Widiastuti, Ni Made Dewi (2019) Analisis Kinerja Sistem Informasi Data Korporasi Jasa Raharja (DASI-JR) dengan Menggunakan Metode PIECES. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Data Koporasi Jasa Raharja (DASI-JR) merupakan sistem informasi yang digunakanPT. Jasa Raharja (Persero) untuk membantu mengelola data-data pelayanan dan keuangan. Sistem informasi manajemen berbentuk aplikasi database yang terintegrasi antara data-data yang berada di kantor Perwakilan, Cabang dengan data-data yang berada di kantor pusat.Penerapan pada Perwakilan Kediri, memberikan kemudahan dalam pembayaran santunan kecelakaan lalu lintas sehingga dapat mempermudah masyarakat dalam pencairan dana santunan kecelakaan.Permasalahan yang terjadi sebelum diberlakukan sistem informasi DASI-JR adalah (1) Tidak adanya tertib administrasi pembayaran dana santunan; (2) Data-data yang dilimpahkan oleh kepolisian kepada aparatur PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero) banyak yang tidak diproses secara cepat disebabkan oleh proses yang masih bersifat manual.Permasalahan setalah diberlakukan sistem informasi DASI-JR adalah (1) Jika server down pelayanan akan berhenti; (2) karena DASI tidak berjalan, proses input data akan mengulang dari awal; (3) Pada beberapa proses masih bersifat manual seperti data laka atau data kecelakaan polisi; (4) Karena data laka bersifat manual, beberapa proses pelayanan tidak berjalan (5) proses pelayanan yang tidak berjalan menyebabkan penurunan kinerja proses operasional; (6) Penggunaan username secara bersamaan menyebabkan kesalahan input data. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, penelitian ini analisis kinerja sistem informasi DASI-JR menggunakan metode analisis PIECES (Performance, Information, Economic, Control, Eficiency dan Sevice) pada DASI-JR.Berdasarkananalisis PIECES menunjukan bahwahasil mean keseluruhan sebesar 3.92. Padavariabelperformancemeansebesar 4.01yang menunjukkan bahwa performance DASI-JR dinilai baik,berada diatas nilai meankeseluruhan. Pada variabelinformationmeansebesar 4.11yang menunjukkan bahwa information DASI-JR dinilai baik, berada diatas nilai mean keseluruhan. Padavariabeleconomic meansebesar 3.78 yang menunjukkan bahwaeconomic DASI-JR dinilai buruk, berada dibawah nilai mean keseluruhan. Padavariabelcontrol meansebesar 3.88 yang menunjukkan bahwacontrol DASI-JR dinilai buruk, berada dibawah nilai mean keseluruhan. Padavariabelefficiency meansebesar 3.94yang menunjukkan bahwa efficiency DASI-JR dinilai baik, berada diatas nilai mean keseluruhan. Padavariabelservice meansebesar 3.75 yang menunjukkan bahwaservice DASI-JR dinilai buruk, berada dibawah nilai mean keseluruhan. Dapat disimpulkan variabeleconomic, control dan service menjadi prioritas utama untuk dilakukan perbaikan, jika dilihat dari meankeseluruhan.
English Abstract
Corporate data of jasa raharja (DASI-JR) is an information system used to help manage service and financial data at PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero). This system is based on an integrated database application between the data in the Representative Office, the Branch and the data in the head office. The application to the Kediri Representative provides convenience in the payment of traffic accident compensation so that it can facilitate the public in disbursing accident compensation funds.Problems that occur before the DASI-JR information system is implemented are (1) There is no orderly administration of payment of compensation funds; (2) Data delegated by the police to PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero) services are not processed quickly due to manual processes. Problems after the DASI-JR information system was implemented are (1) If the server down service will stop; (2) Because the DASI does not run, the data input process will redo from the start; (3) In some processes still manual, such as laka data or police accident data; (4) Because laka data is manual, some service processes do not work (5)service processes that do not work cause a decrease in operational process performance; (6) Using the username simultaneously causes data input errors. Based on this description, the authors analyzed the performance of the DASI-JR information system using the PIECES analysis method (Performance, Information, Economic, Control, Efficiency and Sevice) in the Jasa Raharja Corporate Data Information System (DASI-JR).Based on PIECES analysis shows that the overall mean results are 3.92. In the performance variable the mean is 4.01 which indicates that the DASI-JR performance is considered good, above the overall mean value. The information mean variable is 4.11 which indicates that information DASI-JR is considered good, above the overall mean value. On the economic mean variable of 3.78 which indicates that the DASI-JR economic is considered bad, it is below the overall mean value. The mean control variable is 3.88 which indicates that the DASI-JR control is poor, below the overall mean value. In the efficiency variable the mean is 3.94 which indicates that the DASI-JR efficiency is considered good, above the overall mean value. The service mean variable is 3.75 which indicates that the DASI-JR service is considered bad, below the overall mean value. It can be concluded that economic, control and service variables are the top priority for improvement, if seen from the overall mean.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FILKOM/2019/501/051905884 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | DASI-JR, Sistem Informasi Manajemen, PIECES, DASI-JR, Management information System, PIECES |
Subjects: | 000 Computer science, information and general works > 004 Computer science > 004.2 System analysis and design, computer architecture, performance evaluation |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Sistem Informasi |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 05 Aug 2020 07:27 |
Last Modified: | 25 Oct 2021 03:25 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/172085 |
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Ni Made Dewi Widiastuti - Analisis Kinerja Sistem Informasi Data Korporasi Jasa Raharja (DASI-JR) dengan Menggunakan Metode PIECES (2).pdf Download (3MB) | Preview |
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