan peternak sapi tentu akan mengancam keberadaan Sapi Madura sebagai salah satu plasma nutfah sapi lokal Indonesia. Dwiyanto dan Setiadi mengatakan bahwa untuk melakukan konservasi Sapi Madura maka perlu ditinjau kembali tentang penetapan wilayah Madura sebagai wilayah pelestarian Sapi Madura sebagai salah satu plasma nutfah sapi lokal Indonesia (Dwiyanto dan Setiadi, 1997). Penetapan wilayah Madura sebagai wilayah pelestarian Sapi Madura perlu diskusi yang intensif untuk mengambil keputusan apakah wilayah pelestarian akan mencakup seluruh wilayah Madura atau akan dilakukan di wilayah tertentu, seperti di Pulau Sapudi. Berdasarkan fenomena di lapang tentang perkembangan kawin silang di Madura, maka perlu dikerjakan upaya untuk mengantisipasi agar Sapi Madura sebagai salah satu plasma nutfah sapi lokal Indonesia tidak punah. Salah satu kegiatan yang perlu segera dikerjakan adalah melakukan kegiatan penelitian tentang kelembagaan pelestarian Sapi Madura. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai basis merumuskan konsep pengembangan kelembagaan pelestarian Sapi Madura dan sekaligus merumuskan kebijakan pembangunan peternakan sapi di Madura. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji kelembagaan pelestarian Sapi Madura, mengkaji faktor penghambat pelestarian Sapi Madura dan menyusun konsep pengembangan kelembagaan pelestarian Sapi Madura. Penelitian dikerjakan dengan menggunakan metoda survai. Pengumpulan data dikerjakan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi partisipasi dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) serta studi dokumentasi. Jumlah responden 125 peternak sapi yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive random sampling. Instrumen pengumpul data mmenggunakan kuesioner dan pedoman wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis dan Analithical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Metoda AHP merupakan sebuah kerangka pengambilan keputusan yang efektif guna menyeleseikan persoalan yang komplek (Saaty, 1993). Proses pengambilan keputusan dengan menggunakan metoda AHP ditempuh dengan cara memecah persoalan menjadi bagian-bagian atau variabel yang lebih sempit, kemudian menata bagian-bagian itu menjadi susunan hirarki, kemudian memberi nilai sesuai pertimbangan subjektif peneliti tentang seberapa tingkat kekuatan tiap-tiap variabel dan mensintesis berbagai pertimbangan untuk menetapkan variabel yang mana yang memiliki prioritas paling tinggi sehingga dapat mempercepat proses pengambilan keputusan. Hasil studi dokumentasi diperoleh informasi bahwa pemerintah telah melakukan langkah penting terkait dengan menjaga dan memelihara kelestarian Sapi Madura, yakni: 1. Pemerintah telah menerbitkan payung hukum, yakni telah menetapkan Sapi Madura merupakan salah satu rumpun sapi lokal Indonesia. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia melalui Kementerian Pertanian menerbitkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Pertanian Nomor: 3735/Kpts/HK.040/11/2010 tentang Penetapan Sapi Madura sebagai Rumpun Ternak Lokal Indonesia. 2. Pemerintah dalam rangka perbaikan mutu genetik ternak lokal dan untuk melindungi sumberdaya genetik ternak lokal Sapi Madura agar tidak musnah, melalui Kementerian Pertanian menerbitkan standar mutu bibit Sapi Madura, yakni SNI 7651.2:2013/ Badan Standarisasi Nasional ICS 65.020.30 tentang Penetapan SNI Sapi Madura. SNI Sapi Madura ditetapkan dengan maksud untuk menjadi pedoman dalam penyelenggaraan usaha peternakan Sapi Madura. 3. Berdasarkan pertimbangan aspek kebijakan, ketersediaan sumber daya, sosial-ekonomi dan teknis, maka pemerintah menetapkan tiga lokasi pemurnian dan pembibitan sapi, yakni di Pulo Raya, wilayah Kabupaten Aceh Jaya, Provinsi NAD untuk Sapi Aceh; Pulau Sapudi, wilayah Kabupaten Sumenep, Provinsi Jawa Timur untuk Sapi Madura; Pulau Nusa Penida, wilayah Kabupaten Klungkung, Provinsi Bali untuk Sapi Bali (Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Peternakan Dan Kesehatan Hewan, Nomor: 18020/Kpts/PD.420/F2.3/02/2013, tanggal 18 Februari 2013). Tiga pulau ini telah ditetapkan sebagai suatu wilayah pelestarian dan sekaligus sebagai sumber bibit ternak sapi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ternak sapi, yakni Sapi Aceh, Sapi Madura dan Sapi Bali. Selain itu diharapkan dalam jangka panjang, masing-masing wilayah tersebut mampu menyediakan bibit ternak sesuai SNI secara berkelanjutan. