Wahono, Florencia Claudia Theresia (2019) Dekonstruksi Legenda Urban Dalam Film (Studi Dekonstruksi Jacques Derrida Pada Film Hotel Transylvania Dan Harry Potter). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Film menjadi salah satu media yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai wadah dekonstruksi wacana yang telah menghegemoni masyarakat. Film seri Hotel Transylvania dan Harry Potter menjadi bukti riil dekonstruksi dalam bentuk film. Legenda-legenda urban konvensional mengenai sosok vampir dan penyihir yang telah dipercaya sebelumnya sebagai sebuah kebenaran, dibongkar menjadi sosok seperti yang digambarkan oleh film Hotel Transylvania dan Harry Potter. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk dekonstruksi legenda urban serta simbolisasi sosok vampir dan penyihir yang terjadi dalam film seri Hotel Transylvania dan Harry Potter. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif jenis deskriptif yang dilakukan dengan menyajikan konvensi legenda vampir dan penyihir yang sebelumnya telah dikenal dan dipercaya oleh masyarakat dari novel maupun jurnal-jurnal. Kemudian mengidentifikasi scene dalam film seri Hotel Transylvania dan Harry Potter yang mengandung unsur dekonstruktif dan membandingkannya dengan konvensi-konvensi yang telah ada sebelumnya. Dengan membandingkan kedua film tersebut dengan konvensi legenda, maka terlihat upaya-upaya dekonstruksi yang dilakukan oleh kedua film tersebut terhadap sosok vampir dan penyihir. Hasil penelitian yang ditemukan peneliti menunjukkan bahwa Hotel Transylvania dan Harry Potter telah merubah dasar-dasar pemikiran mengenai vampir dan penyihir dengan berusaha mendekatkan sosok vampir dan penyihir yang awalnya di luar nalar menjadi lebih masuk akal dan dapat dilogika. Dekonstruksi tersebut terlihat dalam beberapa aspek yakni identitas, lingkup edukasi, lingkungan, perilaku, teknologi, interaksi, dan penampilan. Temuan ini sekaligus menjadi bentuk perlawanan terhadap konstruksi pola pikir masyarakat terhadap sosok vampir dan penyihir selama ini. Kata Kunci: Vampir, Penyihir, Legenda urban, Dekonstruksi Derrida viii DECONSTRUCTION OF URBAN LEGEND ON FILM (Jacques Derrida’s Deconstruction Study on Hotel Transylvania and Harry Potter Films) By FLORENCIA CLAUDIA THERESIA WAHONO 155120201111037 Advisor: Arif Budi Prasetya, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom. Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Brawijaya University ABSTRACT Film has become one of the media that be used as a media for the deconstruction of discourses that have hegemony the society. Hotel Transylvania and Harry Potter film series are the real proof of deconstruction in the film form. Conventional urban legends about the figure of vampires and witches who have previously believed as a truth that dismantle into the figures described by Hotel Transylvania and Harry Potter films. This study aims to find out how the form of deconstruction of urban legends and the symbolization of vampire and witch figures that occur in the Hotel Transylvania and Harry Potter film series. This study uses a qualitative method with descriptive type that carried out by presenting the convention of the urban legends of vampires and witches who have previously known and trusted by the public from novels and journals. Then identifying the scene in the Hotel Transylvania and Harry Potter film series that contain deconstructive elements and compare them with existing conventions. By comparing those two film series with the myths convention, the deconstruction efforts made by the two films will seen against the figure of a vampire and a witch. The results of the research found by researchers show that Hotel Transylvania and Harry Potter have changed the fundamentals of vampires and witches by trying to bring the figure of a vampire and a witch closer to reason that makes sense and can be logic. The deconstructions have seen in several aspects, such as identity, education, environment, behavior, technology, interaction, and appearance. This finding is also a form of resistance to the construction of the public mindset towards the figure of a vampire and witch.
English Abstract
Film has become one of the media that be used as a media for the deconstruction of discourses that have hegemony the society. Hotel Transylvania and Harry Potter film series are the real proof of deconstruction in the film form. Conventional urban legends about the figure of vampires and witches who have previously believed as a truth that dismantle into the figures described by Hotel Transylvania and Harry Potter films. This study aims to find out how the form of deconstruction of urban legends and the symbolization of vampire and witch figures that occur in the Hotel Transylvania and Harry Potter film series. This study uses a qualitative method with descriptive type that carried out by presenting the convention of the urban legends of vampires and witches who have previously known and trusted by the public from novels and journals. Then identifying the scene in the Hotel Transylvania and Harry Potter film series that contain deconstructive elements and compare them with existing conventions. By comparing those two film series with the myths convention, the deconstruction efforts made by the two films will seen against the figure of a vampire and a witch. The results of the research found by researchers show that Hotel Transylvania and Harry Potter have changed the fundamentals of vampires and witches by trying to bring the figure of a vampire and a witch closer to reason that makes sense and can be logic. The deconstructions have seen in several aspects, such as identity, education, environment, behavior, technology, interaction, and appearance. This finding is also a form of resistance to the construction of the public mindset towards the figure of a vampire and witch.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FISIP/2019/391/051903390 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Vampir, Penyihir, Legenda urban, Dekonstruksi Derrida Vampire, Witch, Urban Legend, Derrida’s Deconstruction |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 306 Culture and institutions > 306.4 Spesific aspects of culture > 306.48 Recreation and performing arts > 306.484 Music, dance, theater |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Ilmu Komunikasi |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 20 Jul 2020 08:21 |
Last Modified: | 12 Dec 2024 03:07 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/170111 |
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