Kepatuhan Inggris Terhadap Convention For The Protection Of Human Rights And Fundamental Freedoms Pada Kebijakan Regulation Of Investigatory Powers Act Tentang Mass Surveillance Tahun 2013-2018

Nurhaliza, Ashifa (2019) Kepatuhan Inggris Terhadap Convention For The Protection Of Human Rights And Fundamental Freedoms Pada Kebijakan Regulation Of Investigatory Powers Act Tentang Mass Surveillance Tahun 2013-2018. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pada tahun 2013, pembocoran informasi Snowden membawa perhatian dunia kepada isu mass surveillance. Aksi pembocoran informasi tersebut membuka informasi sensitif mengenai tindakan intrusif negara kepada privasi individu dengan mengumpulkan data dan informasi komunikasi dalam jumlah yang banyak. Banyak perdebatan muncul mengenai perbuatan tersebut dapat dijsutifikasi di bawah hukum hak asasi manusia internasional atau hanya pelanggaran negara terhadap ha katas privasi semata. Inggris, sebagai salah satu negara yang termasuk kedalam pembocoran informasi tersebut, dibawa ke European Court of Human Rights oleh organisasi-organisasi hak asasi manusia atas tuduhan terhadap kegiatan intersepsi masal dan akuisisi data dibawah kebijakan Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act. Kebijakan tersebut memberikan dasar hukum pada tindakan surveillance oleh intelijen Inggris. Meskipun adanya temuan pelanggaran pada pon-poin European Convention on Human Rights serta hak atas privasi dikompromikan, pemerintah Inggris menjustifikasi tindakan tersebut dibawah ketentuan pembatasan pada keamanan nasional. Pemimpin dan pemerintah Inggris setuju bahwa tindakan tersebut sangat berguna dalam usaha pencegahan tindakan terorisme dan menjamin keselamatan publik. Penelitian ini akan memberikan penjelasan deskriptif tentang kepatuhan Inggris yang kontensius terhadap European Convention on Human Rights di bawah ancaman pada keselamatan negara yang terus berkembang.

English Abstract

In 2013, Snowden Revelations has brought mass surveillance issues into the attention of the world. The whistleblowing act exposed sensitive informations about state intrusion to people’s privacy by collecting communications data and information in massive quantities. The debates were arised whether this the conduct can be justified under International Human Rights Law or merely a state violation to the rights to privacy. United Kingdom, as one of the countries that was included in the revelations, was brought to the European Court of Human Rights by human rights organizations with complaints about bulk interception and data acquisition under The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act. The Act was to provide a statutory basis for the conduct of surveillance by the British intelligence. Despite the discovery of violations on European Convention on Human Rights and rights to privacy was compromised, United Kingdom justified the act under the limitation provisions on national security. The United Kingdom leaders and government was in agreement that the conduct was valuble to the prevention of terrorism act and to ensure the public safety. This research will provide a descriptive explanation about the discourse of United Kingdom contentious compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights on mass surveillance conduct under the growing threat to the country

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FISIP/2019/584/051905430
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kepatuhan, European Convention on Human Rights, Hak atas Privasi, Surveillance, Inggris, Compliance, European Convention on Human Rights, Rights to Privacy, Surveillance,United Kingdom.
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 327 International relations > 327.1 Foreign policy and specific topics in international relations
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Hubungan Internasional
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 14 Oct 2020 16:10
Last Modified: 14 Oct 2020 16:10
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