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa kelembagaan pelestarian Sapi Madura telah mengalami perkembangan yang baik namun secara umum kelembagaan pelestarian masih cenderung mengatur tentang kewajiban peternak sapi, belum mengatur hak peternak sapi. Tujuan penetapan wilayah pembibitan ternak sapi ini adalah (1) memfasilitasi sarana perbibitan, (2) meningkatkan pengetahuan/keterampilan (kompetensi) pembibitan, (3) membentuk kelompok peternak sebagai calon kelompok pembibit, (4) menumbuhkan dan menstimulasi peternak secara individu maupun kelompok peternak dalam menerapkan pemurnian dan prinsip-prinsip pembibitan, (5) menumbuhkan Pulo Raya, Pulau Sapudi, Pulau Nusa Penida sebagai wilayah sumber bibit. Berdasarkan tujuan tersebut diharapkan para peternak sapi di Pulo Raya, Pulau Sapudi, dan Pulau Nusa Penida, baik secara individu maupun secara berkelompok akan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip permurnian dan pembibitan ternak sapi. Selain itu, dimasa mendatang, dalam jangka panjang, masing-masing wilayah tersebut diharapkan mampu menyediakan bibit ternak sesuai SNI secara berkelanjutan. Berdasarkan hasil kajian tentang perkembangan kelembagaan pelestarian Sapi Madura dan penilaian peternak sapi terhadap usaha peternaan Sapi Madura terkait event budaya masyarakat Madura dapat diketahui bahwa faktor-faktor yang mendorong perilaku peternak sapi dalam pelestarian Sapi Madura meliputi: 1. Penetapan rumpun Sapi Madura, yakni Surat Keputusan Menteri Pertanian Nomor: 3735/Kpts/HK.040/11/2010 tentang Penetapan Sapi Madura sebagai Rumpun Ternak Lokal Indonesia; 2. Penetapan SNI Sapi Madura, yakni Surat Keputusan Kementerian Pertanian menerbitkan standar mutu bibit Sapi Madura, yakni SNI 7651.2:2013/ Badan Standarisasi Nasional ICS 65.020.30 tentang Penetapan SNI Sapi Madura; 3. Keputusan Dirjen Peternakan Dan Kesehatan Hewan, Nomor: 18020/Kpts/PD.420/F2.3/02/2013, tanggal 18 Februari 2013 tentang penetapan Pulau Sapudi sebagai wilayah perbibitan Sapi Madura; 4. Event budaya masyarakat Madura membutuhkan Sapi Madura untuk kegiatan Kerapan Sapi dan kontes Sapi Sonok. Berdasarkan hasil kajian diperoleh informasi bahwa faktor yang menghambat pelestarian Sapi Madura meliputi: 1. Peternak sapi menilai bahwa penampilan Sapi Madura makin lama cenderung semakin menurun, penampilan Sapi Madura cenderung lebih kecil; 2. Peternak sapi menilai bahwa penampilan sapi hasil persilangan dengan pejantan bangsa sapi dari luar Madura lebih besar dibanding penampilan Sapi Madura; 3. Peternak sapi menilai bahwa perkawinan silang merupakan cara yang paling baik untuk meningkatkan penampilan Sapi Madura; 4. Peternak sapi lebih suka memelihara ternak sapi hasil perkawinan silang dengan bangsa pejantan sapi dari luar Madura; 5. Peternak sapi menilai bahwa pada umur yang sama, harga sapi hasil persilangan lebih mahal dibanding harga Sapi Madura Berdasarkan hasil kajian dapat disimpulkan: 1. Penetapan kelembagaan pewilayahan pembibitan dan pemurnian merupakan strategi yang baik dalam rangka pelestarian Sapi Madura, namun secara umum kelembagaan pelestarian cenderung mengatur kewajiban peternak dan belum mengatur hak peternak; 2. Faktor yang merupakan penghambat pelestarian Sapi Madura, meliputi: a. Peternak merasa bahwa nilai ekonomi ternak Sapi Madura masih relatif rendah dibanding nilai ekonomi ternak sapi hasil persilangan; b. Insentif ekonomi yang diterima peternak sapi yang mengelola usaha peternakan Sapi Madura tidak berbeda dengan peternak sapi yang mengelola usaha peternakan sapi silangan; 3. Penetapan kelembagaan insentif ekonomi sebagai perangsang produksi peternakan dibutuhkan dalam rangka pelestarian Sapi Madura Saran yang perlu disampaikan sehubungan dengan kesimpulan kajian pengembangan kelembagaan pelestarian Sapi Madura, meliputi: 1. Pemerintah perlu mengalokasi dana sebagai perangsang produksi guna meningkatkan partisipasi peternak dalam pelestarian Sapi Madura; 2. Implementasi kelembagaan insentif ekonomi sebagai salah satu bentuk pengembangan kelembagaan pelestarian Sapi Madura diperlukan guna meningkatkan partisipasi peternak dalam pelestarian Sapi Madura; 3. Penetapan secara periodik indeks ratio bobot hidup pedet sapi silangan dan pedet Sapi Madura pada umur lepas sapih dan harga bibit Sapi Madura dibutuhkan sebagai basis penetapan insentif ekonomi pelestarian Sapi Madura.

