Analisis Penanganan Genangan Berbasis Tata Ruang Di Lombok Barat

Megawati, Rosalita Suryaningtiasmara (2018) Analisis Penanganan Genangan Berbasis Tata Ruang Di Lombok Barat. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Perumahan Pemda Lombok Barat (Perumda) terletak di Kota Gerung Kabupaten Lombok Barat Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Pada lokasi tersebut sering terjadi beberapa masalah terkait dengan pengelolaan sumber daya air, antara lain: pada saat musim hujan terjadi genangan (banjir) di sepanjang jalan perumahan, sebaliknya jika musim kemarau terdapat kendala dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih. Penelitian ini mengkaji penerapan sistem drainase berkelanjutan (sustainable drainage system) dengan berbasis tata ruang dengan menggunakan teknik pemanenan air hujan (rainwater harvesting system). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besaran potensi curah hujan yang dapat dipanen dan sisa limpasan yang harus dikelola oleh sistem drainase eksisting, serta untuk menentukan besaran kapasitas sarana PAH yang dibutuhkan dalam membantu memenuhi keperluan air bersih penduduk perumahan. Potensi air hujan dihitung dengan menggunakan tinggi hujan harian rata-rata bulanan yang diperoleh dari tinggi hujan harian rata-rata 3 (tiga) stasiun curah hujan manual selama 15 tahun (2002 - 2016) yang ditentukan dengan Metode Thiessen. Kapasitas sarana PAH ditentukan dengan Metode Simulasi Tampungan Bulanan. Sedangkan perhitungan debit banjir rencana ( Limpasan) menggunakan Metode Rasional berdasarkan curah hujan rencana kala ulang 5 (lima) tahun hasil analisis frekuensi dengan Metode Distribusi Log Person Type III. Dari hasil kajian diperoleh potensi curah hujan yang dapat dipanen dari permukaan atap sebesar 58.508.362,3 liter (58.508,36m3) per tahun dan total kapasitas tampungan sarana PAH yang dibutuhkan sebesar 9.866.900 liter (9.866,90 m3). Dengan penerapan sistem PAH, juga akan mereduksi (mengurangi) jumlah luapan limpasan permukaan yang terjadi di dalam sistem drainase eksisting perumahan. Rencana anggaran biaya untuk perencanaan penanganan genangan dengan PAH dan rehabilitasi sebesar Rp. 6.879.033.000,00

English Abstract

Perumda Residence located in Gerung City, West Lombok Regency, Province of West Nusa Tenggara,. Two major problem that always happened related with water resource management in this residence, are; in rainy seasons, overflow of drainage that occured almost caused inundation on resindence's roads surfaces and inhabitants houses alwaysly, in the other side in dry seasons, fresh water scarecity was happened. This research studying the implementation of sustainable drainage system based spatial plan by using rainwater harvesting system. The main purpose of this study are to; know how much potency of rainfall that can be harvested and how much remaining runoff must be managed by existing drainage system, and also to determine how big capacity of rainwater harvesting storage that needed to fulfill supply of residence's inhabitant fresh water needs. Potency of rainwater was calculated by using monthly average rainfall height that obtained from daily average rainfall height from 3 (three) manual rain-gauge station with 15 years (2002 - 2016) recording times, that was calculated by using Thiessen Method. Design runoff that caused by rainfall was calculated by using Rational Method based on 5 (five) years return period design rainfall, that obtained from frequency analysis with Log Person Type III Distribution Method From the result of study, be obtained; potency of rainfall that can be harvested from rooftop was 58.508.362,3 liter (58.508,36m3) for a year and runoff from the roofs that still remained are 9.866.900 liter (9.866,90 m3.) in every year. With rainwater harvesting system implementation also will reducing the total of overflow that occured in residence excisting drainage system. The cost required to plan harvesting rain and newchannel of drainage is about Rp. 6.879.033.000,00.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/627.4/MEG/a/2017/041802259
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 627 Hydraulic engineering > 627.4 Flood control
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2019 07:59
Last Modified: 08 Aug 2019 07:59
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