Perancangan User Experience Situs Web Tanoto Scholars Association Brawijaya Malang Menggunakan Metode Goal-Directed Design (GDD)

Pribadi, Stefanus Anugrah (2019) Perancangan User Experience Situs Web Tanoto Scholars Association Brawijaya Malang Menggunakan Metode Goal-Directed Design (GDD). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tanoto Scholars Association di Universitas Brawijaya, menginginkan perancangan antarmuka situs web yang baik dan mudah digunakan oleh pengguna dalam mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan terkait program beasiswa. Selama ini banyak pengguna yang kesulitan dalam menggunakan situs web Tanoto Foundation pusat karena penyusunan struktur informasi dan tampilan yang kurang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan rancangan situs web TSA UB menggunakan metode Goal-Directed Design (GDD) yang terdiri dari 6 fase. Fase research, mendapatkan kebutuhan dan kondisi yang diinginkan oleh stakeholder dan pengguna dengan hasil statement of work. Fase modelling, menghasilkan persona yang menggambarkan pengguna dengan isi 7 variabel serta retrospective dan prospective user journey. Fase requirement, menghasilkan konteks skenario dan memetakan kebutuhan situs web dan lingkunganya. Fase framework, menghasilkan kerangka antarmuka web berupa wireframe. Fase refinement menyempurnakan kerangka antarmuka dengan bentuk prototipe hi-fi. Fase support, melakukan pengujian kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan teknik user testing terhadap 6 orang responden dan dengan teknik kuesioner SUPR-Q terhadap 20 orang responden yang dianalisis berdasarkan ukuran usability scale. Hasil kuesioner SUPR-Q memberikan aspek penilaian usability, credibility, appearance dan loyalty dengan keseluruhan aspek bernilai 75,81% (kategori C) yakni bernilai baik dan acceptable sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa situs web yang dikembangkan secara keseluruhan dapat diterima oleh responden.

English Abstract

Tanoto Scholars Association at Brawijaya University, asks for a good and easy to use website design for users in getting the information needed related to the scholarship program. So far, many users have had difficulty using the primary Tanoto Foundation website because they are structuring information and displays that are not appropriate. This study aims to produce TSA UB website design using the Goal-Directed Design (GDD) method which consists of six phases. Research phase, get the needs and needs desired by stakeholders and users with the results is statement of work. Modeling phase, produces user persona with seven variables, retrospective and prospective user journey. Requirements Phase, produce scenario contexts and adjust the needs of the website with the environment. Framework phase, create a web-based interface using wireframe. The refinement phase to perfects the interface framework in the form of high-fidelity prototype. The last is Support phase, conducting qualitative and quantitative testing with user testing techniques on six respondents and with the SUPR-Q questionnaire technique on 20 respondents were analyzed based on the scale of usability scale. The results of the SUPR-Q questionnaire provide aspects of usefulness, credibility, appearance and loyalty with all aspects valued at 75.81% (category C) which is good and acceptable so that it can be used on a website that is developed as a whole and can be accepted by respondents.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FILKOM/2019/331/051905649
Uncontrolled Keywords: Goal-Directed Design, Wireframe, SUPR-Q, User Testing
Subjects: 000 Computer science, information and general works > 006 Special computer methods > 006.7 Multimedia systems > 006.707 2 Web sites--research
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Sistem Informasi
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2020 06:55
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2020 06:55
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