English Abstract

The population of beef cattle in East Java in 2016 was 4,407,807. During the period of 2013 to 2016, the population of beef cattle in East Java has increased 3.73 percent every year (East Java Livestock Services, 2017). This beef cattle population is spread in 39 cities/regencies in East Java. While the population of beef cattle in Madura in 2016 was 931,112, which is accounted to around 21.12 percent of the cattle population in East Java. The average increase of cattle population in Madura is 1.85 percent every year. However, this value is lower compared to those in East Java. This information shows that cattle production in Madura is relatively lower than in East Java. The problem is, Madura Cattle is one type of cow nation in Indonesia that needs to be kept pure and at the same time needs to be preserved, consequently, not all livestock development programs as an effort to increase cattle production performance can be implemented in Madura. For example, it is prohibited to carry out the crossbreeding program with cattle from outside Madura as an effort to improve the production performance of cattle. This situation caused a dilemma in the livestock development in Madura. The crossbreeding program is expected to increase the production performance of Madura cattle. On the other hand, the crossbreeding program will be a threat to the Madura Cattle preservation, particularly if the crossbreeding program is not well controlled and managed. However, the phenomena which occur in the field are different, artificial insemination technology (AI) using frozen semen from superior bulls from the outside Madura has flourished among the farmers (Nurgiartiningsih, 2009). The farmers assess that crossbreeding program is one of the good strategies to improve the production performance of Madura cattle. Information about the crossbreeding program provides an indication that there has been a change in the farmers’ behavior. If this condition continues to evolve among farmers, it will certainly threaten the existence of Madura Cattle as one of Indonesia's local cattle germplasm. Dwiyanto and Setiadi (1997) said that to conserve the Madura cattle, it is necessary to review the determination of the Madura region as a Madura Cattle preservation area as one of Indonesia's local cattle germplasm. The determination of the Madura region as an area for the Madura Cattle preservation needs the intensive discussion to decide whether the preservation area will cover the entire Madura region or will be carried out only in the certain area, such as on Sapudi Island. Based on the phenomenon in the field of the development of crossbreeding program in Madura, the efforts need to be made to anticipate so that the Madura Cattle as one of Indonesia's local cattle germplasm is not extinct. One of the activities which need to be done immediately is conducting research activities on the institution for Madura Cattle preservation. The results of this study are expected to be used as a basis for formulating the concept of institutional development of Madura Cattle preservation and at the same time formulating the livestock development policies in Madura. This study aimed to evaluate the institution of Madura Cattle preservation, examine the inhibiting factors of Madura Cattle preservation, and arrange the concept of institutional development of Madura Cattle preservation. The research was carried out using a survey method. Data collection was done by interview techniques, participatory observation, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and documentation study. A total of 125 farmers were selected by purposive random sampling technique. The instrument for collecting data include questionnaires and interview guidelines. Data were analyzed using a descriptive analytical method and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). AHP method is an effective decision-making framework to accomplish complex problems (Saaty, 1993). The decision-making process using the AHP method is taken by breaking the problem into narrower parts or variables, after that arranging the parts into hierarchical arrangements, then assigning values according to the subjective judgment of the researcher about how much the strength of each variable, and synthesizing various consideration for determining which variable has the highest priority so that it can accelerate the decision-making process. The results of the documentation study showed that the government had taken important steps to maintain the Madura Cattle preservation , namely: 1. The government has issued a legal umbrella which stipulates that Madura Cattle is one of Indonesia's local cattle germplasm. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Ministry of Agriculture has issued a Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 3735/Kpts/HK.040/11/2010 concerning the Establishment of Madura Cattle as an Indonesian Local Livestock. 2. In order to improve the genetic quality and to protect the genetic resources of Madura cattle, the government through the Ministry of Agriculture has issued a quality standard of Madura Cattle breeds, namely SNI 7651.2:2013/ Indonesian National Standardization Agency ICS 65.020.30 concerning the establishment of Madura Cattle standard. This standard is issued as a guideline in the implementation of Madura Cattle farming business. 