Pengaruh Variasi Ignition Timing terhadap Performa Engine 4-Langkah dengan Bahan Bakar HCNG

Kesuma, Ariaz Panji (2019) Pengaruh Variasi Ignition Timing terhadap Performa Engine 4-Langkah dengan Bahan Bakar HCNG. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Bahan bakar Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) memiliki tren yang mulai berkembang pada penggunaan bahan bakar kendaraan bermotor. Namun penggunaan CNG ini masih dinilai kurang efektif dari sisi performa jika dibandingkan dengan bahan bakar konvensional yang ada seperti bensin. Salah satu nilai yang dianggap rendah yaitu nilai kecepatan pembakaran. Nilai kecepatan ini dapat ditingkatkan dengan penambahan hidrogen pada pembakaran CNG atau biasa disebut Hydrogen Enriched Compressed Natural Gas (HCNG). Dari teori tersebut perlu adanya penelitian lebih lanjut pada skala percobaan agar nantinya dapat dilihat pengaruh aktual pada performa Engine yang menggunakan bahan bakar HCNG. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian untuk mencari settingan ignition timing yang tepat untuk menghasilkan performa yang maksimal. Pengujian dilakukan dengan melihat performa yang dihasilkan dari variasi ignition timing -4 ˚, -2 ˚, ignition timing awal, +2 ˚, dan +4˚. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan data berupa beban pengereman. Kemudian setelah dilakukan perhitungan, didapatkan nilai torsi yang dihasilkan, daya efektif,SFCe dan juga Efisiensi Thermal Efektif. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, pengukuran, dan perhitungan yang telah dilakukan didapatkan bahwa perubahan ignition timing dapat mempengaruhi performa engine 4 langkah berbahan bakar HCNG10. Penggunaan settingan ignition timing Standar pada engine standar menggunakan bahan bakar HCNG10 menghasilkan performa tertinggi torsi sebesar 3 kg.m, daya efektif sebesar 3,04 PS, SFCe sebesar 0,159 kg/Ps.jam, dan efisiensi thermal efektif sebesar 35,937% Mempercepat ignition timing pada RPM 1250-1340rpm memiliki kecenderungan meningkatkan daya efektif yang dihasilkan. Dikarenakan ignition timing lebih diawalkan menyebabkan pembakaran terjadi secara keseluruhan sehingga torsi dan daya efektif yang dihasilkan lebih maksimal pada rpm tinggi.

English Abstract

Fuel Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) has a trend that is starting to develop in fuel internal combustion engine vehicle. However, the use of CNG is still considered to be less effective in performance compared to conventional fuels such as gasoline. One value that is considered low is the value of the burning velocity. This burning velocity can be increased by adding hydrogen to CNG combustion or commonly called Hydrogen Enriched Compressed Natural Gas (HCNG). From this theory, further research is needed on the prototype scale of the experiment so that later it can be seen the actual influence on the performance of the engine using HCNG fuel. In this study, testing was conducted to find the right ignition timing settings to produce maximum performance. Testing is done by looking at the performance produced from variations of ignition timing -4˚, -2˚, initial ignition timing, +2˚, and + 4˚. From the test results obtained data in the form of the braking load. Then after calculation, the value of torque produced, effective power is obtained,SFCe, and also Thermal Efficiency. Based on the results of testing, measurements, and calculations that have been made it was found that changes in ignition timing can affect the performance of 4-stroke engine fueled by HCNG10. The use of Standard ignition timing settings on standard engines using HCNG10 fuel produces the highest performance Torque of 3 Kg.m, Effective Power of 3.04 PS, SFCe of 0.159 kg / Ps.hour, and Effective Thermal Efficiency of 35.937%. forwarded ignition timing at 1250-1340rpm RPM has a tendency to increase the effective power produced. Because the ignition timing is more forwarded, causing combustion to occur as effectivevely so that the resulting torque and effective power are maximal at high rpm.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2019/433/051905029
Uncontrolled Keywords: Compressed Natural Gas, Hydrogen Enriched Compressed Natural Gas, Ignition Timing Spark, Spark Timing, Spark Engine Compressed Natural Gas, Hydrogen Enriched Compressed Natural Gas,Ignition Timing Spark, Spark Timing, Spark Engine
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 620 Engineering and allied operations > 620.1 Engineering mechanics and materials
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Mesin
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 02 Nov 2020 03:24
Last Modified: 02 Nov 2020 03:24
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