Analisis Perilaku Penggunaan Mobile Payment Aplikasi Ovo Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model (Tam) Termodifikasi

Safitri, Ernita Oktaviana (2019) Analisis Perilaku Penggunaan Mobile Payment Aplikasi Ovo Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model (Tam) Termodifikasi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Mobile Payment adalah suatu sistem keuangan secara elektronik bedasarkan perangkat ponsel. Salah satu Mobile Payment yang dapat digunakan adalah OVO. Kelebihan Mobile Payment OVO adalah OVO merupakan aplikasi smart yang memberikan Anda kesempatan lebih besar mengumpulkan poin di banyak tempat. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang disebar secara online. Populasi dalam penelitian ini merupakan seluruh pengguna ovo yang diketahui dari hasil konsumen yang sudah mendownload aplikasi OVO. Jumlah 100 responden ini diharapkan juga mampu meningkatkan keakuratan data yang akan dihasilkan dari penelitian ini Berdasarkan hasil analisis Perceived compatibility tidak berpengaruh terhadap intention to use pada pengguna aplikasi mobile payment aplikasi OVO menggunakan metode Technology Accaptance Model (TAM). Perceived security berpengaruh terhadap intention to use pada pengguna aplikasi mobile payment aplikasi OVO menggunakan metode Technology Accaptance Model (TAM). Perceived usefulness berpengaruh terhadap intention to use pada pengguna aplikasi mobile payment aplikasi OVO menggunakan metode Technology Accaptance Model (TAM). Perceived ease of use berpengaruh terhadap intention to use pada pengguna aplikasi mobile payment aplikasi OVO menggunakan metode Technology Accaptance Model (TAM). Individual mobility berpengaruh terhadap intention to use pada pengguna aplikasi mobile payment aplikasi OVO menggunakan metode Technology Accaptance Model (TAM). Subjective norm berpengaruh terhadap intention to use pada pengguna aplikasi mobile payment aplikasi OVO menggunakan metode Technology Accaptance Model (TAM). Attitude towards use berpengaruh terhadap intention to use pada pengguna aplikasi mobile payment aplikasi OVO menggunakan metode Technology Accaptance Model (TAM). Perceived compatibility berpengaruh terhadap intention to use melalui attitude towards use pada pengguna aplikasi mobile payment aplikasi OVO menggunakan metode Technology Accaptance Model (TAM). Perceived security berpengaruh terhadap intention to use melalui attitude towards use pada pengguna aplikasi mobile payment aplikasi OVO menggunakan metode Technology Accaptance Model (TAM). Perceived usefulness berpengaruh terhadap intention to use melalui attitude towards use pada pengguna aplikasi mobile payment aplikasi OVO menggunakan metode Technology Accaptance Model (TAM). Perceived ease of use berpengaruh terhadap intention to use melalui attitude towards use pada pengguna aplikasi mobile payment aplikasi OVO menggunakan metode Technology Accaptance Model (TAM). Individual mobility berpengaruh terhadap intention to use melalui attitude towards use padavi pengguna aplikasi mobile payment aplikasi OVO menggunakan metode Technology Accaptance Model (TAM). Pengaruh subjective norm berpengaruh terhadap intention to use melalui attitude towards use pada pengguna aplikasi mobile payment aplikasi OVO menggunakan metode Technology Accaptance Model (TAM)

English Abstract

Mobile Payment is a financial system electronically based on a mobile device. One of the Mobile Payment that can be used is OVO. The Advantages of OVO Mobile Payment is OVO is a smart application that gives you greater opportunities to collect points in many places. This study aims to determine the values of interest in the use of OVO in Malang in partial using multiple linear regression analysis on 5 variables, namely functional values, emotional values, epistemic values, conditional values and social values. The technique of collecting data uses a questionnaire distributed online. The population in this study are all ovo users who are known from the results of consumers who have downloaded the OVO application. The number of 100 respondents is expected to also be able to increase the accuracy of the data that will be generated from this study Based on the results of perceived compatibility analysis does not affect the intention to use of mobile application users, the payment of OVO applications uses the Technology Accaptance Model (TAM) method. Perceived security has an effect on the intention to use on users of mobile application payment for OVO applications using the Technology Accaptance Model (TAM) method. Perceived usefulness influences the intention to use on users of mobile application payment for OVO applications using the Technology Accaptance Model (TAM) method. Perceived ease of use has an effect on the intention to use on users of mobile application payment for OVO applications using the Technology Accaptance Model (TAM) method. Individual mobility has an effect on the intention to use for mobile application users, payment for OVO applications using the Technology Accaptance Model (TAM) method. Subjective norm has an effect on the intention to use for users of mobile application payment for OVO applications using the Technology Accaptance Model (TAM) method. Attitude towards use has an effect on the intention to use on users of mobile application payment for OVO applications using the Technology Accaptance Model (TAM) method. Perceived compatibility affects the intention to use through the attitude towards use on users of mobile application payment for OVO applications using the Technology Accaptance Model (TAM) method. Perceived security has an effect on the intention to use through the attitude towards use on users of mobile application payment for OVO applications using the Technology Accaptance Model (TAM) method. Perceived usefulness influences the intention to use through the attitude towards use on users of mobile application payment for OVO applications using the Technology Accaptance Model (TAM) method. Perceived ease of use has an effect on the intention to use through the attitude towards use on users of mobile application payment for OVO applications using the Technology Accaptanceviii Model (TAM) method. Individual mobility influences the intention to use through the attitude towards use on users of mobile application payment for OVO applications using the Technology Accaptance Model (TAM) method. The influence of subjective norms affects the intention to use through the attitude towards use on users of mobile application payment for OVO applications using the Technology Accaptance Model (TAM) method

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FILKOM/2019/511/051905894
Uncontrolled Keywords: mobile payment, OVO, TAM Modifications,
Subjects: 000 Computer science, information and general works > 003 Systems > 003.3 Computer modeling and simulation
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Sistem Informasi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2020 06:51
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2021 06:30

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