Evaluasi Keadaan Continuance Intention To Use Dan Citizen Support Pada Implementasi Layanan Website Pusat Pelayanan Pengaduan Masyarakat (P3m) Kabupaten Sidoarjo

Kordina, Lili (2019) Evaluasi Keadaan Continuance Intention To Use Dan Citizen Support Pada Implementasi Layanan Website Pusat Pelayanan Pengaduan Masyarakat (P3m) Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Website P3M Kabupaten Sidoarjo versi 2018 merupakan versi pembaharuan dari website P3M Kabupaten Sidoarjo yang berperan sebagai media utama untuk menampung aspirasi, kritik, saran dan pengaduan masyarakat Sidoarjo. Namun website P3M Kabupaten Sidoarjo versi 2018 kurang menarik minat masyarakat, hal ini dilihat dari jumlah pengaduan yang masuk melalui media sosial lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan website P3M Kabupaten Sidoarjo versi 2018. Evaluasi perlu dilakukan untuk perbaikan website P3M Kabupaten Sidoarjo sehingga dapat meningkatkan minat penggunaan website dari masyarakat. Evaluasi dilakukan berdasarkan konsep continuance intention to use dan citizen support. Variabel yang digunakan yaitu perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, continuance intention to use, dan citizen support. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan proses wawancara dan penyebaran kuesioner secara online dan offline kepada 70 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel perceived usefulness dengan kategori tinggi (62,00%), perceived ease of use dengan kategori sangat tinggi (77,48%), continuance intention to use dengan kategori tinggi (72,60%), dan citizen support dengan kategori sedang (54,10%), sehingga nilai rata-rata total seluruh variabel yang didapat adalah sebesar 66,54% yang termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. Dari hasil penelitian kemudian disusun rekomendasi perbaikan website untuk meningkatkan minat penggunaan masyarakat terhadap website P3M Kabupaten Sidoarjo versi 2018.

English Abstract

Website of P3M Sidoarjo Regency version 2018 is a renewal version of P3M Sidoarjo Regency website which acts as the main media to accommodate aspirations, criticisms, suggestions and complaints from the Sidoarjo community. However, website of P3M Sidoarjo Regency version 2018 does not interest the public, it is seen from the number of complaints that enter through social media more than the website of P3M Sidoarjo Regency version 2018. Evaluation needs to be done to improve the Sidoarjo P3M website so that it can increase interest in using the website from peoples. Evaluation is based on the concept of continuance intention to use and citizen support. The variables used are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, continuance intention to use, and citizen support. Data retrieval is done by interviewing and online questionnaires to 70 respondents. The results showed that perceived usefulness belongs to high category (62.00%), perceived ease of use belongs to very high category (77.48%), continuance intention belongs to high category (72, 60%), and citizen support belongs to medium category (54.10%), so that the total average value of all variables is included in the high category (66.54%). From the results of the research, a website improvement recommendation was developed to increase sidoarjo comumunity interest in using the website of P3M Sidoarjo Regency version 2018.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FILKOM/2019/216/051902966
Uncontrolled Keywords: Website P3M Kabupaten Sidoarjo, layanan masyarakat, evaluasi, continuance intention to use, citizen support, Website of P3M Kabupaten Sidoarjo, citizen service, evaluation, continuance intention to use, citizen support
Subjects: 000 Computer science, information and general works > 006 Special computer methods > 006.7 Multimedia systems > 006.707 2 Web sites--research
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Sistem Informasi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 20 Jul 2020 04:13
Last Modified: 24 Oct 2021 05:15
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/169498
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