Peran United Nation High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) dalam menangani pengungsi di Uganda Tahun 2016-2018

Stevany, Syafira Amelia (2019) Peran United Nation High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) dalam menangani pengungsi di Uganda Tahun 2016-2018. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Skripsi ini akan menganalisa peran United High Commisioner for Refugees dalam menangani pengungsi dari dari Sudan Selatan, Republik demokratik Kongo, Burundi, Somalia, Rwanda, dan negara lainnya tahun 2016-2018. Di 2016 Uganda sendiri menjadi penerima pengungsi terbesar ketiga di dunia. Pemberian dana dari UNHCR meningkat pada tahun 2016 di bandingkan tahun sebelumnya karena banyaknya pengungsi. Penelitian ini sendiri fokus kepada peran organisasi inteernasional, dimana peran tersebut dibagi menjadi tiga variabel yakni Instrumen, Arena dan Aktor. Ketiga variabel tersebut akan menjadi alat untuk menganalisa peran UNHCR dalam menangani pengungsi di Uganda. Sebagai Organisasi Internasional yang menangani pegungsi, UNCR memiliki beberapa program yang baru dikeluarkan di Uganda yakni Communication Program, The Education Response Plan (ERP), Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS), The new inter-agency Feedback, Referral and Resolution Mechanism (FRRM) telah di bentuk untuk menambah sistem berbagi informasi yang ada di permukiman pengungsi dan juga program lainnya seperti Rehope, SAFE, WASH. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitain deskriptif untuk menggambarkan peran UNHCR dalam menangani pengungsi di Uganda.

English Abstract

This Research will analyze the role of United Nations High Commisioner for Refugee in Uganda in Sudan Selatan, Democrtic republic Congo, Burundi, Somalia, Rwanda, and other state 2016-2018. In 2016 Uganda be receiver state number three in the world. UNHCR donor donation present advance in 2016, because many refugee in Uganda. This research will be focusing on te role of UNHCR as an international organization, in which the role will be devided into three variable, those are Instrumen, Arena and Actor. Those variable will be a tool to analyze the role of UNCR to tacle refugee in Uganda. As International Organization, UNHCR has a new programe called Communication Program, The Education Response Plan (ERP), Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS), The new inter-agency Feedback, Referral and Resolution Mechanism (FRRM) and other programe called Rehope, SAFE, WASH which contain UNHCR’s responses plas in host countries, including Uganda. In tis research, author use descriptive qualitative as a method to describe the roe of UNHCR to tackle refugees in Uganda.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FISIP/2019/705/051905765
Uncontrolled Keywords: Organisasi Internasional, Pengungsi, Uganda, Instrumen, Aktor, Communication Programe, GBVIMS, FRRM.-International Organizations, Reugee, Uganda, Instrument, Arena, Actor, Communication Programe, GBVIMS, FRRM.
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 305 Groups of people > 305.9 People by occupation and miscellaneous social statuses; people with disabilities and illnesses, gifted people > 305.906 People by miscellaneous social statuses > 305.906 9 People with status defined by changes in residence; antisocial, asocial, unemployed people; victims of war; veterans > 305.906 91 People with status defined by changes in residence > 305.906 914 Displaced persons
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Hubungan Internasional
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 09 Sep 2019 02:42
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2021 08:13
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