Implementasi Mekanisme Pengiriman Data Kesehatan Berbasis Protokol Bluetooth Low Energy antara Smartwatch dengan IoT Middleware

Wijonarko, Reza Azzubair (2019) Implementasi Mekanisme Pengiriman Data Kesehatan Berbasis Protokol Bluetooth Low Energy antara Smartwatch dengan IoT Middleware. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Mekanisme pengiriman data antara sensor yang resource-constrained dengan Internet-of-Things (IoT) middleware harus dipertimbangkan untuk membuat sensor bekerja dalam waktu lama sehingga mendukung perekaman data jarak jauh (remote) dan berkala. Perekaman tersebut penting dilakukan dalam konteks pemantauan kesehatan, terlebih bila yang dipantau merupakan pengidap penyakit jantung yang dapat kambuh tiap saat. Pada penelitian sebelumnya diusulkan sistem pengiriman data kesehatan detak jantung dari sensor tubuh ke smartphone menggunakan protokol Bluetooth. Namun, solusi tersebut mengenalkan permasalahan baru yakni silo dalam jaringan IoT. Di sisi lain, terdapat protokol Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) yang lebih cocok dengan karakteristik resource-constrained sensor serta memancarkan radiasi yang aman bagi manusia. Selain itu, terdapat smartwatch yang merupakan sensor yang populer untuk mencatat informasi detak jantung tubuh manusia. Kemudian, permasalahan silo dapat diatasi menggunakan IoT middleware yang berbasis event-driven dalam jaringan IoT. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini diusulkan pengiriman data kesehatan dari smartwatch ke IoT middleware menggunakan BLE dengan mengimplementasikan BLE gateway pada IoT middleware. Data kesehatan disusun atas pengukuran detak jantung pengguna smatwatch. Kemudian, data kesehatan diunggah ke cloud server melalui Internet Gateway Device (IGD) dalam IoT middleware untuk dianalisis. Arsitektur event-driven tersebut berpola publishsubscribe dan diterapkan menggunakan protokol Message Queuing Telemetry Transport. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah mekanisme pengiriman data kesehatan dengan karakteristik sensor yang berhasil diterapkan. Pengiriman data kesehatan dilakukan dengan memecah data kesehatan dalam ke dalam BLE frame. Ukuran maksimum data kesehatan tersebut adalah 17 byte. Mekanisme pengiriman data kesehatan mendukung hingga dua smartwatches. Jarak optimal mekanisme pengiriman data kesehatan antara smartwatch dengan IoT middleware adalah sebesar 10 meter. Packets Reception Ratio minimum dalam jarak 10 meter adalah 96%. Network delay adalah sebesar 8 seconds tiap 10 seconds. End-to-end delay maksimum antara smartwatch dengan cloud server adalah 3,7 seconds.

English Abstract

The data sending mechanism between a resource-constrained sensor and an Internet-of-Things (IoT) middleware must be considered to enable longer sensor operating time so that it supports remote and periodical data recording. Remote and periodical data recording is paramount in the context of human health monitoring. In previous study a health-data sending mechanism from a body sensor to a smartphone using the Bluetooth protocol has been proposed. However, the solution proposed in the previous study introduced a new problem that is silo in the IoT network. Meanwhile, the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol is known to be more compatible to the resource-constrained sensor and known for its safe radiation levels for the human body. Also, the smartwatch is known for its popularity as a sensor in recording human body fitness and health. Then, the silo issue can be subverted by applying an event-driven IoT middleware on the IoT network. Based on the facts stated, this research proposes a health-data sending mechanism from smartwatch to IoT middleware using the BLE protocol by implementing a BLE gateway on the IoT middleware. The health data is comprised of a smartwatch user’s heart rate measurement. The health data are then uploaded to the cloud server by the IoT middleware’s internet gateway device (IGD) for analyzing. The IoT middleware leverages the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport protocol to implement an event-driven architecture with a publishsubscribe pattern. The result of this research is a functional health-data sending mechanism that satisfies the sensor’s resource-constrained characteristic. The health-data sending mechanism fragments the health data into BLE frames. The maximum size of a health data is 17 bytes. The health-data sending mechanism also supports up to two smartwatches. The optimal distance between the smartwatch and the IoT middleware is 10 meters. The minimum Packets Reception Ratio in distance of 10 meter is 96%. The network delay is as high as 8 seconds per 10 seconds. The maximum end-to-end delay between the smartwatch and the cloud server is 3.7 seconds.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FILKOM/2019/472/051905855
Uncontrolled Keywords: smartwatch, heart rate monitor, IoT middleware, Bluetooth Low Energy, Internet Gateway Device
Subjects: 000 Computer science, information and general works > 005 Computer programming, programs, data > 005.7 Data in computer systems > 005.71 Data communications
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Teknik Informatika
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2020 06:55
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2021 02:57
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