3. Based on the consideration of policy aspects, resources availability, socio-economic, and technical aspects, the government has set three locations for purification and breeding of local cattle, namely in Pulo Raya, Aceh Jaya Regency, Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province for Aceh cattle; Sapudi Island, Sumenep Regency, East Java Province for Madura cattle; Nusa Penida Island, Klungkung Regency, Bali Province for Bali cattle (Decision of Director General of Livestock and Animal Health, Number: 18020/Kpts/PD.420/F2.3/02/2013, February 18, 2013). These three islands have been designated as a preservation area and at the same time as a source of cattle breeds to increase cattle productivity, namely Aceh cattle, Madura cattle, and Bali Cattle. In addition, it is expected that in the long term, each of these regions will be able to provide livestock breeds according to the Indonesian National Standard in a sustainable manner. The results of this study indicate that the Madura Cattle preservation institution has experienced good development but in general the preservation institutions still tend to regulate the obligations of cattle farmers, not yet regulating the rights of cattle farmers. The objectives of establishing breeding areas for local cattle are (1) providing the breeding facilities, (2) increasing the knowledge/skills (competencies) in the breeding program, (3) establishing the farmers group as the potential breeder groups, (4) growing and stimulating the individual or farmers group in applying purification and breeding principles, (5) growing Pulo Raya, Pulau Sapudi, and Nusa Penida Island as the source of breeds. Based on these objectives, it is expected that cattle farmers in Pulo Raya, Pulau Sapudi, and Nusa Penida Island, both individually and in groups, will apply the principles of purification and breeding of cattle. In addition, in the future, in the long term, each of these regions is expected to be able to provide livestock breeds according to the Indonesian National Standard in a sustainable manner. Based on the results of a study of the institutional development of Madura Cattle preservation and the assessment of cattle farmers on the Madura Cattle farming business related to the cultural events of the Madura community, it can be seen that the factors which encourage the farmers in the Madura Cattle preservation include: 1. The establishment of Madura Cattle as Indonesian local germplasm through Decree of the Minister of Agriculture Number: 3735/Kpts/HK.040/11/2010 concerning the establishment of Madura Cattle as Indonesian local livestock; 2. The establishment of Indonesian national standard for Madura Cattle through the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture to issue quality standards for Madura Cattle breeds, namely SNI 7651.2:2013/ Indonesian National Standardization Agency ICS 65.020.30 concerning the establishment of Indonesian national standard for Madura cattle; 3. Decree of the Director General of Livestock and Animal Health, Number: 18020/Kpts/PD.420/F2.3/02/2013, issued on February 18, 2013, concerning the establishment of Sapudi Island as a Madura Cattle breeding area; 4. Cultural events of the Madura society who need Madura Cattle for the traditional festival of bull racing and Cattle beauty contest. Based on the results of the study, the factors which inhibit the Madura Cattle preservation include: 1. The farmers consider that the performance of Madura Cattle tended to decrease over time, the appearance of Madura Cattle tended to be smaller; 2. The farmers consider that the cattle performance from crossbreeding program with the cattle from outside Madura was greater than that of Madura cattle; 3. The farmers consider that the crossbreeding program is the best way to improve the performance of Madura cattle; 4. The farmers prefer to rear cattle from crossbreeding program with bull from outside Madura; 5. The farmers consider that at the same age, the price of crossbred cattle was more expensive than the price of Madura cattle. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded: 1. Determination of the zoning and purification institutions is a good strategy in the context of Madura Cattle preservation, but preservation institutions in general tend to regulate the obligations of farmers and have not regulated the rights of farmers; 2. Factors inhibiting Madura Cattle preservation include: a. Farmers feel that the economic value of Madura Cattle livestock still relatively low compared to the economic value of crossbreed cattle businesses; b. Economic incentives received by cattle ranchers who manage Madura Cattle ranch business are no different from cattle farmers who manage crossbreed cattle businesses; 3. The establishment of institutional economic incentives as a stimulus for livestock production is needed in order to preserve Madura Cattle The suggestions which need to be conveyed in connection with the conclusions of the study on the institutional development of Madura Cattle preservation include: 1. The government needs to allocate funds as a stimulus for production in order to increase the participation of farmers in the preservation of Madura Cattle; 2. The implementation of economic incentive institutions as one form of Madura Cattle preservation institution development needs to be implemented in order to increase digestive participation in the preservation of Madura Cattle; 3. Periodically determination of cross-calf and Madura Cattle calf live weight index ratios at weaning age and Madurese cow breeds prices are needed as a basis for determining the economic incentives for Madura Cattle preservation.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Doctor)
Identification Number: DIS/636.2/SIS/p/2019/061901631
Uncontrolled Keywords: CATTLE
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry > 636.2 Cattle and related animals
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2019 07:06
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2019 07:06
Full text not available from this repository.

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